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How much does roof repair cost in 2024?

The average cost of roof repair is

with a range from £150 to £1,000 depending on the repair type, roof material, and severity of the damage.

Need to hire an expert to repair your roof but not sure of the cost? Read our handy guide to find out how much you can expect to pay for roof repair services - it’s time to say goodbye to leaks.

When you’re having a roof emergency, a roof repair specialist will be on hand to help you sort the problem out right away. Whether it's minor issues like missing tiles or major damage caused by heavy wind and rain, a roofing specialist is able to identify and resolve a huge variety of roofing problems. Your professional will have the proper tools, knowledge and expertise to ensure the job is done properly and to prevent the same issue from happening in the future. It’s likely that you’ll need a roof repair expert at some point in your roof’s life cycle, as even the toughest of roofs get damaged from time to time - after all, the UK sees around 172 days of rain a year. That's a lot for your roof to cope with.

This roof repair price guide will help you understand how your professional sets their costs, so you can budget for your repair. However, these prices are UK averages based on a broad range of data, so the best way to get an accurate quote is to speak to local roof repair specialists near you. (We'll help you get in touch in a few clicks, and it's free!)

How much does roof repair cost on average?

new roof

In the UK, the average cost to repair a roof can vary significantly based on the size of your roof and the extent of the damage. On average, according to our data, homeowners can expect to pay £600 for a typical repair. In reality the final cost ranges from £150 at the very lowest end to £1,000 and above. It’s a broad range, we know, but we'll help break this down further.

Common roof problems

First, it's important to recognise the signs that your roof may need some TLC. These can range from broken or loose tiles, noticeable holes in the membrane, fascias and soffits starting to show signs of wear, to gutters that just can’t seem to keep up when it rains. Identifying these issues early can be the difference between a minor repair and a major overhaul.

Roof repair costs by type
Roof problemAverage cost to fix
Minor leaks£100 - £300
Sagging£500 - £2,500
Deteriorating lining£32 per square metre
Broken/missing tilesSee below
Gutter cleaning£40 - £120

Small leak fix

A small roof leak might seem insignificant, but if left unchecked, it can lead to much bigger problems. Fortunately, addressing this quickly is generally more affordable than you might think, with costs typically ranging between £100 and £300 for a small leak caught before it gets bigger. Bear in mind that if your leak is caused by a rapidly ageing roof at the end of its life, you might need to think about paying to replacing it instead - our roof replacement price guide has more information.

Sagging roof repair

Noticing a sag in your roof can be alarming. It often indicates structural issues, possibly due to prolonged water damage or inadequate initial installation. To fix a sagging roof, you might be looking at anywhere from £500 to £2,500, dependent on the severity and the necessary structural repairs.

Deteriorated lining

The lining of your roof plays a pivotal role in shielding your home from moisture and the elements. Over time, exposure to harsh weather can cause the lining to deteriorate, necessitating replacement to prevent leaks and further damage. On average, homeowners can expect to pay around £32 per square metre to replace deteriorated roof lining.

Broken or missing roof tiles

The cost of this job depends on the type of tile your home has, as materials and labour will be your biggest cost. We've broken down the price of different tile materials below.

Guttering problems

It might be that your leak is caused or exacerbated by blocked gutters. While you'll want to patch up your roof where the water's coming in, your guttering will need cleaning or replacing too at an average of £40-£120. Here's our guide to the cost of gutter cleaning to help you out.

Extra costs you might pay

new roof

When it comes to roof repairs, it's not just the immediate fixes you need to budget for. There are often additional considerations such as scaffolding hire, skip hire for debris, and potentially even costs related to accessing difficult-to-reach properties. These extra costs can add between £100 to £800 to your bill.

  • If you need to replace some of the insulation in your roof as part of the repairs, expect to pay around £10 per square metre (or an average of £300 if you replace all of your loft insulation at once).

  • If your roof repair can't be done with a ladder, you might need to have scaffolding erected. Scaffolding costs £300-£1,000 on average.

  • And if you need a skip for debris, expect to pay an average of £200.

These costs aren't usually included in your roof repair quote, so ask your roofer which of these you'll need, if any, so you can budget accordingly.

What affects the cost of roof repair?

Understanding what factors impact the cost of roof repairs can empower you as a homeowner to make informed decisions. House size and location are two major factors that can significantly influence repair costs.

The larger your house, the larger your roof tends to be, which can directly increase the amount of materials and labor required for any repair. Bigger roofs mean more surface area to cover, which can quickly drive up costs, especially if the repair is complex or involves high-quality materials.

Location plays a crucial role as well. Labor costs can vary dramatically from one region to another. If you live in an area with a high cost of living, you can expect labor costs to be on the higher end - unsurprisingly, roof repair in London tends to be at the highest end. Similarly, if your home is located in a place that's hard to reach or presents unique challenges for repair crews (such as being situated on a steep hill), this can also increase the price.

Being aware of these factors helps set a realistic budget and prepares you for discussions with repair professionals. Remember, investing in quality repairs not only solves immediate issues but also safeguards your home against future problems, providing both peace of mind and financial security.

The cost of different roofing materials

new roof

When considering roof repairs, the material used plays a significant role in the overall cost. Each material comes with its own price range, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Knowing the cost of different materials can help you make a more informed decision that aligns with both your budget and your home's style.

Tile typeAverage cost per square metre
Slate£20 - £30
Concrete£10 - £15
Clay£20 - £90
Plastic£30 - £40
Metal£11 - £16

Here's a breakdown of the three most common materials:

  • Slate

    Renowned for its natural beauty and remarkable longevity, slate roofing is at the higher end of the price spectrum. Depending on the quality and origin, slate tiles can cost between £20 to £30 per square metre. While slate is a significant investment, its durability and classic appearance make it a popular choice for many homeowners.

  • Concrete

    A more budget-friendly option, concrete tiles offer versatility and a wide range of styles and colours. Prices for concrete roofing tiles range from £10 to £15 per square metre on average. Concrete tiles are praised for their durability and minimal maintenance requirements, making them a cost-effective solution for many.

  • Clay

    Offering a traditional aesthetic and excellent longevity, clay tiles fall within the mid to high price range. Prices typically range from £20 to £90 per square metre. Like slate, clay tiles are known for their resilience and can greatly enhance the appeal of a property.

Selecting the right material for your roof repair or replacement is a balance of cost, appearance, and longevity. By understanding the cost of different roofing materials, you're better equipped to make a decision that ensures the security and beauty of your home for years to come. Investing in the right material can provide you with peace of mind, knowing your home is well-protected against the elements while also potentially increasing its market value.

Types of roofs and repair costs

The type of roof you have can also impact repair costs. Slate roofs, for instance, are beautiful but expensive to repair due to the material cost and the skill required to correctly install slate tiles. Tile roofs are somewhat more affordable but can still vary based on the tiles' quality and design. A general guide is that slate roof repairs can start from £200 and reach upwards of £800, while tile roof repairs might range from £150 to £700.

Flat roof repairs

new roof

Flat roofs have their own set of common issues, from blistering to leaking and pooling water. There are many different types of flat roof, and the cost will largely depend on the material and method used. Repairing a flat roof can generally cost between £200 and £1,200, largely dependent on whether a patch can suffice or a larger section needs replacing. The best way to get an accurate quote for this complex roof type is to get in touch with local roof repair specialists.

Saving money on your roof repairs

While roof repairs are an essential part of maintaining your home's integrity and comfort, they don't always have to break the bank. There are strategic ways to manage the costs associated with roof repairs, ensuring you get quality work done without overspending. Here are some tips to help you save money on your next roof repair project:

  • Negotiation is key

    Don't accept the first quote you receive. Get several estimates from different contractors and compare them. Not only does this give you a better understanding of the market rates, but it also provides leverage for negotiating the best possible deal.

  • Explore insurance options

    Before reaching into your pocket, check with your home insurance policy. Some damages might be covered, especially if they're the result of unforeseen circumstances like extreme weather conditions. It's worth a call to your insurance agent to see if you can file a claim, as this could significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Consider the timing

    Demand for roofing specialists tends to peak in spring and summer due to better weather conditions and increased home improvement projects. Planning your repair during the off-season, like late fall or winter, can result in lower rates. Roofing contractors have more availability during these times, which could lead to not only quicker project starts but also potential discounts to secure your business during their slower months.

Adopting these strategies can lead to considerable savings on roof repairs. Remember, the goal is to achieve a balance between cost efficiency and ensuring high-quality, durable repairs that protect your home for years to come. Your home is an investment — caring for it shouldn't come at an unreasonable cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

roof repair
  • Is it easier to fix or replace my roof?

It depends on the age of your roof and the extent of the damage. Minor to moderate repairs are often sufficient, but if your roof is old and suffering from multiple issues, replacement might be the more cost-effective long-term solution. Here's our guide to the cost of replacing your roof.

  • Can I fix it myself to save money?

While it’s tempting to tackle repairs yourself, roofing work can be dangerous and requires specific skills. For minor issues, DIY might be feasible, but for more significant repairs, we always recommend consulting a professional.

  • How do I find a good roofer?

Make sure you get at least three quotes from local specialists so you can see the price range and get a feel for how much your should budget. Look for reputable, licensed contractors with positive reviews and good insurance, and ask them all the questions you need - a good roof repair specialist will be happy to help.

  • Do I need planning permission?

For repairs you generally won't need planning permission, but if you're considering a full roof replacement, especially if you're changing materials or altering the structure, it's worth checking with your local council.

Understanding the potential costs and considerations for roof repairs in 2024 can seem daunting, but being well-informed is the first step towards making decisions that are right for your home and budget. Remember, investing in the right repairs not only protects your home but can also prevent more costly issues down the line. While the costs might seem significant upfront, the peace of mind and safeguarding of your home's structural integrity and value are invaluable.

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