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Guide to online Personal Training

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Zara, Staff Writer

Friday, 5 February 2021

Online Personal Training

What is online Personal Training? 

Let’s face it - we live in an online world. Whether it’s working, socialising or studying, we’ve proven that it can all be done from the comfort of our own homes. Why can’t we do it with personal training too? 

Online personal trainers deliver workouts on a phone, laptop, or tablet. Like face-to-face personal training, workouts are tailored to help you achieve your goals, the only difference being you can exercise from wherever you want - and at a lower price than hefty gym membership fees. All you need is a webcam and a stable internet connection, and you’re good to go! 

Is online Personal Training right for you? 

Having an online personal trainer means you can access your workouts from pretty much anywhere, making it easier for those who may not be able to get to a gym. Remember to always check in with a health professional before you start any exercise programme to ensure there are no underlying conditions that could negatively affect your fitness plan. 

Online personal training is perfect for: 

  • Busy parents

  • People who hate the gym 

  • Frequent travellers 

  • Those who live in remote areas (or overseas) 

  • People restricted by gym times

  • More choice in choosing which personal trainer will suit your fitness goals

Why choose online Personal Training? 

Remote training is growing rapidly in popularity, and there are plenty of reasons why:

  • It’s flexible - An online personal trainer gives you the freedom to workout from home, saving precious travel time and costs. With the working day getting longer for many, it's no wonder that more and more people are opting for online personal trainers to get in shape. You also get the flexibility to choose a personal trainer who may have other qualifications, including nutritional coaching, if this is also important for you.

  • It’s cheap - online personal training is cheaper than face-to-face personal training sessions because the trainer doesn’t have to factor their own travel costs into the final price. With online personal training, you can also say goodbye to those hefty gym membership fees. If you need a clearer idea of the prices you can expect to pay for personal training, you can find out more in our handy price guide. Likewise, if you have not hired a personal trainer before, working with a virtual trainer is a cost effective way of confirming that this is the route you want to take on your fitness journey.

  • It's convenient - We get it, it’s not always easy to fit the gym into an already busy schedule. With online personal training, you can easily fit your workouts around your lifestyle.

What are the different types of online Personal Training? 

Online personal training

Online personal trainers are skilled in a variety of courses. Before planning your sessions, a good personal trainer will have an initial consultation with you to understand what you hope to achieve, matching your exercise plan to this.

Whether you are training for a triathlon, looking to perfect your form, or simply want to get in shape, an online personal trainer will tailor your exercise to these requirements.

Here are some of the different types of workouts that online personal trainers can provide: 

  • Weight training 

  • Circuit training

  • Flexibility training 

  • Aerobic fitness training 

  • Resistance training

  • Fat loss 

  • Speed training

How to find an online Personal Trainer 

If you are wondering where to find an online personal trainer, the good news is that it's easier than you think. Why not try asking your local gym? Most of them provide these services.

You can also find personal trainers by searching online for local professionals. It's easy to browse thousands of online personal trainers on Bark - just tell us what you're looking for and we'll match you with a hand-picked number of professionals to choose from.

3 things to consider when choosing an online Personal Trainer

Online personal training

1. Check their credentials

Even if you think you’ve found the perfect personal trainer for you, don’t be fooled if they can’t provide certification. All professional trainers should have recognised qualifications, and be able to prove them.

2. Ask for an initial consultation

An initial consultation is a discussion between you and the personal trainer so that they can get a better understanding of your fitness goals.

It will help give you a feel for whether the personal trainer is the right fit for you. This doesn’t have to be in person - it can take place online too. Most professional trainers will offer this for free. 

3. You may need your own equipment

One downside of having an online personal trainer is that you can’t take advantage of their shiny new equipment. Based on the type of workout you decide with your trainer, it might be worth investing in some basic equipment.

If you’re on a budget, you could get creative with home alternatives. Why not try swapping kettlebells for filled water bottles?

3 reasons why online personal training may not be suitable for you

Online personal training

1. Your medical history of pre-existing injuries

If you have a long medical history, or pre-existing injuries, you should train in-person with a qualified trainer. It is important that your trainer has a suitable degree and the correct qualifications to deal with any medical issues you may have.

An in-person trainer will be able to consistently monitor and adapt any chosen exercises, so you don’t unknowingly worsen any injury or medical condition in the process. Likewise, some forms of exercise, for example those including heavy weights, should not be attempted alone as you could be at risk of serious injury. 

2. You require direct feedback on your form while training

You should also consider if you haven't had personal training previously, whether it's important to you to receive immediate feedback on how well you are completing certain exercises. Unfortunately, there are going to be limits to how an online personal trainer will be able to correct your form verbally through your phone or computer screen.

3. You are motivated when exercising in a team

Lastly, if you like the social aspect of working out with your friends, or going to exercise classes - online personal training may not be the best option for you. While you may find a selection of online personal trainers who offer virtual group training sessions, it’s likely you’ll need strong levels of self-motivation to complete your online training sessions without a friend or family member encouraging you or taking part with you.

If you’re looking to kickstart your fitness journey, you can find further tips on how to hire the perfect online personal trainer to match your fitness goals, right here on Bark!

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