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How much does window cleaning cost in 2024?

The average price of window cleaning is
£15 - £30 per hour

depending on how big your property is and how dirty your windows are.

What is the price of window cleaning? Read our handy guide to find out how much your window cleaner will charge for their services.

Window cleaning is nobody's favourite job. It's easy to put off, and before you know it you realise your once-clean glass, instead of letting in light, is streaked with grime. Windows are subject to all kinds of debris appearing on the glass and frames, including pollution build-up, dirt, cobwebs, and even bird droppings - all of which make a huge difference to the light entering your home, as well as its appearance. Regular window cleaning is therefore recommended by homecare professionals, and ideally it's carried out weekly, twice monthly, monthly or quarterly depending on your needs. 

But how much does window cleaning cost? We'll dive deep into the specifics so you can set your budget, whether you need clean windows for your home or business. Remember, these are average figures based on our research and the professionals we work with. You can get the most accurate price by requesting free quotes from professional window cleaners on Bark.

What do window cleaners do?

Window cleaning

Professional window cleaners use expert tools and techniques to clean your windows. This includes windows that are located at height, which aren’t practical or safe to try and clean yourself. They're also likely to be speedy, and they're experts at removing grime that's hard to clean off yourself.

The service may include just window cleaning, or also include aspects such as gutters, solar panels, signage, jet washing and more. Specialist window cleaning can also include post-construction window cleaning, making it a very flexible and worthwhile service. 

How much does domestic window cleaning cost?

The cost of window cleaning is usually very reasonable across the board, averaging between £15 and £30 per hour. 

Average window cleaning cost
Average cost (per hour)£15
Minimum cost (per hour)£10
Maximum cost (per hour)£30

If the window cleaning is more specialist such as involving abseiling or removal of construction debris from your windows, it may cost more than a general clean.

Window cleaners work quickly and efficiently as they will see many clients in a day. Therefore, the costs are easier to manage regardless of your budget. 

What changes the price of window cleaning? 

Window cleaning

The cost of window cleaning varies depending on several factors, including: 

  • Cleaning type

  • Number of windows

  • Building type

  • Frequency of cleaning

  • Time

  • Experience

  • Location

You may also find that rolling your window cleaning in with other services makes a price difference. While window cleaning isn't usually offered by domestic cleaners as part of your regular clean, as it requires specialist equipment and extra time, you might find that your cleaner offers it for an extra charge. You can read more about cleaning prices here.

Cleaning type

Window cleaning covers a broad range of services. Regular window cleaning on a terraced home can cost anywhere between £10 and £30 an hour on average across the UK.

However, for all other services, the job will normally be priced as a fixed fee rather than hourly. This is because the job will need to be quoted based on the size of the area, how good the access points are, what tools are needed and the level of cleaning involved. 

For windows located at height such as high rise buildings, your window cleaner will likely require abseil equipment and will have to work in pairs for safety reasons. Therefore, the cost of window cleaning at height ranges between £100 and £200

It’s good to note that just because windows aren’t on the ground floor, it doesn’t mean they are necessarily classed as ‘at height’. Where possible, window cleaners use water fed poles, allowing them to scale up to around 10 meters while remaining on the ground, which will also reduce the costs for the customer. 

Window cleaning types and prices
Type of cleaningHighest average priceLowest average price
Regular window cleaning£30£10
Window cleaning at height£200£100
Solar panel cleaning£100£30
Gutter cleaning£150£75

Specialist window cleaning jobs such as solar panel and gutter cleaning will be more expensive, and not all window cleaners will offer this service.

Expect to pay anywhere up to £150 for gutter cleaning, which is usually priced based on the length of your guttering. Gutter cleaning should be done once a year, or twice a year if any trees are near your property as the leaves can block your gutters. 

Likewise, dirty solar panels will mean they aren’t performing to their maximum potential which will reduce their value. As it isn’t practical to clean solar panels yourself and scratches can happen with the wrong brush, getting an expert in is advisable. 

Number of windows

A window cleaner will price up the job based on the number of windows you have. They will also factor in the size of the windows since larger windows will take longer to clean.

Here's how much it generally costs based on the size of your home:

Window cleaning costs by house size
House typeTime to cleanAverage overall cost
Semi-detached1-2 hours£25 - £45
Detached2 hours£44+
Terraced1-2 hours£25 - £45
Medium bungalow1-2 hours£22 - £44

Frequency of cleaning

The frequency at which you have your windows cleaned is entirely up to you. Though for commercial premises, in particular, twice-monthly or monthly window cleans are recommended. This is especially the case for storefronts and glass on your customer entry points, which are prone to fingermarks.

Be sure not to leave too long in between window cleans, otherwise, you’ll require a more expensive deep clean to bring your windows up to scratch.


Window cleaners will factor in how much time the job will take when working out a quotation. Usually, they’ll have a set hourly rate, especially for regular cleans. 

Alternatively, they may have rates for half or full days depending on the job. 

For larger or more specialised work, they may price the job as a fixed fee instead.


Window cleaners with decades of experience who know how to use the most advanced tools such as pure water window cleaning will likely be more expensive. This is especially the case versus window cleaners who still use a cloth and bucket.


The location of your property will impact the cost of window cleaning since location affects any service you wish to hire.

The North East is typically the cheapest place to find window cleaning, averaging at £10 per visit for a standard home. This increases up to £20 in London, which has a far higher cost of living. 

Average cost of Window Cleaning based on the location
LocationAverage window cleaner cost
North East £10
North West£15
South West£18

Do window cleaners clean the inside too?

No, most window cleaners will only clean the exterior of your home without setting foot inside. However, some professional may offer this as an extra service, or if you have a domestic cleaner, you could ask them to wipe the interior of your windows if they don't already. Luckily, cleaning the insides of your windows is a lot easier than the outside - all you need is some glass cleaner and a cloth, and not a ladder anywhere in sight!

How much does commercial window cleaning cost?

Window cleaning

Commercial window cleaning is for businesses with larger buildings to maintain. This could be anything from a shared office to a skyscraper, but for argument's sake we'll keep it to small and medium businesses here.

Cleaning windows for commercial buildings is usually more time-intensive and hazardous compared to residential properties, often resulting in professional fees ranging from £100 to £500. The pricing for commercial window cleaning is typically determined by factors such as the building's size, the quantity of windows, and the specific challenges faced by the window cleaner during the task. For instance, if specialized equipment like scaffolding, cherry pickers, cradles, or abseiling gear is necessary, the cost of such equipment will be included in the overall window cleaning expenses.

If you already have a commercial office cleaner, you might find that they (or their agency) can also help with window cleaning. Here's a more in-depth guide to office cleaning prices.

Types of window cleaning

Window cleaning

It's not all about a bucket of soapy water and sponge - your window cleaning professionals might use any of the following methods to keep your glass gleaming.

  • Rope Access

In certain circumstances where windows are either high up, hard to reach, or both, scaffolding may be deployed temporarily to facilitate access. Alternatively, professionals may opt for abseil window cleaning where they are connected to two ropes that are individually anchored, allowing them to traverse the exterior of the building to clean the windows safely. This is mostly used for commercial buildings.

  • Traditional Window Cleaning

Traditional window cleaning is a complete residential service that is carried out with scrapers, squeegees, high-quality cleaning products, and microfiber pads that can help to preserve the quality of glass. This is more common for domestic properties.

  • Mobile Elevated Platforms

If windows cannot be cleaned from the ground with a pole and a ladder is deemed too dangerous, the safest method is to use a mobile-elevated platform. This involves a mechanical lifting system that is controlled by operatives in a cradle and can reach windows of up to 60m in height - usually reserved for the largest buildings.

  • Water-Fed Pole Window Cleaning

For large-scale projects that involve cleaning windows that are high up, the preferred method used by professionals in this trade is water fed pole window cleaning. This is where water is sprayed onto the window at a height from a pole fitted with a brush and water jets. The brush is used to scrub the dirt and the water washes it off to leave your windows looking pristine. It's often used for smaller commercial buildings, but you might see it on domestic properties too.

Is it worth getting my windows professionally cleaned?

Yes! Neglecting to clean your windows can lead to fragile glass and hinder natural light from entering your property. This situation worsens when pollutants like salt and grit accumulate, causing smudges, streaks, and pigmentation spots. Beyond aesthetics, window cleaning is crucial for preventing mould buildup. Dirty, damp windows provide a breeding ground for mould, posing both visual and health concerns. While professional window cleaning may incur a cost, it's a worthwhile investment to maintain pristine windows year-round.

Window cleaning is also a job that most people don’t have the time, experience or tools to complete regularly, let alone to a high standard. It can also be dangerous to clean windows that are located at height. Having a professional window cleaner take care of everything for you will save time and effort. All without having to pay a lot for the service either! So it’s worth scheduling regularly, as it’s one less job to think about. 

Find the best window cleaning professional for the job on Bark today. 

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