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Photo Booth Costs in 2024

The average photo booth hire cost is

per event, depending on the add-ons you choose and the timing of your event.

What can you expect to pay for photo booth hire in the UK? Our price guide has everything you need to help you plan your budget.

When it comes to infusing some old-school fun into gatherings, the photo booth has stood the test of time. It's a staple at weddings, corporate events, and more – providing a tangible, shareable memento that captures the spirit of any festivity. But the decision to include one at your event comes with one vital question – how much will a photo booth cost you in the UK in 2024?

Here, we're breaking down everything you need to know about photo booth hire rates, the various factors that influence these prices, and savvy tips to keep you within your photo booth budget. Let's go!

(Already know you want a photo booth? Hire one in your local area now.)

How Much Does Photo Booth Hire Cost? 

Outside photo booth

With the endless list of costs that comes with throwing a party, you want to make sure that hiring a photo booth is something you can afford in your budget. 

To give you a general idea, here’s a breakdown of how much you can expect to pay for photo booth hire based on local UK professionals: 

Average photo booth hire rates
Average cost (per event)£295
Minimum cost (per event)£200
Maximum cost (per event) £400

Hourly Rates

Hourly rates for photo booths are the bread and butter for many rental services. Standard packages often come with a fixed number of hours, usually ranging from 2 to 4.

For short and sweet gatherings, you might find hourly rates to be quite pocket-friendly, typically between £100 to £150. However, when prolonged events are on the itinerary, say, a day-long corporate function, prices can increase, tending to hit the £200 mark for every extended hour.

Photo booth hire by the hour
Lowest average£100 per hour
Highest average£200 per hour

Daily Rates

Planning a day-long event, perhaps a festival or conference that embraces nightlong celebrations, requires full-day rates for the photo booth. The convenience of having the booth at your disposal for the entire event is reflected in the pricing.

Daily rates in the UK hover between £400 and £600 for the basic model. This includes maintenance, customization of prints, and staff assistance. You may notice a dip in this range if you're hosting an event during off-peak seasons or days.

Luxe or Lean? Different Photo Booth Options

Photo booth accessories

Your choice of photo booth can significantly skew the overall cost. In the UK, popular types include the enclosed, open-air, and magic mirror booths. Each comes with its aesthetic value and, of course, price tag.

Enclosed booths, the traditional crowd-pleaser, sit within the mid-range of the pricing spectrum. Open-air booths, owing to their space availability, could be slightly cheaper, offering lots of room for larger group shots. The vogue mirror booth, a relative newcomer, boasts premium pricing for its novelty.

You can also add on various features, such as themed props, green screens, and social media sharing functionality, which will invariably add to the bill. For some, a professional photographer to man the booth throughout is non-negotiable, while others might prefer the self-service model that shaves off costs.

What Can Change the Price of Photo Booth Hire? 

Photo booth sign

Not all photo booths were created equal! Here are a few factors affecting the cost to consider: 

  • Length of time 

  • Add-ons

  • Package type 

  • Peak vs. off-peak hire times 

  • Location 

Length of Time 

It’s no surprise that the cost of hiring a photo booth depends on the amount of time it is needed for. You’ll notice costs creeping up considerably if you want your photo booth for five hours instead of two, for example. 

To make things easier, here’s a rough breakdown of average costs based on the length of your event, calculated using average hourly and event rates.

Hours of hire Average cost (in total)
2 hours £250
3 hours£300
4 hours£350
5 hours+ £400

Two hours is the minimum you should hire your photo booth for - you want to give all your guests a chance to make the most out of it, so you can make sure your money is well spent. 

Photo Booth Package type 

Most photo booth hire companies offer different packages with tiered pricing. Here’s a rough idea of different package types and their prices, but these will vary depending on your photo booth company. 

PackagePackage contentsAverage price
Gold3 hours of hire, USB stick, social media upload, sweet cart, popcorn machine£350 - £400
Silver3 hours of hire, USB stick, social media upload£250 - £350
Bronze2 hours of hire, social media upload£200 - £300

Peak vs. Off-Peak 

Your photo booth hire company will probably charge more if the service is required during peak times, such as weekends and evenings. 

Hiring a photo booth for two hours will probably cost more if you need it for a Saturday evening compared to a Tuesday lunchtime, as demand is higher during these times. 


Location is another factor to impact cost. Prices tend to be higher in certain parts of the UK, like Photo Booth hire in London and the South East. 

Here’s a rough idea of photo booth price comparisons in different parts of the UK:

LocationAverage cost (in total)
London£300 - £350
South East£300 - £350
Rest of UK£275

Unsurprisingly, urban hotspots and affluent areas often command higher prices due to the competitive market and demand. Conversely, quieter regions might offer more frugal options.

Northern cities like Manchester and Leeds tend to be less expensive than their southern counterparts, London and Brighton. Even within cities, specific locales can cause price spikes, signifying the luxurious or high-traffic nature of the area.

How to Save Money on Photo Booth Hire Services 

Photo booth party

A photo booth is the heart of a party, but it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Here are our tips and tricks for keeping costs to a minimum: 

  • Don’t be afraid to haggle - While most photo booth companies offer set packages for their services, lots of them will be willing to customise a package based on your needs and preferences. This allows you to negotiate a lower price. 

  • Read between the lines - When agreeing on a price with your photo booth hire company, make sure you read the fine print or ask for additional cost information. The service may include hidden costs, for example for travel, which may not be clearly stated in the price list. 

  • Book your photo booth during off-seasons - A wedding photo booth is going to typically cost more in the height of summer compared to February because there is a bigger demand for wedding-themed services. Bear this in mind when planning your budget. 

  • Avoid weekends - This is similar to the above point. Hiring a photo booth during the weekend is going to be more costly as the demand is higher. If you consider holding your party or event on a weekend, costs will be lower. It’s always worth asking your guests to see whether they’d be happy to take it as annual leave. 

Got Room in your Budget for a Photo Booth?

Hiring a photo booth can be a delightful addition to any event in 2024. By understanding the vast spectrum of price ranges and the factors that influence them, you can make an informed decision that’s both budget-friendly and memorable.

Remember, while numbers are important, the ultimate goal is to create an event that guests will cherish. A photo booth, no matter the price, adds that touch of joy and nostalgia that elevates every celebration.

Hire a photo booth on Bark today to bring your party to the next level!

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