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Mara Gessini Nutrition


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As a certified Nutritional Specialist and passionate foodie,
I am here to support you on your journey to good nutrition, providing you individual realistic nutrition advice and designing personalised meal plans in order to achieve your personal goals and meet your needs on the long term.

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Reviews (9)

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9 customer reviews

14 October 2022

Without the shadow of a doubt, I would warmly recommend Mara to whomever is looking for a nutrition plan that is healthy but, more importantly, sustainable in the long term. Mara's suggested recipes are never boring and flat, actually I would say they are rather creative and they may introduce you to some interesting ingredient combos. At the end of my plan I will not only learn to eat deliciously healthy but I'll have a whole bunch of new recipes that I'll make over and over again! More...

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31 August 2022

I really recommend Mara, she created a feeding plan that allowed me to lose weight gradually and correctly, very helpful and attentive in detail to create a feeding plan for your needs

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10 August 2022

We met Mara a few months ago when my baby started weaning and she is fantastic. Such an incredible support food and nutrition-wise. Always has an excellent disposition to listen to all my questions.
The different menus she set up for my son were delicious and varying. He loved it.
I would recommend her guidance to anyone who need it 😊

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6 June 2022

Mara has been a great help with my nutrition plan. She has helped me to get closer to my goal. I really like the fact that she provides you with a plan adapt to your needs and your life stile (working, student, how time do you have for cooking). I would recommend her to any person who wants to make a change in their nutrition and getting into more healthier habits. She has been amazing with my plan, which I have to say I still following and will keep doing it. It is the first time I have been able to keep following a nutrition plan for a long period of time, and it is extremely good. More...

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2 April 2022

Finalmente una persona che sa ascoltare le esigenze di chi la sceglie. Mara ha fatto per me un piano alimentare che posso adattare a tutta la famiglia,mi ha fatto scoprire ricette veloci per i giorni più frenetici senza perdere il gusto, un menù variegato, ricco di alternative. Super consigliata

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1 April 2022

Professionalità Professionalità e super disponibilità Ho deciso di seguire un percorso con Mara da qualche mese, è la prima volta che scelgo di affidarmi a una professionista e non ero certa potesse fare al caso mio. Dalla prima volta che abbiamo parlato mi ha subito messo a mio agio chiedendomi tantissime informazioni per poter fare il piano alimentare più adatto a me. Devo dire che ci ha preso in pieno!! Nel piano ci sono tutti piatti che mi piacciono e adattati al mio stile di vita e al poco tempo che mi ritrovo per dedicarmi alla cucina. In più ci sono le ricette per ogni piatto inserito così da non scervellarti se come me non sei proprio una cuoca provetta. I cibi sono super abbondanti non finisco mai un pasto senza sentirmi sazia anzi alle volte mi ritrovo a non poter mangiare tutto perché è già abbastanza e nonostante il mio scetticismo iniziale, proprio per l abbondanza di cibo, ho ottenuto splendidi risultati!! In più Mara è super disponibile, in qualsiasi momento del giorno io le scriva per una nuova ricetta o sono in cerca di consigli la risposta non tarda mai ad arrivare. Dalla richiesta di un cambio di pasto per mancanza di ingredienti o perché quel giorno non ho proprio tempo o non mi va quel cibo Mara è sempre li a darmi la soluzione. E la cosa più importante è che non ha mai una parola negativa se per un giorno ti lasci andare a mangiare qualcosa in più o se decidi k vuoi mangiare cibo spazzatura! Anzi mi dice sempre di ascoltare il mio corpo e le mie sensazioni mai una critica e sopratutto (credo che sia quello che tutte vorremo sentire) quando quella volta a settimana o ogni due vado fuori piano alimentare perché ho una voglia particolare mi dice che non é un problema e soprattutto non muore nessuno 😆😆. Inoltre mi consiglia anche work out da seguire che possano aiutarmi raggiungere il mio obiettivo. Io sono super felice di essermi rivolta a lei e non la cambierei per nulla al mondo! More...

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8 March 2022

Mara ha creato per me un piano alimentare gustoso, creativo, facile da seguire e attento a tutte le mie esigenze. è sempre molto incoraggiante, rilassata e disponibile. Mangiare sano non è un sacrificio e il mio rapporto con il cibo è molto migliorato grazie a lei. More...

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22 February 2022

Ho iniziato con Mara poco prima di Natale. Ha ascoltato e continua ad ascoltare ogni mia richiesta molto attentamente e ha creato un piano alimentare basato sulle mie esigenze. Ho sicuramente imparato molte nuove ricette con ingredienti che prima non avrei mai utilizzato. Highly raccomended! More...

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19 November 2021

Ho iniziato il piano alimentare creato per me da Mara da poco più di un mese e ho già visto grandi risultati senza troppi sacrifici😋 Ho imparato tante belle ricettine per migliorare la mia alimentazione e le mie abitudini. I have started the plan created by Mara specifically for me only 5 weeks ago and I have seen great results! More...

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The first appointment can take place by a 1:1 online meeting (Skype, Zoom, videocall via WhatsApp) or by filling in a form that I will send you by email.
This in-depth consultation allows me to gain an in-depth insight into your specific health and nutrition needs and to consequently design a suitable plan for you.

Before our first consultation or when filling out the form, I will ask you to measure your waist and hip circumferences with a tape measure, as well as your weight and height (I will send you illustrative figures on how to take your measures).

This data will allow me to calculate:

These parameters will help me to determine biotype, % of visceral fat and therefore risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as your basal metabolic rate and recommended daily calorie intake. After your consultation (or once you send me the completed form), you will receive the meal plan that I have carefully designed for you, which is supposed to be followed for a month.
The plan will be customised to fit your goals, needs and taste.

The file which you will receive comes with detailed instructions on how to follow the meal plan, complete with a weekly shopping list and recipes designed by me.
I will also forward you a weekly journal template on which I will ask you to report your feedback and feelings about the plan and any exceptions to it, on a weekly basis.
Completing the journal is totally optional, but it is highly recommended since it enables you to gain more awareness of your nutritional journey and daily choices and it also allows me to give you a closer support and to be with you every step along the way.

Every month, unless you request otherwise, we review and update the plan in order to maximise the achievement of your goals.
The follow up involves a short Skype call in which you update me on how it is going and how you would like to change the plan currently in place, or alternatively, again, filling in a form that you can send me by email. Once I have gathered this information, and based on the weekly journals as well, I will provide to you the reviewed plan to follow for the next month.
Follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor your progress and they enables us to work closely in order to build sustainable changes on the long-term for your health and general well-being, adapting the plan to your current lifestyle from time to time.

A base meal plan for both of you to follow and enjoy together (no separate cooking sessions needed!), which I will customise for each one of you to meet your personal goals.

General consult + introduction kit to a Vegan lifestyle with examples of balanced meal plans and original recipes by me.

First Nutritional Consultation + 2 follow ups

First Nutritional Consultation + 2 follow ups