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Getting starting is simple


Join the Bark Affiliate program on

We operate the Bark Affiliate programme using a software platform called Awin. To get started as a Bark Affiliate, simply sign up for Awin and then apply for the Bark programme. We'll confirm and then you're ready to go!

Join Bark Affiliate via AWIN

Promote relevant services to your audience

Send people our way who are looking for local service professionals and businesses to help with their tasks. You can do this by linking to Bark from any content you create, i.e. on your website, in emails or newsletters, or across social media.


Earn commission 🤑

  1. Join the Bark Affiliate program on awin

    We operate the Bark Affiliate programme using a software platform called Awin. To get started as a Bark Affiliate, simply sign up for Awin and then apply for the Bark programme. We'll confirm and then you're ready to go!

    Join Bark Affiliate via AWIN
  2. Promote relevant services to your audience

    Send people our way who are looking for local service professionals and businesses to help with their tasks. You can do this by linking to Bark from any content you create, i.e. on your website, in emails or newsletters, or across social media.

  3. Earn commission 🤑

How Bark works

Bark helps people find great local professionals or businesses for absolutely anything they want to be done. With over 1,500 service categories to choose from, we connect customers and professionals for almost every service imaginable.

Bark is an online website and app that connects ‘buyers’, i.e. people looking for a service to complete a task or project, with ‘sellers’ who can provide those services.

On one side, we attract people who want to buy and use a specific service, such as house cleaning, preparing a tax return, or creating a new website. We capture their details and some information about the project they’re looking to complete so we can present them as leads (e.g., Bark) to professionals and businesses who can deliver these services.

These service providers buy packs of credits on Bark that they can then exchange for the project details generated above to find high-value new leads for their business.

How affiliates get paid

We pay affiliates for every lead or project sent to us that can be attributed back to one of their affiliate links, so long as:

a) we haven’t tracked the lead coming from another source within the last 30 days, and

b) the lead gets at least one response from a seller within 7 days.

Our commission rates vary by the lead’s service category of the lead, with payments of up to $100/£80 in our best-performing categories.

We process payments to affiliates twice per month, around the 10th and 20th, once all leads have been verified. Payments are made via the affiliate’s Awin account.

What are the benefits of being a Bark Affiliate?

  • Earn up to $100/£80 per valid project request
  • Get paid all year round - we have service providers looking for leads constantly
  • Earn commission in categories that, to our knowledge, you simply can’t profit from elsewhere
  • We’ll support you with a dedicated in-house team available to answer your questions 24/7
  • We’ll provide you with frequently refreshed assets and offers so you can maximise your promotion

Are you the right fit as a Bark Affiliate?

Content Producers

To reach their audience, they create and share original content on the Internet across various platforms, such as social media, blogs, and YouTube channels.

Digital Brands

Online businesses that Bark services can complement.

Social Influencers

Leverage their established online presence and audience to promote products and services.

Marketers and Agencies

Direct traffic to websites through paid or organic campaigns across multiple channels.


Bark.com is an online platform that connects customers who are looking for a wide variety of services with local professionals and businesses that can provide them – from cleaners to party organisers, life coaches to financial advisors, etc.

With over 20,000 projects posted to Bark each day, we connect customers with professionals in over 1,500 different service categories.

Our business is about finding new customers for the service professionals and businesses on the Bark platform, so providing quality leads is key. Through the Bark Affiliate programme, we’ll pay you a commission for every validated lead (i.e. Bark) placed on our site from a customer who’s found us by clicking on one of your specific affiliate links - so long as it gets at least one response from a seller on Bark.com.

We screen every lead placed on our site to ensure it’s genuine. Once verified, we publish it and alert the relevant professional sellers. As we work with such a broad range of service providers, you can earn commission with us in service categories that, to our knowledge, you simply can’t profit from elsewhere.

As we continue to grow, more and more of our categories will become sources of affiliate revenue for publishers, and we’ll keep you up-to-date with which niches are working best.

We operate the Bark Affiliate programme using a best-in-class third-party platform called Awin. To sign up for the Bark Affiliates programme, you first need to sign up to use Awin here.

Once you sign up for Awin, you’ll be directed to apply for the Bark Affiliate programme. We review every submission to ensure that the publishers and partners we bring into the programme are legitimate and, thereby to prevent any fraud.

Once we’ve reviewed your application, we’ll let you know that you’ve been approved and give you some pointers on how to set up and start promoting Bark.

Affiliates can track their traffic and conversions through Bark using deeplinks. These are textlinks that can be embedded within or around an article/post, within newsletters, behind images or on social media sites. A deeplink allows Awin to track the referred traffic you generate for Bark and lets us identify whether or not it converts into a sale so we can calculate your commission. You can easily create deeplinks with Awin to start monetising your content.

No, Bark pays affiliates from the first $1/£1 they earn for qualified leads.

We pay commissions twice every month, around the 10th and 20th. This is so we can validate the leads passed to us which takes approximately 14 days (7 days for leads to be live on the Bark site for sellers to respond to, then another 7 days for all for any returns from sellers).

To be verified as a qualified lead for Bark, each needs to meet the following criteria:

  • Correct and active email address
  • Correct and active telephone number (either landline or mobile)
  • Correct name, i.e. no false names (for example, Mickey Mouse)
  • Home/business address
  • ZIP/Postcode
  • IP address
  • Timestamp
  • Needs to have obtained at least one response from a seller within 7 days on the Bark platform (note - all on-site listings end after 7 days)
  • No credit return occurs from the seller (i.e. the lead is not refunded to the service provider due to poor lead quality)

We apply a 30-day cookie policy. This means that you can claim any leads you send us as long as they haven’t come to Bark previously from another source in the last 30 days.