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How much does house cleaning cost in 2024?

On average, house cleaners cost
£10 - £20 per hour

depending on the size of your home, where you live, and the type of clean you want.

Thinking about getting a cleaner in 2024, but now sure how much house cleaning costs? Here's everything you need to know so you can find a brilliant cleaner who fits your budget.

Hiring a house cleaner costs £10-£20 on average per hour, but factors such as the size of your home and the type of cleaning you want will affect the final price.

For many people in the UK, a clean and tidy house is worth the price. Cleaning isn't just about having a sparkling home; it's about reclaiming time and peace of mind. But in the hustle and bustle of 2024, time is a luxury, and so the demand for house cleaning services has surged. Our friendly guide breaks down the average house cleaning costs and offers tips to find the perfect service to fit your budget. Find a brilliant local house cleaner to suit your budget now.

What's The Average House Cleaning Cost? 

The average cost of domestic cleaning services can vary broadly – but you can generally expect rates to hover between £15 to £20 per hour. The size of your home, the frequency of cleaning, and even your location can have a substantial impact on the final price tag.

Average cost (per hour) £15
Minimum cost (per hour) £10
Maximum cost (per hour) £20

Looking for the latest live information? Check out our house cleaning page to see the latest average prices charged by the brilliant cleaners on Bark.

Factors That Influence the Price of Your House Clean

Before you dial up a cleaner, let's sift through what might bump up the digits on your bill.

Woman cleaning sink

1. Number of Rooms

The adage ‘bigger isn’t always better’ rings especially true here. Larger homes, or those with several rooms, understandably take longer to clean, nudging up the cost. In 2024 the cost of cleaning your home (by size) is roughly:

House sizeAverage cost (in total)
1-2 bedroom house£36
3-4 bedroom house£54 - £72
5-6 bedroom house£80 - £100

Take these figures with a grain of salt, as they could be influenced by additional factors. For example, if you have three bedrooms but each one has an en-suite as well as there being a main bathroom, your cleaner will need longer to clean all four bathrooms and therefore cost more.

2. How Much Cleaning Needs To Be Done

If dust bunnies are practically family pets at this point, expect to pay more initially. Deep cleaning requires more elbow grease. And should you favour regular visits, the price may lessen over time due to less work required per session. The most common schedules are:

- Once a week for homes that need a lot of help, for example if you don't clean much yourself.

- Once a fortnight for homes that need less cleaning, i.e. you're happy to keep it tidy and in decent shape between cleaner visits.

Types of Cleaning Service and Their Costs

Woman cleaning floor with mop

Not all scrubs and wipes are born equal. You've got your standard clean, deep clean, or even an end-of-tenancy clean – each varies in thoroughness and cost. Don’t worry though; we’ve decoded the types for you:

  • Regular/Weekly Clean: Maintains the tidiness without breaking the bank.

  • Deep Clean: An exhaustive clean for that once-in-blue-moon need, priced at least double a regular clean.

  • End-of-Tenancy/Move-Out Clean: As meticulous as it gets and priced on the steeper side to ensure you retrieve that deposit.

Type of cleaningAverage cost (per hour)
Regular cleaning £10 -£20
Deep cleaning £20 - £25
End of tenancy cleaning£23 - £35

Other Types of House Cleaning and Their Costs

There are some things that aren't usually included in regular house cleaning, such as tackling the inside of the oven (the job we all love to hate). Most cleaners will happily tackle these for you for an extra charge:

Type of cleaningAverage set price
Carpet cleaning (per room)£25 - £35
Oven cleaning (per appliance)£50 - £100

There are some services that house cleaners usually don't carry out. For these, you'll want a specialist who charges their own prices. Check out these guides:

Type of cleaning Average price (per hour)
Window cleaning £25
General cleaning £15
Floor cleaning £15
After builders cleaning £14
Fridge cleaning£12
Upholstery cleaning £12

House Cleaning Price Guide by Location

Cleaner washing windows

Welcome to the postcode lottery! Yes, your address can influence the cost. Urban areas, especially in London, could see prices soar above the national average – consider this when hunting for services.

Here’s a rough estimate of how much you’ll pay for a house cleaner in London compared to other parts of the UK: 

LocationAverage cost (per hour)
Outside of London£10 - £15
London£15 - £20

Do House Cleaners With Good Reviews Cost More?

It's a common thought – top-notch service must demand top-dollar, right? Not always. While experienced cleaners with glowing testimonials may charge more, competitive pricing means you can still snag an excellent cleaner without the premium price tag. Reviews are a good gauge of reliability, but balance them against your personal budget.

How Can I Save Money on a House Cleaner? 

Saving money is always a great idea. Here’s how to keep costs down with your house cleaning service: 

  • Regular cleaning - While it may seem like hiring a cleaner more frequently will be more expensive, it’ll save you money as you will reduce the need for deep cleaning. 

  • Keep labour time at a minimum - You can choose which rooms need to be cleaned. Bedrooms are fairly easy to keep clean, so you could keep on top of these yourself to save money. 

  • Price packages - Some cleaners will offer discounts for regular weekly or biweekly visits - don’t be afraid to ask!

The Bottom Line on House Cleaning Prices in 2024

Remember, these prices aren't set in stone. There's room for negotiation, especially if you're offering a steady gig. Equip yourself with the average rates, but don't shy away from discussing your unique needs with cleaning providers – transparency is key to finding that sweet-spot price.

So there you have it, a practical rundown of what to expect when it comes to house cleaning costs this year. By understanding the factors that play into pricing, you'll be well-placed to make a savvy decision that keeps both your home and wallet content. Happy cleaning!

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