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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Astoria-based Life Coaches, we can help.

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Take a Step Forward - You Deserve It! #CoachTomi profile image

Take a Step Forward - You Deserve It! #CoachTomi

Do you know how AMAZING and CAPABLE you are? If you don't already know it and sing it out loud and proud, well - it's a good thing you are here! Welcome Aboard, I'm Tomi - a Board Certified Life, Career & Business Coach. UC Berkeley alumnus, with 10 years of experience, eight of which with my own practice, and hundreds of satisfied clients. Having me as your coach will ensure you begin to adopt new forward-leading behaviors - and FINALLY dump those bad habits. You will feel proud of yourself, confident in your capabilities and begin to take action to move yourself, your relationship or career forward! If you feel STUCK or UNSURE what to do - look no further. Get ready to be boosted with confidence, motivation and self-belief that will propel you forward. I have years of experience and acquired a myriad of tip, methods and techniques to get you from stuck to STAR of your life. Setting up goals and a clear roadmap with milestones will be an integral part of our work together. I am with you all the way until you reach what you want. If you work with me, you will quickly begin to lead your life and not be led by it. You will start to take action instead of feeling a victim of circumstances. Feel free to check my recommendations and see how that looks like for my clients. I am here by your side all the way through - even when it gets tough. We will get through it together! I will be your listening ear, accountability partner and the one giving you that extra push when you need it the most. I'm also an ISSA Certified Nutrition Coach, and MBSR Mindfulness practitioner. So if these are things that can help move you forward - I won't be bashful about trying them out with you! I'm also a successful business owner (10 years) who for years prior lead teams in marketing & sales and have been consulting many of my clients who either own businesses or are entrepreneurs wanting to start off their own business. I offer a FREE 30 min personal discovery session. This is a space for us to get to know each other and explore different strategies for moving you forward. Send me a message and we will set up your free session today. Take a Step Forward. You Deserve it! Tomi

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Hear from
a professional

What inspired you to start your own business?

Following my intuition and growing confidence in myself many years ago, that I have a gift -and want to share it with as many people as I can!

Why should our clients choose you?

Coaching for me is much more than my job - it's my life. It's my calling! I absolutely LOVE what I do. I was "lucky" enough to go through some challenging times which brought me to coaching and to the understanding that my life is completely in MY hands. Today, I fully understand that what I want and believe for myself is the life that I will have. My clients and I are living proof of that. I am honored to be able to assist others in finding their confidence and creating a NEW internal self-positive talk. I help people shine a light on the challenging spaces within and assist them to take action to actively change their lives so they are happier and more fulfilled.

If you want to see how that looks like for my clients I recommend reading my client's recommendations. It will give you a good sense of the transformation you can expect in your life!

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes! I work via zoom mostly, but also have done phone calls when we didn't have enough web bandwidth when my clients were traveling or our of service. I am here for you in whatever way that works for us (in person, video or phone).

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I offer my clients remote coaching sessions and it has been a huge success! It allows people to meet from the comfort of their home, or coffee house, or a walk in the park. It's flexible, easy and can be done from anywhere!

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based on 15 reviews

The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in Astoria is 5.00, based on 15 reviews.

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