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How much does a new roof cost in 2024?

The average price of a new roof is

with wide variations depending on the size and type of roof, plus any additional work needed.

Does your home need a new roof? Our guide to the cost of hiring a roofer to fix your property will help you set your budget and understand the costs involved.

If you’re thinking of getting the ladder out of the loft and installing or replacing your roof yourself to save money, think again! Roof installation is one of the most important home renovation projects you could undertake, so it pays to hire the help of an expert to get it done properly. Roof installation is also one of the most dangerous jobs out there - DIY attempts could lead to disastrous consequences. Hiring a professional will save money and potential injuries later down the line. 

We've created this price guide to help you budget for your new roof. These prices are taken from our own data and checked against national averages, but the price of your own project can vary greatly depending on the size and condition of your roof, your location, and more. For the most accurate figure, request free quotes from roofers near you.

What's the cost of a new roof?

new roof

Roof installation and replacement specialists set their own rates, so our research gives the average cost paid for roof installation and replacement across the UK. This price range is based on a medium-sized semi-detached home without special features, and it includes materials and labour.

Average cost (in total)£5,000
Lowest average cost (in total) £2,000
Highest average cost (in total) £10,000

You can find out more about additional roofing costs below.

What affects the price of roof installation or replacement? 

As you can see, the cost of roof repair can vary quite a lot. To help you get a better idea of how much your roof repair job might cost you, here’s a handy breakdown of some factors affecting price: 

  • The size of your roof

  • Materials used

  • Location

Size of your roof 

It’s no surprise that the size of your roof will be one of the biggest factors affecting the price. If you’re installing or replacing a tiny shed roof, then it’ll be much cheaper than a roof for a detached five-bedroom cottage. Here’s a guide of average costs (roof installation or replacement) based on roof size: 

Roof sizeAverage cost (in total)
Single garage£1,100
Conservatory £1,500
Average sized house£5,000
Larger house£8,000

Materials used

When choosing the right roof material for you, you need to weigh up several factors, including cost, longevity, and aesthetics. If cost is your biggest concern, we’ve put together a handy breakdown of cost variations for different types of material:


Material Average cost per square metre Advantages Disadvantages
Concrete £10 - £15 Variety of colours and styles, sturdy Heavy
Metal £11 - £16 Strong, lightweightNoisy


Material Average cost per square metreAdvantages Disadvantages
Slate £20 - £30Durable, visual appealHeavy


Material Average cost per square metreAdvantagesDisadvantages
Plastic£30 - £40Durable, easy to installLess of a natural aesthetic
Clay £20 - £90Visual appealProne to breaking


Like with most things, if you live in a bigger city, you’re far more likely to pay higher prices. For example, hiring a roofer in London will cost more than in a more rural area. If you live in the big smoke, you may be looking at up to £6,000 in costs! 

Other new roof costs

new roof

Here's a breakdown of some of the cost of having your roof replaced. Note that you won't need everything on this list - for example, many houses in the UK don't need fascia or soffit boards, and not everyone will need a new roof frame. Your contractor can tell you more.

Additional roof replacement costs
ItemRough price
Tiles/roof materials£2,000 - £5,000
New guttering installation£600
Roof frame£2,000 - £5,000
Fascia/soffit board replacement (if applicable)£2,000+
Scaffolding£300 - £1,000
Existing roof removal£1,000 - £2,000
Skip hire£200

An important note on loft insulation

A new rule came into effect in 2010, meaning that any homeowners renovating their roof has to update their loft insulation to meet current Building Regulation Standards. This rule focuses on improving insulation in older homes and aims to boost the overall warmth of the UK's aging houses while also cutting down on carbon emissions. For effective insulation, glass wool should be at least 270mm deep, and rock wool should be around 250mm deep. If there's already some insulation between the ceiling joists, it can be topped up to meet these recommendations, unless it's wet or damaged, in which case it needs replacing by a loft insulation specialist.

You'll need to make these changes if you:

  • Replace over 25% of the existing roof

  • Add at least 25% more space to the house.

Want more info? Check out our guide to the cost of home insulation.

Warning signs you need a new roof

If you want to maintain or increase the value of your home, it’s essential that you keep your roof in tip-top shape. 

Here are some signs that suggest you may need to hire an expert to repair or replace your roof: 

  • Leaking - A leaking roof is the main sign of damage. It suggests that the materials on your roof need to be replaced immediately. If you don’t resolve the issue quickly, it will lead to longer-term, irreversible damage. 

  • Costly energy bills - If your energy bills are creeping up, it could be down to your roof letting energy out of your home. 

  • Shingle granules in the gutter - Shedding shingle granules is a sign that they are suffering from wear and tear damage, and that they made need replacing. 

Wait, is it really worth paying for a new roof?

new roof

It really depends on the state of your roof - if it's actually damaged, then yes, it's absolutely worth getting it fixed before it causes problems for your home. There are some other benefits to paying for a new roof too:

  • A new roof can add value to your home and increase the kerb appeal for future buyers.

  • Replacing tiles can bring your roof back to life and improve the look of your home - pair it with a new exterior pain job, and your home will look as good as new.

  • Re-roofing ensures your home is fully protected from everything the British weather throws at you, mitigating the likelihood of future leaks and damage.

  • A re-roof can help you maximize energy efficiency, as you'll use less power to heat your home and you're likely to lower your energy bills.

Bear in mind that fixing your roof might also be a good option. Here's our guide to roof repair costs.

Other types of roof replacement

It's not just the main part of your house that might need a new roof; sometimes you'll want to pay for a new garage or conservatory roof. In addition, flat roofs have some special considerations and may be prices differently. Here's some more info.

Garage roof replacements

Expect to pay between £700 - £1,000 on average, including materials and labour. If your garage is larger than average (e.g. double rather than single) or needs extra work, this price can rise to £3,000 or more.

  • Garage size: The cost of replacing a garage roof made of bitumen can vary depending on the size of your garage, with larger garages typically requiring more materials and labor.

  • Material: Bitumen is a common material for garage roofs, known for its durability and affordability compared to other options like tiles or slate.

  • Location: Where you live can impact the overall cost, as labor costs may be higher in certain areas.

  • Duration: Replacing a bitumen garage roof usually takes about 1-2 days to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the job.

  • Timber replacement: If the timber beneath the roof needs replacing, it can add around £580 to the total cost, so it's important to factor this into your budget and planning.

Conservatory roof replacements

Expect to pay £3,000 to £8,000 for a new conservatory roof, depending on its size and the materials used. Here are some things to bear in mind:

  • Material: The cost of replacing a conservatory roof can vary depending on the material you choose, such as glass, polycarbonate, or tiled roofing.

  • Size and style: Larger conservatories or those with more intricate designs may incur higher costs due to increased materials and labor requirements.

  • Insulation: Opting for better insulation can increase the upfront cost but may lead to long-term energy savings and improved comfort.

  • Labor: The complexity of the installation and the expertise of the contractors can influence the labor costs associated with replacing a conservatory roof.

  • Additional features: Adding features like skylights, ventilation systems, or integrated blinds can add to the overall cost but may enhance the functionality and aesthetics of the conservatory.

  • Warranty and maintenance: Consider any warranties offered by the manufacturer or installer, as well as ongoing maintenance costs, when budgeting for a conservatory roof replacement.

Flat roof replacements

Flat roofs are somewhat more prone to leaks and may need replacing more often. You can expect to pay a minimum of £1,000, all the way up to £6,000 at the higher end, depending on the size of your roof.

  • Material: The cost of replacing a flat roof can vary depending on the material chosen, such as bitumen felt, EPDM rubber, PVC membrane, or fibreglass.

  • Size and shape: Larger or more complex flat roofs may require more materials and labor, resulting in higher costs.

  • Accessibility: If the roof is difficult to access or requires special equipment for installation, it can affect the overall cost.

  • Labor: The expertise and experience of the roofing contractor can influence labor costs, as well as the time required to complete the replacement.

  • Insulation: Adding insulation during the replacement process can increase the upfront cost but may result in long-term energy savings and improved thermal performance.

  • Warranty and maintenance: Consider any warranties offered by the manufacturer or installer, as well as ongoing maintenance requirements, when budgeting for a flat roof replacement.

How to get roof replacement quotes

new roof

When it comes to replacing your roof, it's a big deal and can cost a lot. So, before you start, it's smart to get quotes from different roofing specialists. Make sure you get at least three quotes from local ones with good reviews. A good roofer will do the following:

  • Come to your home to check out your roof, not just look at it on a map.

  • Look at both the inside and outside of your roof.

  • Explain the cost of the job can change based on what type of roof you have, like a garage, conservatory, or the whole house, and also on the kind of tiles you want.

Frequently asked questions

Still have questions about the cost of replacing your roof? Here are some of the most common queries.

Can I replace my roof myself?

It's not recommended to attempt roofing replacement yourself. It's a highly skilled job that requires specific expertise and safety precautions. Without proper training and equipment, you risk injury to yourself and damage to your property. It's best to hire professional roofing specialists who are trained and experienced in handling such tasks safely and efficiently.

How long will a new roof last?

The lifespan of a new roof can vary depending on the materials used. Typically, standard roof tiles have a lifespan of around 20 years, while clay or concrete tiles can last up to 35 years with proper maintenance. Factors such as weather conditions, installation quality, and regular maintenance can also impact the longevity of your roof.

How long does roofing replacement take?

The duration of roofing replacement can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the roof, the complexity of the job, and weather conditions. On average, a roof replacement project can take at least six days to complete. However, larger or more intricate projects may take longer. It's advisable to discuss the timeline with your roofing contractor to get a better estimate based on your specific circumstances.

Will it disrupt my solar panels?

In most cases, roofing replacement will disrupt solar panels that are already installed on your roof. It's important to communicate with your solar panel installer before scheduling the roofing replacement to discuss the potential impact on your solar panel system. They may need to temporarily remove and reinstall the panels to accommodate the roofing work. Proper coordination between your roofing contractor and solar panel installer is crucial to minimize disruptions and ensure the safety of both your roof and solar panel system.

What is and isn’t included in a roof replacement quote?

The specifics of what's included in a roof replacement quote can vary depending on the contractor and the scope of the project. Typically, the quote will cover the cost of materials, labor, and any necessary permits. However, there may be additional costs not included in the initial quote, such as the rental of a skip for debris removal or any unexpected repairs that may arise during the project. It's important to discuss these details with your contractor upfront to avoid any surprises later on. Additionally, you may need to hire certain services separately, such as a skip for waste disposal, which your contractor can advise you on.

How can I calculate how much my new roof will cost?

Calculating the cost of a new roof involves several factors, including the size of the roof, the materials used, and the complexity of the job. Your contractor will typically assess these factors and provide you with a detailed quote based on square footage, material costs, and the level of difficulty involved in the installation. It's essential to gather quotes from multiple contractors to compare prices and ensure you're getting a fair deal. Additionally, referencing a table of average costs for different roofing materials can give you a ballpark estimate to work with. Keep in mind that the final cost may vary depending on any additional services or unexpected issues that arise during the project, so it's crucial to have a thorough discussion with your contractor to understand all potential expenses.

new roof

Once you have quotes from at least three specialists, you can weigh up your decision and decide who to go with. Remember, it's not just about price, but also quality. Not sure how to find good local roofers? Get up to five quotes from local roofing experts here (it's free!)

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