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How much does gardening cost in 2024?

On average, gardeners cost
£20 per hour

in the UK, depending on the size of your garden and the type of gardening you need.

Our gardening price guide will help you set your budget for 2024.

So, How Much Does Gardening Cost in the UK?

The average cost of hiring a gardener in 2024 is £20 per hour, but there are lots of little things that will affect how much you pay. Creating an outdoor space that's a slice of paradise doesn't have to break the bank, but understanding what to expect in terms of cost - and if it's worth it - can make all the difference. If you're thinking of hiring a local gardener in 2024 (which you can do here for free), we'll help you understand the average costs so you can decide how much you want to spend.

Let's delve into the thriving world of UK gardening services and discover how to nurture a beautiful garden without withering your wallet!

Average Cost of Professional Gardening in the UK

Man gardening

The Cost Spectrum

So, the big question - how much does a gardener actually cost?

When it comes to hiring a professional gardener in the UK, the price range can be as varied as the plants these experts tend to. However, a baseline for most gardeners' charges hovers around £20 per hour, a figure influenced by several critical factors:

  • Experience and Skill Level:

    Veteran gardeners with green thumbs command higher rates due to their proven track record and expertise.

  • Location:

    Urban areas often have a higher cost of living and, therefore, higher service prices for gardening.

  • Seasonal Demand:

    In peak gardening seasons, such as spring and summer, expect a slight increase in rates due to heightened demand.

  • Specialization:

    Certain services, like landscape design, may carry a premium due to the technical expertise required.

Case Studies: What to Expect

For a garden of modest size in suburban areas, weekly maintenance might cost between £40 to £80, including lawn mowing, weeding, and season-specific tasks like hedge trimming. Extensive one-time projects, such as garden leveling or complete overhauls, can escalate into the thousands, especially when materials are involved.

Average Hourly and Day Rates for Gardeners

Woman gardening outside

The 'Time Is Money' Factor

Hourly rates for gardeners are the most common pricing model, but what about day rates for larger jobs? Typically, a day of gardening services spans approximately 8 hours and is priced at a discount compared to the cumulative hourly rate.

Let's break it down:

Gardener Hourly Rates UK

The average hourly rate for gardeners lies at around £20, but it can reach up to £30 for experienced or in-demand gardeners, or even more for specialist services (more on that below).

Hourly UK gardening rates
Average cost (per hour) £20
Minimum cost (per hour) £15
Maximum cost (per hour) £30

Average Day Rates for Gardening

Expect to pay between £150 to £400 for a day's worth of work, which is particularly beneficial for sizeable undertakings like redesigning a garden layout. If you have a particularly large garden, bear in mind you might need to pay for more than one day's work.

Gardening Day Rates in the UK
Average cost£190
Low end£150
High end£400

Perks of a Day Rate:

  • Potential cost savings for extensive projects

  • Efficient use of a team’s expertise throughout the day

  • Flexibility to add tasks without scaling up excessive costs

Factors Affecting the Cost of Gardening

Understanding the Variables

Gardener prices aren't set in stone but flex and mold according to several key influencers:

Garden Size: A vast expanse of greenery means more terrain to cover, which translates to more time and, consequently, a higher bill. Here are the costs for three sizes of garden - a modest 9mx9m (smaller), 14mx14m (a moderate family garden) and 20mx20m (a larger garden).

Gardening price by size
Size of gardenAverage cost of maintenance (in total)
9m x 9m (small)£40 - £135
14m x 14m (medium)£100 - £350
20m x 20m (large)£400+

Type and Amount of Work: Whether it's planting, pruning, or creating bespoke landscapes, specialized tasks can bump up the hourly rate of your gardening service.

Gardener Experience and Reputation: Quality comes with a price. High performers often charge more but (hopefully) provide a level of service that justifies the premium. However, it's worth remembering that a more affordable gardener isn't necessarily a worse one - they might provide a fantastic service, but not have the shiny branded van to go with it.

Additional Cost Considerations:

  • Equipment and material costs

  • Waste removal fees for substantial cleaning and clearing projects

  • The need for specialized tools or technique

Gardening Services Price List

Laying a path

A Breakdown of Offerings

Every journey in the garden is unique, and so are the tasks that comprise it. Here's a detailed look at the prices for specific gardening services:

  • Landscaping:

    Landscaping services differ depending on what you want. The gardening work itself tends to be around £20 an hour, but don't forget to factor in the cost of the garden design phase. For bespoke garden designs, be prepared to invest a substantial sum. The initial design alone can range from £60 to £300, while the installation could shoot all the way up to £10,000+ for intricate landscapes. You can find out more about the particular cost of landscape gardening with our UK landscaping price guide.

  • Leveling a Garden:

    Depending on the terrain and scale of corrections needed, this service may cost from £600 to up to £3,000, altering drainage and providing a stable foundation.

  • Lawn Mowing:

    The regular mow comes in as one of the less pricey services, generally requiring about £20 to £40 of your gardening budget.

  • Clearing Rubbish:

    For that seasonal declutter, rubbish removal can add an extra £100 to £400, contingent on the garden's debris density.

  • General Maintenance:

    Tending to the everyday tasks like weeding and watering nestles within the lower end of the pricing spectrum, varying from £20 to £40 per session, usually weekly or bi-weekly.

Gardening serviceAverage cost (per hour)
Landscaping £20-£25
General maintenance £12 - £15
Weeding £20
Mowing £20
Pressure washing£25 - £30
Tree trimming£30 - £40

Saving Money on Professional Gardening

Thrifty Tactics for Gardeners

A flourishing garden and a more modest budget can coexist. Here are savvy strategies for economizing without sacrificing the quality of your space:

Embrace DIY Where Feasible: While some tasks require expert hands, others can be proficiently handled by the homeowner, like basic weeding or pruning.

Strategic Scheduling: Timing services during off-peak seasons often yields reduced rates, with gardeners often eager to fill their schedules in quieter times.

Bulk Bookings: If several services are required, bundling them into a package deal can elicit a friendlier price tag from your gardener.

Negotiation and Multiple Quotes: Don't shy away from haggling or canvassing multiple gardeners for the same service to snag a competitive offer.

Gardening prices based on your location in the UK

Unsurprisingly, your location in the UK is likely to affect how much you pay for gardening, with homeowners in London paying the most for their gardening.

LocationAverage cost (per hour)
South East England£20
South West England £18
West Midlands £20
Yorkshire and the Humber£15

Choosing a Gardener Based on Your Budget

Man looking at garden

Balance and Best Practices

Selecting the right gardener is a delicate act of finding a harmonious match between your financial constraints and the quality of service you want. Considerations include:

Do Reviews Really Matter?

In short, yes. Balancing the scales between price and praise can ensure that you don't skimp on reputation for the sake of a cheaper deal. Previous client satisfaction is a solid indicator of what you can expect.

Is It Worth Paying More?

Quality often comes at a cost, and investing a bit more in a gardener with seasoned skills might actually save you money in the long run by preventing botched jobs that require remedial work.


Engaging a professional gardener is a commitment, one that honors both your garden and your wallet. By understanding the average cost landscape and the levers that influence it, you can navigate the world of gardening services with confidence and clarity. Remember, the golden path to a beautiful, budget-friendly garden is not one-size-fits-all, but a personalized route that intertwines your preferences with prudent financial decisions.

With these insights in your gardening toolkit, take the next step in transforming your outdoor space into a flourishing landscape. Find the perfect local gardener for your budget for free with Bark.


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