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Lead is one of the most recycled building materials around and lasts far longer than many modern alternatives. Bark can help you find a lead roofer today. Let Bark know what you need and wait for the quotes to come to you. Lead offers excellent value for money and looks great. Try Bark today to find your local and rated lead roofer.



based on 38,046 reviews

5* Great service and 100% recommended

07 Jul 2024

These guys were brilliant, everything from quote to work to tidying up after was done in a professional manner. I would highly recommend them

01 Jul 2024

I put up a request for 2 velux windows to be replaced,and after 5 minutes i had a call from Vitaliy, next day the new windows were replaced and everywhere cleaned up, very proffesional and polite team VR, would contact again for works to be carried out. Great work very happy customer.

31 May 2024

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