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How much does dog training cost in 2024?

The average price of dog training is
£20 - £70 per session

in the UK, depending on the type of training you're looking for.

How much does a dog trainer charge? Read on to find out how much your dog training expert will charge for their services.

Training a dog or puppy is an essential (and usually fun!) aspect of responsible pet ownership. From basic obedience to specialised training such as agility, investing in your dog's education lays the groundwork for a well-behaved, happy family member. However, one critical question lingers in the minds of prospective dog parents: just how much does dog training cost? In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down all aspects of dog training prices in the UK so you can set your budget and find the best dog training professional in your area.

Average Price of Dog Training in the UK

Woman walking dog

The cost of dog training varies across the country depending on multiple factors such as location, type of training, and the trainer’s experience. On average, dog owners can expect to pay anywhere from £20 to £70 for a single one-hour session, which may be taken with other pet owners. However, it’s important to note that this rate can fluctuate significantly, with dog training in London and other major cities often charging a premium for services. The range can also be influenced by the dog’s breed, age, and the issues being addressed.

Average cost (per session) £45
Minimum cost (per session)£20
Maximum cost (per session) £70

Hourly Rates for Private Dog Training

A lot of dog trainers will take training in groups, as it's a great way of providing an environment that fosters socialisation and teaches your dog or puppy to deal with distractions, both important elements of their training. If you want to go all-in on private lessons, these are the prices you're most likely to pay:

Average cost (per session) £65
Minimum cost (per session) £40
Maximum cost (per session)£90

Package Rates for Dog Training

Dog training

To encourage consistency and long-term training, many facilities offer package deals. These can include a set number of sessions, typically ranging from £100 to £500, depending on the specification and quality of the service. It’s common for packages to include additional resources such as written materials and access to trainers between sessions.

Residential Dog Training

Residential dog training, also known as board and train, takes the pup out of the owner’s home and into a professional training facility for an extended period, where they receive dedicated training and round-the-clock care. This service can range from £500 for a two-week course to £4,000 for an intensive behavioural boot camp that lasts several weeks.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dog Training

Understanding the factors that affect dog training costs can help pet owners anticipate and budget for this important expense.

  • Location:

    As mentioned, urban areas and affluent communities generally command higher rates.

  • Trainer’s Expertise:

    More experienced trainers or those with a specialisation, such as aggression or service dog training, often charge more.

  • Training Facility:

    A well-equipped and certified centre may justify higher costs for its services.

  • Dog’s Age and Breed:

    Puppies and certain breeds may require more patience and varying methods, influencing the cost.

  • In Person vs Online:

    Some dog trainers offer online classes, where you can get help training your dog from the comfort of your own home. Read more about remote dog training.

  • Number of Dogs:

    If you have multiple dogs, some trainers may offer a reduced rate for the second or third dog.

  • Type of Training:

    Basic obedience is usually more affordable than specialised training, which may need specific techniques or certifications.

  • Issues and Behavioural Problems:

    Dogs with significant behavioural problems may need more sessions or different approaches, causing the final bill to grow.

  • Private vs Group Training:

    One-on-one training is typically more expensive than group classes but can be more effective for certain issues. Group sessions, which are often less expensive, can cost between £10 and £30 per hour.

Specific Types of Dog Training and Their Prices

Agility dog training

Different types of dog training come with varying price tags due to their complexity and required resources.

Dog training prices by type
Training typeMaximum cost (per session)Minimum cost (per session)Average cost (per session)
  • Basic Obedience Training:

    Ranging from £20 to £40 per class, this teaches fundamental commands like sit, stay, and come.

  • Behavioural Training:

    For specific issues like mouthing or jumping, these sessions can cost between £30 and £60.

  • Agility or Sport Training:

    For the competitive canine, these can range between £20 and £50 per lesson, depending on the course complexity.

  • Puppy Training:

    Tailored to the unique needs of a growing dog, these classes average £25 to £50 per session.

  • Therapy and Assistance Dog Training:

    Can cost anywhere from £30 to £70 per hour due to the dog’s specialised role and certification requirements.

How to Save Money on Dog Training

Puppy being trained

While dog training is an investment, there are ways to save money without compromising your furry friend’s education.

  • Research and Compare:

    Take the time to look into different trainers and their pricing structures. A more expensive rate doesn't always equate to higher quality.

  • Group Classes:

    Opting for group classes rather than individual sessions can significantly cut costs. Most puppy and dog trainers provide private and group sessions - it’s up to you to choose which type is best for your dog. For particularly shy or disobedient pups, private training ( 1-1 dog training ) might be a better option initially. You can always move to dog training classes once your dog has gained more confidence. Group classes are normally more cost-effective, as the instructor can train multiple dogs at once.

    Average cost (per session) £45
    Minimum cost (per session)£20
    Maximum cost (per session) £70
  • DIY Training:

    Many pet owners find success with online resources and self-training, although it may not be suitable for every dog and situation.

  • Refresher Sessions:

    A few refresher courses a year can keep training sharp, reducing the number of ongoing sessions required.

  • Look for Training Deals:

    Keep an eye out for discounts and deals, especially around significant training periods such as National Train Your Dog Month.

Choosing a Dog Trainer Based on Your Budget

Woman on social media

When selecting a dog trainer, it's vital to find a balance between cost and quality. Be sure to:

  • Ask for Referrals:

    Your veterinarian or local dog club might have recommendations.

  • Check Qualifications:

    Look for certifications from recognised organisations.

  • Ask for a Demo Lesson:

    Many trainers offer a free or discounted initial session to see if their methods align with your dog’s needs.

  • Understand the Price Breakdown:

    Ensure you understand what’s included in the quoted price, such as materials or follow-up support.

  • Trust Your Gut:

    If something feels off, or if the trainer pressures you to pay more than you’re comfortable with, don’t hesitate to seek another option.

Ready to Find the Perfect Dog Trainer?

Dog training is more than a one-time expense. It’s a foundational investment that will shape your dog’s behaviour and your relationship for years to come. By arming yourself with knowledge about training costs and your options as a responsible dog owner, you’re on the right path to finding the perfect training program for your beloved pet. Remember, the investment is not just in money, but in the bond you and your dog will share!

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