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How much does a life coach cost in 2024?

On, average, life coaching costs
£58 per session

with the final cost depending on whether you choose online or in-person life coaching.

Want to unleash your full potential in 2024, but need a UK-based life coach to help? Find out everything you need to know about life coaching prices here.

Embarking on self-improvement is a deeply personal journey, whether you want to improve your career, set personal goals, or just get your life 'back on track'. For many people, the services of a life coach can help with all these things. But how much does life coaching cost in the UK?

Your investment in life coaching could vary greatly, and understanding the factors at play - from hourly rates to regional differences - is crucial to choosing the right coach for your budget. So, how much does a life coach cost in the UK, and how can you make the most of your money?

Average Price of Life Coaching in the UK

Man making life coaching notes

Life coaching is an intimate and personalised service, often tailored to the unique needs of the individual. It aligns with other forms of personal improvement, such as mental health counselling and personal training, in that value can be challenging to quantify. According to recent surveys, the average price of a single life coaching session in the UK stands at £58. However, this figure is only a baseline. This cost can be affected by many variables, including the coach’s experience, location, and the format of the session.

Average life coaching prices
Average cost (per session)£50
Minimum cost (per session)£40
Maximum cost (per session) £200

Hourly Rates for Life Coaching

If we break down the £58 average, hourly rates for in-person life coaching can range from £40 to over £200, while online sessions tend to be slightly cheaper, starting at around £30. The hourly rates might also include a package discount if sessions are bought in bulk. For a comprehensive perspective, let’s delve into the specifics.

Hourly Rates for In-Person Life Coaching

In person, you're most likely to pay £50 - £70 for an hour-long session. But remember, in-person life coaching sessions carry the added costs of space and travel. A one-hour session in London might cost £150 with a top-tier coach. Conversely, in a more rural area, the same session could be halved. Larger coaching packages, such as a month-long plan, range from £500 in rural areas to £2,000 with a premium coach in a metropolitan city.

Hourly Rates for Online Life Coaching

Embracing the digital sphere, online life coaching is a burgeoning sector for both coaches and clients. The convenience comes with a lower price point, with hourly rates starting at £30 for a one-on-one virtual session. An online coaching package might include additional support materials, like worksheets and access to resources, for around £500 for a month's worth of support.

Session typeAverage cost (per session)
Face-to-face£50 - £70
Online £30 - £50

Factors That Affect the Cost of Life Coaching

Woman coaching group

Experience Level of the Coach

The influence of a coach's experience on their rates is significant. An experienced life coach with a strong industry reputation, a substantial client list, and multiple certifications will command higher fees. Mid-level coaches with a few years of experience may charge the average, while those new to the field may offer reduced rates to build their clientele.

Location of the Client and Coach

Geographical location plays a pivotal role in life coaching costs. London and the South East boast the highest life coaching rates in the UK, reflecting the higher cost of living and greater demand for services. Northern regions and Wales, however, offer more competitive prices. For instance, a session with a coach in Manchester may cost £10 less per hour than one in Birmingham.

Specialisations and Niches

Specialized coaching can also impact the price point. Coaches who focus on niche areas, such as career transitions or executive coaching, often charge more due to the specificity of their expertise and the higher value perceived in the particular niche. This can elevate hourly rates by as much as £50, depending on the request.

Can I Get Life Coaching on the NHS?

Two men talking

The National Health Service (NHS) does not provide life coaching directly as a service; however, its broader mental health support systems may incorporate elements of coaching. The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) initiative, for instance, offers cognitive therapies that could contain some coaching aspects. For long-term management of serious conditions, the NHS may be able to connect you with a Health and Wellbeing Coach. It's crucial to consult with your GP or a mental health professional within the NHS to explore available services that align with your needs.

Does Private Healthcare Cover Life Coaching?

Private healthcare in the UK can cover life coaching, but policies vary considerably. Some health insurance providers include life coaching in their mental health benefits, especially when it's delivered alongside more traditional therapies. Be sure to thoroughly review your policy or speak with an adviser to understand any applicable coverage.

Specific Types of Life Coaching and Their Prices

Life coaching encompasses a breadth of subcategories, each with its unique focus and, consequently, price range. From career coaching to relationship coaching, specialized services can better tailor to one's needs, albeit at a slightly higher investment. Let's consider these areas in more detail.

Career Coaching

Focusing on professional development and vocational fulfillment, career coaching sessions are slightly more expensive than the average, ranging from £70 to £100 per hour. Career coaches typically have a stronger industry background or specific certifications, adding to the cost but also to the value of the service.

Relationship Coaching

Relationship coaching, including couples and family sessions, can range from £60 to over £150 per hour. Coaches who work with groups or family units typically charge a higher rate due to the complexity and dynamics involved compared to individual sessions.

How to Save Money on Life Coaching

Two women

Investing in life coaching doesn't have to be a financial strain. There are several viable options for those seeking affordable growth.

Group Coaching Sessions

Group coaching can significantly reduce costs while facilitating an environment of shared experiences and support. Group sessions are typically half the price of one-on-one meetings and can be just as effective in achieving personal goals.

Trainee or Apprentice Coaches

Life coaching is a field that many practitioners enter gradually, and apprentice or trainee coaches can offer their services at a reduced rate in exchange for valuable experience and mentorship as they build their skills and clientele.

Online Platforms and Apps

As technology continues to shape the coaching landscape, several online platforms and apps provide access to certified coaches at a fraction of the typical hourly rate. Subscriptions and packages that include various forms of virtual support can be particularly cost-effective.

Choosing a Life Coach Based on Your Budget

Selecting the right life coach for your needs is more than just a financial decision - it’s about finding the right fit. Identify your budget and be transparent about it when searching for a coach. Many professionals offer a sliding scale based on income, ensuring their services remain accessible to a broader audience. Additionally, do not hesitate to request a trial session before committing to a longer program to gauge the compatibility and effectiveness of the coaching relationship.

Another note - although life coaches don’t need formal qualifications to practice, its best to choose someone who has experience and training under their belt. With a highly qualified professional, you won’t need to invest in as many sessions. It will also save you from wasting money hopping from life coach to life coach to find a decent one. Look for credentials offered by a recognised organisation like the International Coach Federation (ICF).


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While it requires a financial commitment, there are ways to make life coaching accessible and customised to personal budgets. When you understand the factors influencing cost, it should be easier to find the right specialist for you. Remember, in the end, the goal of the coach-client collaboration is not just improvement but empowerment, making every pound spent on coaching a step towards a richer, more fulfilling life.

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