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PLLC greenshealthcoach


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PLLC Greenshealthcoach is a virtual online company based in AZ and provides holistic health, nutrition, and Medical Exercise training & personal training services. Our mission at PLLC GreensHealthCoach is to provide the best support by listening Well to the customer's needs and using a holistic approach to empower and assist the customer in reaching their goal of living and eating Healthy.

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1 customer review

4 July 2022

PLLC greenshealth coach supported me to loose weight. They did an excellent job, and I recommend them in nutrition and training. They did not just helped me with nutrition, but also with exercise. More...


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” Hippocrates.
You can get all the energy you need to stay active all day long from a balanced diet. You need certain nutrients for growth and repair, which will keep you strong and healthy and help you avoid diseases like some cancers that are linked to nutrition. Healthy eating lowers the chance of developing physical health issues like diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, it improves your general health, energy levels, and sleep patterns. For instance, consuming a lot of fresh produce, nuts, and whole grains can lower your chance of developing mental health issues like melancholy, whereas consuming many foods heavy in sugar and saturated fat may raise it.

The key is interaction. It's important to keep the workouts exciting and engaging, enforce accountability, and make references to my customers' goals. The keys to motivation and success are encouraging my clients to continue working hard after each session, appreciating their accomplishments, and communicating with them.

When it comes to getting the body of your dreams, eating healthy and doing hard work is important. The quickest method to notice good changes taking place is to do the proper things daily and check them off over a lengthy period of time. So, it might be advisable to start by talking to your doctor if you haven't exercised in a while. Get Ready to Work Hard. Do you desire results in a month? You're going to need to intensify your exercise routine. Attempt to work at least 150 minutes a week and maintain a healthy diet. The secret to having a fantastic body is proper nutrition and exercise. The goal is to get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity. One way to do this is to try to fit in at least 20 to 25 minutes of activity every day. Also, on 2 or more days a week, include activities that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms) (CDC, n.d.).
▪ Reference:
▪ CDC (n.d.). Get Active! https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/active.html#:~:text=The%20goal%20is%20to%20get,%2C%20shoulders%2C%20and%20arms).

The best part as a nutrition and fitness professional is that I get to help my clients achieve their health objectives and change their lives for the better. If they are successful, I am also successful and feel happy and joyful for having been able to assist them. When I assist others in regaining their vigor and joy in their health journey, I feel happy. When someone feels confident and content in their own skin, it is wonderful to witness, and it is even more amazing to know that I played a part in making it happen.

My entrepreneurial drive served as the primary impetus for launching my own business. In my lifetime, I have also admired successful people. My family has a strong entrepreneurial heritage, which has had a significant influence, and I have a tremendous desire to succeed for a far greater cause than myself. My dad was an entrepreneur, and I learned a lot from him as a business owner; for his memory, I succeeded and would love to assist others in succeeding.

We are trained, certified, and knowledgeable in Our field.
Being a trained, certified holistic nutritionist, holistic health practitioner, Medical Exercise Specialist, and personal trainer, I motivate people to work harder by connecting with them. Through our programs, we help other people in their health journey to never give up and reach their goals. At PLLC greenshealth coach, we are big enough to offer nutrition advice, fitness experts, and care. We are also knowledgeable and leaders in our industry.

We only provide online service, which would accommodate our clients' time management needs and allow them to use our service. Offering online services satisfies your preferences and schedule needs.

Customers' needs for convenience and safety are met through remote services.


PLLC greens health coach provides nutritional consultation, manages diseases through exercises, and provides personal training and holistic health recommendations