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How much does hypnotherapy cost in 2024?

The average price of hypnotherapy is
£60 per session

depending on the type of hypnotherapy and the therapist's experience.

How much is hypnotherapy? Our price guide will help you budget for your session and choose a hypnotherapist that suits you pocket.

Hypnotherapy can help you reach your goals and achieve mental clarity, but is it within financial reach? Welcome to the comprehensive guide to hypnotherapy costs in the UK for 2024, where we'll demystify prices and offer savvy strategies to make this therapeutic path an affordable one. We'll explore the cost landscape, share budget-friendly tips, and help you decide whether to find a professional hypnotherapist and, if you do, how much you should shell out for one.

Let's go!

Wait! What is a Hypnotherapist? 


Hypnotherapy is a type of hypnosis used by health professionals to help you overcome a mental or physical condition, including trauma and addiction. It can also help build positive habits. When carried out by professionals, hypnotherapy is a real medical therapy recognised by the NHS in the UK. (We'll go into that more later.)

Initially you’ll have a friendly chat about the problem you’re facing and the methods that will be used to address it during hypnotherapy. After that, your therapist will bring you into a relaxed state where you will work on what you want to change. Your therapist will then bring you out of your trance. Always make sure you discuss your intention to start hypnotherapy with your doctor first, as it isn’t advisable for people with certain health conditions. 

How Much Does a Hypnotherapist Cost? 


Hypnotherapy is an investment in self-improvement - but how much can you expect to pay? Statistics show that the average cost for a hypnotherapy session in the UK is £60, which could be considered a good investment considering the lasting influence on behaviour and mindset.

Hourly Rates for Hypnotherapy

Breaking down the cost further, hourly rates for hypnotherapy sessions can vary significantly. Most therapists charge by the hour, and the ranges here are representative of their experience, location, and additional skill sets. You'll generally find hypnotherapists billing between £50 to £100 an hour for standard sessions, with specialized services demanding higher fees. If you're looking to try hypnotherapy to stop smoking, the price tends to be far higher - we'll break that cost down in a moment.

Average cost (per session) £60
Minimum cost (per session)£50
Maximum cost (per session) £100

What Changes the Cost of a Hypnotherapist? 


The cost of a hypnotherapist can vary depending on different factors. These include: 

  • Type of hypnotherapy 

  • Location

  • Online vs. in-person sessions 

  • Experience 

Type of Hypnotherapy 

The price can vary based on the type of hypnotherapy you go for. For example, specific hypnotherapy programmes to stop smoking or lose weight are sometimes more expensive than general hypnotherapy sessions. To give you a better idea, here’s the average cost of standard hypnotherapy compared to specialised hypnotherapy for smoking cessation: 

Hypnotherapy typeAverage cost (per session)
Regular session £50 - £90
Smoking cessation £75 - £225

Each facet of hypnotherapy targets distinct areas of wellness, reflecting in their prices. For example, hypnotherapy for the treatment of addiction (including smoking), a sensitive and time-consuming area, might set you back between £75 and £225 per session. But this cost indicates the bespoke care and extra resources required, possibly including group therapy. On the other hand, generalised hypnotherapy for stress carries a more typical price of £50 if you're looking at dealing with common mental health blockages.

Remember to think about how many sessions you'll need as well. Many smokers have reported seeing a difference after just one or two sessions, although others may need longer. Talk to potential hypnotherapists about how many sessions they think you'll need, and if there are any discounts for booking a package of sessions.


One of the significant influencers of cost is location. The north-west of England sees more modest expenses, with hypnotherapist charges starting at an accessible £40. To give you an idea of the average cost of hypnotherapy per region, we’ve put together a useful breakdown: 

LocationAverage cost
London area£70
South, South West and Midlands £60

Hypnotherapy: London Prices

It’s no surprise that hypnotherapy sessions in London cost more, jumping between anything from £40 - £200 per session in the capital. The city sets the bar high, considering it's not just about the hourly fees; it's about the standard of living and work pressures. Your wallet could take a hefty hit for wellness within the walls of the bustling metropolis. But London also offers a rich tapestry of expert hypnotherapists, many of whom are internationally acclaimed, and their high-flying prices often reflect a high demand and proven effectiveness, making it a potentially good investment depending on your needs.

Online vs. in-person sessions

Technology has paved a cost-friendly path with online hypnotherapy sessions. Digital platforms strip away the overheads of operating physical practices, translating to lower costs for you. This may also be a better option if you’d prefer to have the session from the comfort of your own home. On average, online sessions could be 20% cheaper than their in-person counterparts. But trade-offs exist in less personal attention, unexpected technology hiccups, and the environmental factors surrounding the setup.


Don't rule out the relationship between hypnotherapist credentials and cost. Newly qualified hypnotherapists might charge a £10 - £20 less than their seasoned counterparts. On the other end of the scale, certification from a prestigious institution alongside clinical experience with esteemed professionals might warrant a higher price. It's not just paper; it's the peace of mind that comes with the therapist's proven record.

Remember that anyone can practice hypnotherapy in the UK, as there are no essential qualifications required. However, when choosing a hypnotherapist you should opt for someone with a healthcare background. It’s a good idea to look for someone who is approved by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), or the National Hypnotherapy Society. As a general rule of thumb, the more experienced your hypnotherapist, the more they’ll charge. 

Can I Get Hypnotherapy for Free on the NHS?


The desire for accessible hypnotherapy is high, but hypnotherapy isn't widely available from the NHS. While a few people have found therapy for anxiety and depression offered at no cost, the service remains scarce. The NHS primarily allocates hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but only in some local authorities, and uses professionals under a strict referral protocol for specific cases.

The Pros and Cons of NHS Hypnotherapy

When considering the pros and cons of free NHS hypnotherapy, the chief advantage is evident: it's free, but only if you can get it. Most people won't be able to get hypnotherapy on the NHS, and if they can, the waiting lists are likely to be long.

How to save money on Hypnotherapy services 

Hypnotherapy can be pricey, but don’t worry! We’ve put together some tips and tricks to keep costs to a minimum. 

  • Ask for price packages - You can reduce the hourly fee for your hypnotherapy sessions if you buy them in bulk rather than individually. Before committing to multiple sessions, make sure you have an initial consultation with your hypnotherapist to make sure that their approach suits you.

  • Ask if your hypnotherapist operates on a sliding scale - A sliding scale is something that therapists use to determine their price based on your income. If you are a student or on a low-wage, you may be able to get a discounted price. 

  • Opt for an inexperienced hypnotherapist - If your hypnotherapist is just starting in their career, they may want to build their experience and client base, which means they might charge you a discounted fee. 

Choosing a Hypnotherapist Based on Your Budget

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Ultimately, selecting a hypnotherapist is a deeply personal choice shaped by your comfort level, the therapist's approach, and navigation of your financial boundaries. It's about finding a practitioner whose worth you can appreciate, for whom you can allocate a sum that reaffirms your health as a priority amidst prudent budgeting.

With this guide to hypnotherapy pricing structures and practical money-saving methods, we hope we've shown that hypnotherapy in the UK is an investment that can -- and dare we say, should -- fit into your life's budget sheet.

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