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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Sydney-based Will Writers, we can help.

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Copeland Wills Estates Probate Lawyer Sydney profile image

Copeland Wills Estates Probate Lawyer Sydney

We are an online law firm for your busy family's estate planning and deceased estate needs. We are here to look after the growing need of busy families looking for simple, effective and accessible legal solutions to sort their legal affairs (in life and after death) which can be done from the comfort of your own home with an experienced lawyer looking after you. Legals don't have to be scary, and they don't have to be a pain. Do you need to update your Will because your current one doesn't fit your circumstances? Need a Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship document? We can make it a simple and painless exercise to protect for your future. If you have lost a loved one we can sort out the Probate and administration of the estate for you

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I became a solicitor in 2008 and quickly fell in love with Wills and Estates. I have looked after estate planning clients and the executors & administrators of deceased estates for the significant majority of my lawyer life. Estate planning, Deceased Estates, Succession Planning – they are my passion and chosen vocation.

I am passionate about helping people plan and structure their affairs through their Wills, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianships to make sure finances and lifestyle decisions can be settled without additional unnecessary trauma. Planning can be the greatest gift to your family – what can be very simple measures can make sure you and your family are protected if the unfortunate or unexpected happens.

When a family member passes away it can feel like a rug has been pulled out from under you. Life as you know it changes and grief can be a huge burden to deal with. I can help ease part of the weight by giving comfort in knowledge and guidance of what needs to be done and the how, why, where, when and who. It can be a scary time, especially if you have never had to deal with loss. The satisfaction I get from helping families get through to the other side is why I do what I do.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I founded Copeland Estates Legal to look after the growing need of busy families looking for simple, effective and accessible legal solutions to sort their legal affairs (in life and after death) which can be done from the comfort of their own home or office without trawling through an onslaught of conflicting opinions and information on the web or needing to spend countless hours trying to self-educate in succession law.

Why should our clients choose you?

Copeland Estates Legal provides legal advice and documents prepared by an experienced lawyer who deals exclusively in Estate Planning law and Deceased Estates law.

We take the time to provide you with information, assess your options and provide advice so that you can be sure that your Will reflects your wishes and gives the most effective protection against claim. Preparing Wills is not simply an additional service or an afterthought for us, we take pride in our work and give you the benefit of our years of experience, training and skills. Put simply, we give you our best.

And unlike traditional law firms, we look after you from the comfort of your own home. We are online for your convenience. No need to carve out a section of your busy day to drive to a stuffy lawyer’s office and wait for them to get around to seeing you. We use everyday, accessible technology – such as zoom, phone, email – to meet you, get to know you, answer your questions and provide you with the right legal advice and prepare the right legal documents to make sure your loved one’s wishes are carried out.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

We are an online law firm.
You can access the legal advice and assistance you need online, by phone, by zoom and/or email, from the comfort of your own home or office. No need to get stuck in traffic to sit in a stuffy law firm waiting room. We provide an experienced lawyer to provide you with advice and assistance and prepare all legal documents without you having to lift a finger.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Stay home, stay safe and get the right legal advice from the comfort of your own home. We provide an experienced lawyer that can assist you and prepare all estate planning and deceased estate documents remotely without having to venture from your home.

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based on 556 reviews

The average rating for Bark Will Writers in Sydney is 4.88, based on 556 reviews.

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