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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Lansing-based Web Designers, we can help.

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Whitaker Web Design profile image

Whitaker Web Design


Whitaker Web Design focuses our website development on professional organizations, small businesses, faith communities, and non-profits. We know the importance of projecting a modern, professional image on the web. Our services are affordable. We have several packages priced well within the range of any serious business owner. We understand sales and marketing. The sites we build are developed with sales and marketing principles that motivate prospects to take action. No client left behind. We offer ongoing support and maintenance to enable your site to continue growing and evolving as you take care of the business. We build all our websites on the WordPress platform. WordPress is a website publishing software and content management system (CMS) that is open-source, making it an excellent choice for almost 75 million websites.

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Hear from
a professional

What makes a great website?

Eye-catching modern design, followed by current, relevant information. A website should be attractive to visitors while at the same time making any call to action obvious and easy to use.

What questions might you ask a client when starting a new project?

What purpose is your website to serve? (education, information, online store, customer service, etc.)
What color combinations appeal to you?
What website "look and feel" appeals to you? (modern, traditional, clean, clear, professional, fun, etc.)
What features will your website include? (blog, shopping cart, event calendar, photo gallery, etc.)
Approximately how many pages will the site have?
Is the content already created for this site?

What do you love most about your job?

Helping people is the best part of my job. Secondly, expressing my creativity in ways the enables others to succeed.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I've always loved the idea of a side hustle and knew Web Design/Development would be a good fit since I can tap into my creative side and help others with affordable options for getting noticed online.

Why should our clients choose you?

Whitaker Web Design has a strong passion for customer success and is committed to providing excellent customer service.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

All of our services are provided remotely. We communicate primarily via email or phone, but can also use Zoom meetings if preferred. We create shared folders in Google Drive for uploading and downloading all material for the website, i.e. photos, documents, videos, etc.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

No changes have been necessary since we primarily do everything remotely, and have rarely had the need to meet in person.

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based on 45 reviews

The average rating for Bark Web Designers in Lansing is 5.00, based on 45 reviews.

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