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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Burnaby-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

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Live Well Today 健身教練 profile image

Live Well Today 健身教練


‘21 Certificate of Excellence

Improve your overall health by providing a fitness assessment (body fat%, weight, blood pressure, pain reduction, mobility) and follow by ongoing nutritional support and easy to follow a workout plan. I will personalize different functional exercises with movements you often do at home, at work, or in sports that will improve the quality of your life while improving your eating habits, mobility, overall strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health. If you would like to know if I'm the right trainer for you. Feel free to contact me. 你是否进了健身房却不知如何使用各种健身器械?你是否下了很大的决心却不知道如何规划健身的目標?你是否又缺少坚持的毅力或者长期锻炼却达不到理想效果? 我是Lillian Wu,我持有ACE美国健身委员会證書[全球公认]和200小时瑜伽联盟和孕妇瑜伽资格的高级私人健身教练。 我擅长力量,增肌和耐力训练。教你如何健康减脂和減重, 甚至減輕你多年的疼痛, 此外還會用不同的方法和器材增加你的柔軟度和平衡感 , 矯正你不好的姿勢 。 我还会指导你如何正确饮食。无论你想瘦身或增肌,饮食十分的重要。 相比有些教练要求学员吃很多他们不喜欢吃的食品和营养补充品,我喜歡針對每一个人的飲食習慣做一個調整和規劃,帮助学员用几周或几个月的时间减除不健康的食品,建立高营养又低热量的饮食和提供健康的食谱。 因為每個人的饮食习惯都不同 ,改变习惯需要一些时间和耐心, 不然的話减掉的脂肪会很容易反弹。 我还會根據每個人的健身目標和需求为你量身定做一套健身計畫。提供一對一的專業健身指导, 针对你的身体体质和情況,通过不同的方式做個全面性的調整。 我希望利用自己多年的健身经验,不枯燥乏味的教學方式 ,指導你做正确和有效的健身。 同时让你带动您的家人,和周围的朋友也一起健康起来。帮助你增加体能,塑型,改變健康体态,远离疾病,恢复你的自信心。健康是你一生当中最大的投资。没有了健康?你如何能享受你的人生和财富?最好的投資,就是投資自己,因為運動是為了做最好的自己! 心动还不如马上行动,有兴趣的朋友可以先加我的微信。 ( 最近因為無聊男子和詐騙居多。 所以請先加我的微信或者email 我會盡快回覆你的!如果你不住在本地,請另外找本地的教練,謝謝。) 適當運動的好處:減少肌肉萎縮、減緩骨質疏鬆、增加心肺活量、降低血中膽固醇、強化心臟肌肉、擴大心臟容量、增加心臟耐受力、增大心臟最大血液輸出量、增加身體各器官對荷爾蒙的敏感度、增強體內免疫力、減緩智力退化速度、增強身體的生理持續力、增強脂肪代謝使體型健美、降低血壓、降低基礎心搏率、降低血糖、減緩動脈硬化速度、減低心肌缺氧再發率、減輕女性經前症候群症狀、降低大腸癌發生率、延長壽命。

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

I make sure every client gets familiar with the gym equipment and minimize their fear.

Since not everyone wants to work out at the gym and it can be because of time, money or level of comfort. I show my clients different exercises they can do whenever or wherever they are to keep their exercise consistent and reach their fitness goals.

I also provide ongoing nutritional advice for each client. I do not tell my clients to eat foods they don't enjoy. I often suggest a different variety of foods they can choose from so they still enjoy eating while achieving their fitness goals. Ultimately balanced nutrition and less unhealthy food.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

Eat well on most days and be consistent with your exercise. I don't believe in following any diets. It is not practical at all! Many people think exercise is the most important thing to get that dream body but it's false. Exercise can help you get there but not without proper sleep and nutrition.

What do you love most about your job?

I love helping people and I have been in the service industry for over 10 years. I have always loved playing sports and educating myself on every aspect of fitness. This is my dream job. I feel very blessed because it's so rewarding for me to see the ripple effect from my clients. I changed their lives and they changed their friends' and family's life. Everyone wants to be healthy and it only starts with one person doing it! 

What inspired you to start your own business?

When you are passionate about what you do it doesn't feel like a job. The freedom and flexibility allow me to have work and life balance which it's super important to me.

Why should our clients choose you?

I always make sure my clients know how to exercise properly so they can eventually be on their own. I do not believe people should keep on purchasing sessions from a trainer for a long term unless they don't ever want to exercise on their own but most people do because training isn't cheap for everyone. A lot of my clients are new, referrals or regulars who often come back and want to have some refreshers. Most of them know how to exercise properly.  

The difference between a good trainer and a bad trainer

Good: teaches you how to exercise on your own
Bad: does not review the exercises because she/he wants you to keep buying sessions

Good: timely measurements to monitor your progress, ongoing support and finds ways to encourage you to keep you motivated
Bad: rarely follows up

Good: doesn't just teach you how to lose weight but also teaches you to do the exercises that will improve your daily activities or sports.
Bad: teaches you to do meaningless exercises

Good: no more than 10 minutes of warm-up
Bad: often tells you to warm up for a while (10 minutes or more)

Good: often changes your exercises
Bad: always teaches the same exercises

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based on 119 reviews

The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Burnaby is 5.00, based on 119 reviews.

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