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How much does security cost in 2024?

The average price of private security is
£12 - £50 per hour

in the UK, depending on the type of security you need and the experience or location of the security service.

Need protection for your event or business, but not sure of the cost? Read our handy guide to find out how much your security guard will charge for their services.

For businesses, event organizers, property owners, and public facility managers, security is non-negotiable. In a world where safety measures are increasingly under scrutiny, the decision to hire private security is often driven not just by awareness but also by the pocket. This comprehensive breakdown will guide you through the intricacies of how security is costed in the UK in 2024.

Want to find out how much private security will cost you based on your needs? Get free quotes from brilliant local security services with Bark.

Average Price of Hiring Security Guards in the UK

female security guard

When companies or individuals are in the market to hire a security guard, an understanding of the average cost is their first port of call. The average price for hiring a security guard in the UK can vary significantly, but for most private security firms, you can expect rates to range from £12 to £50 per hour. This price is typically inclusive of taxes and the guard’s wage but may vary based on the experience of the security personnel and the complexity of the assigned task.

Average cost (per hour) £20
Minimum cost (per hour) £10
Maximum cost (per hour)£50

Hourly Rates for Private Security

Private security firms and independent contractors usually charge by the hour for their services. The hourly rates can depend on several factors including:

  • The type of services required

  • The location of the security operation

  • The level of risk involved

Typically, for a standard security guard who does not have specialized training for high-risk environments, the hourly rate falls on the lower end of the spectrum—around £12 to £15. For more complex assignments such as surveillance, the presence of a bodyguard, or for services in high-risk regions or during high-risk periods, the hourly rates can be significantly higher, often breaching the £20 mark.

Daily Rates for Hiring Security Guards

Sometimes, hiring a security guard for a single day is all that is needed to secure an event or facility. Day rates are often preferred for one-time events or short-term security needs, offering a flat rate for the day's work without the need to calculate hourly costs. On average, for a standard non-armed security guard, you could expect to pay between £100 and £200 per day, depending on the same factors that affect hourly rates, especially location and the level of security needed.

How Much Does 24-Hour Security Cost?

For prolonged periods that require 24-hour security coverage, the cost can be a significant consideration. Many businesses and facilities that need around-the-clock protection either opt for a salaried in-house team or contract service from a security agency. 24-hour security involves rotating shifts, and therefore, the calculation can be more complex. A rough estimate of the monthly cost for 24-hour security services can range from £4,000 to £7,000, including all associated overheads.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Private Security

male security guard

Numerous factors influence the price of private security services, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely applies. Consider these variables that can affect the final bill:

  • Type of Security Service

    Hour by hour, a permanent security service is more cost-effective than providing security for a high-level corporate event, as you'll pay more for one-off services.

  • Experience of the Security Personnel

    More experienced guards naturally command higher fees.

  • The Number of Guards Required

    The more guards needed, the higher the total cost.

  • Geographic Location

    City centers and high-crime areas may have higher rates, as more experienced security guards may be needed.

Average Prices by UK Location

While the national averages provide a useful starting point, regional disparities are common. Here’s what you might expect to pay on average in key areas:

  • London: Rates can be up to 20% higher than national averages.

  • Birmingham and other major cities: Slightly lower than London but still above the national average.

  • Other areas: Significantly lower, potentially 10-15% under the national average.

LocationAverage security cost (per hour)
North East£12
North West£14
South West£17

These variations exist due to the differing costs of living and doing business in these areas.

Specific Types of Private Security and Their Prices

Security guard female

Different scenarios call for various types of private security services, each commanding a different price. Here are some specific uses and their prices:

Types of security and their prices
Type of securityHighest average priceLowest average price
Event security£30£15
Commercial property£40£12

Event Security

For events, the cost of security is heavily influenced by the size and nature of the event. Security firms may charge between £15 and £30 per hour for event security. Expect higher rates for larger events requiring more guards, and lower rates for smaller, less complex events.


Personal security or the use of bodyguards is one of the highest-priced services in the private security sector. Rates can range from £30 to £100 per hour depending on the risk and the profile of the protected individual. Location also plays a part - you would be lucky to find a bodyguard in London for less than £50 an hour.

Commercial Property Security

Protecting a commercial property involves several factors such as size, location, and the property’s specific vulnerabilities. For regular patrols and monitoring, expect to pay between £12 and £25 per hour. For more complex security systems including CCTV and response teams, the price can rise to £40 per hour or more.

Cash-in-Transit Security

Security spans a broad range of duties, from keeping a watchful eye over a retail store to protecting someone’s life. There are also security officers who transfer cash to the bank on behalf of businesses, known as CIT (cash-in-transit security). Though typically, CIT officers will operate as part of an ongoing contract, rather than be paid on an hourly rate. 

How to Save Money on Hiring Security

Event security

While there are avenues to economize, security is not an area where low cost should ever compromise quality. However, there are strategic approaches to ensuring that you get the highest value for your security spend:

  • Opt for a Service Contract

    Long-term contracts typically offer reduced rates compared to ad-hoc services.

  • Leverage Technology

    Where applicable, consider security solutions such as CCTV, alarms, and access control systems which can reduce the need for human guards.

  • Comprehensive Risk Assessment

    Prior knowledge about the specific risks involved can ensure that you only pay for the security measures you need. This could mean the difference between standard event security and emergency response teams, for example, and the respective cost savings associated with them.

  • Ask for Multiple Quotes

    Shopping around provides a better understanding of the market and can uncover value-for-money options.

Choosing Private Security Based on Your Budget

Event security

Understanding your specific security needs and the level of investment you are willing to make is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of what kinds of private security services you might expect at various budget levels:

Low to Medium Budget

If you're working with a tighter budget, some simple yet effective security measures can involve securing the premises with security signage, implementing basic access control, and hiring part-time, non-armed guards for peak periods.

Medium to High Budget

For more substantial resources, you can consider 24-hour monitoring, the use of more advanced surveillance technology, and increasing the presence of trained security personnel, potentially including armed guards.

High Budget

At the highest levels of investment, you're looking at comprehensive security systems, continuous mobile patrols, round-the-clock security teams, and dedicated emergency response units.

Ready to find a security expert?

Investing in security is an investment in peace of mind and, often, the safeguarding of assets that are invaluable. By understanding how security services are priced and what factors come into play, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your needs and your budget. Remember, cost should not be the only factor in your decision-making process—reputation, experience, and the ability to provide a tailored solution to your specific security requirements are equally as important!

Looking for professional security services for your event or business? Find brilliant local security guards with Bark.

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