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TJ Gibbs

NN3, Northampton

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If you are sick and tired of just coping and are ready to shift the underlying causes of your issues send me a message and we can chat (I don't respond to Quote requests as it's important to understand if we are the right fit for each other).

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47 customer reviews

31 May 2024


TJ is very easy to talk to. She asks gentle but insightful questions and always helps me find new ways to look at and unpacking the issues I’m dealing with. She knows her stuff and is helping me find my true self. More...

28 May 2024


I first met TJ about a year ago, at a point in my life when I felt utterly lost. Desperate for help, I looked online for a therapist and was drawn to TJ. I completed the free life and love questions online and quickly realized I needed help.

A year prior, I had ended a 20+ year relationship with whom I had 3 children, despite multiple attempts to rekindle, things kept going wrong. I began questioning if I was the root of our problems.

At my lowest, I didn't care about myself anymore, I struggled to do the simplest things for myself, I was a complete wreck, my work was the only aspect of my life I felt I was in control of.
I still loved my partner deeply and couldn’t understand why our relationship kept failing. Summoning the courage, I contacted TJ and we scheduled a phone call.

During our 30-minute conversation, I poured my heart out about how my relationship was affecting my partner, and our children. At the end of the conversation TJ pointed out that I hadn’t once mentioned my own feelings, only those of my partner and children. TJ was able to identify a crucial aspect of my personality within 30 minutes of talking to me, my tendency to prioritize others over myself.

This realization hit me hard, I wanted everyone to be happy, but I had neglected myself to the point I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

I nervously arranged my first in-person session with TJ. Despite never having opened up to anyone before, TJ made me feel at ease. TJ's empathetic and calming presence created a safe space for me to be vulnerable whilst wrapped in one of her amazing blankets.

I remember crying a lot during my first session, what TJ calls a "flooding session," Although I don't recall my initial test scores, I know they were very low, but I told myself the only way to go from here was up, I left feeling hopeful.

Our next session was the following week and although I felt stronger for seeking help. I was still an emotional wreck but also happy that I had returned to see TJ.

After leaving my second session I actually felt a sense of happiness which to be honest shocked me, but I felt somewhat back in control of my life. After just two sessions.

Then came the "my see me" experience, where TJ communicated with my subconscious. TJ skilfully delved into the dynamics between my ego, inner child, and self, revealing an imbalanced reliance on my ego for coping mechanisms.

When the session ended, I was sobbing, overwhelmed by what had just happened. TJ advised me to give it two weeks to fully process and just asked me to be more mindful of my inner child. TJ also encouraged me to scrutinize my decisions and their repercussions.

Initially, I didn’t feel different, but a significant moment came when my son asked me if I wanted to watch a show with him, I was inundated with work and initially, I said I can’t, but as I walked away from him I questioned if I was ignoring my inner child again. I chose to forget work for a little while and spend time with my son, I felt so happy in that moment for the decision that I had made. This seemingly small decision marked the beginning of a shift in how I approached situations.

I realized my little one was usually only ever in control when I was with my partner, leading to poor decisions driven by a need for love and attention. TJ encouraged me to question my decisions, which led to noticeable changes over the following weeks.

As I continued therapy, I grew to understand my co-dependency on my partner wasn’t healthy. Although I tried to work on our relationship, another major incident of emotional abuse made me realize it was time to end it for the sake of my children and myself. Over the next six months, with TJ’s guidance, I grew stronger and more independent, I felt happier than I had felt in years.

My 50th birthday was approaching, I knew I had to address my past traumas to avoid carrying them into the next chapter of my life, I also knew I couldn’t become reliant on TJ and she encouraged me to trust myself and we slowly reduced our sessions to the point I said I would contact her if I felt I needed to.

My ex had after we split started his own therapy with someone else and I was hopeful it would help him with his own life and his relationship with his children and it seemed on the surface he was making progress.

My amazing children had planned a surprise party for me and with that they had arranged for my ex their Dad to take me out for the day so they could organise everything, although I was nervous as we hadn’t been together for several months I also wanted him to feel a part of my day, we spent a wonderful day together, rekindling a sense of what once was and yet again I believed we could make it work. However, the same issues resurfaced again, and I realized I had been drawn back into a toxic pattern.

Feeling foolish but determined, I reached out to TJ again. During a profound four-hour session, I accepted that I needed to let my ex go and, if necessary, enforce no contact, not just for my mental health but for the benefit of everyone. It was during this session with TJ that the distinction between knowledge and wisdom became crystal clear.
TJ helped me see that although I had the knowledge, I had now gained the wisdom to act on it.

Over the next few weeks, the emotional abuse continued and things went from bad to worse but I felt more in control and stronger than I had in years and shortly before Christmas, I told my ex we needed to go no contact. I knew I couldn’t be there for him anymore.

The abuse soon surfaced again, and I finally blocked him for the first time ever. I never believed I would have the strength to do that, I was always scared of what he might do to himself and had been for so many years but I knew I couldn’t help him anymore, I could only control the way I dealt with situations.
TJ helped me realise the necessity to let go for the well-being of everyone involved.

One of the biggest realizations from this journey was the understanding that I could no longer put my life on hold for someone unwilling to change. I reached a point where accepting emotional abuse was no longer an option in my life.

TJ's guidance equipped me with the strength to acknowledge that my happiness necessitated letting go of toxic patterns.

What sets TJ apart is the depth of her support, extending far beyond the confines of our sessions. Her compassionate guidance, tailor-made insights, and unwavering encouragement helped me grow into the person I needed to be.

TJ not only equipped me with the tools to deal with challenging moments but instilled within me a newfound sense of self-worth and resilience.

Through TJ's unwavering support, I found the strength to sever ties with my past, acknowledging that my happiness necessitated letting go. While the journey has been difficult, I stand today with a profound sense of strength and wisdom, ready to embrace the next chapter of my life.

TJ's impact has been life-changing, I would urge anyone struggling to reach out and trust in TJ’s ability, she truly saved my life, by saving me from myself.

I know if I had not reached out, I would still be dealing with the same things I had dealt with for so many years.

Thank you TJ, from the bottom of my heart, you are truly amazing xx

28 May 2024


TJ Gibbs has been an outstanding therapist over the past few months. Her straightforwardness and honesty have been incredibly refreshing and effective. TJ creates a safe, supportive environment where real growth can happen. Her insights are spot-on, and she challenges me in a way that fosters genuine progress. I highly recommend TJ Gibbs to anyone seeking a skilled and compassionate therapist. Five stars! More...

25 October 2023


If your reading this then you found yourself in the same situation as me I was very lost and hurting in life wasn’t happy very aggressive typical male with head in the sand thinking everything will be ok well trust me it doesn’t get better unless you’re ready to change I first spoke to tj in the phone to see if she could help me which she seemed to think she could so sceptical I went for first meeting was totally felt at ease as soon as I walked in tj explained everything that would happen over the course still sceptical I went ahead it was the best decision I’ve made over the weeks things began to come clear to me and found myself feeling different nothing had changed but everything felt better with out me realising it my partner can’t believe the difference it’s been 6 weeks since finishing the course and no aggression I’m friendly I actually like myself now please if you’re a male and need help weather that be with tj who I highly recommend or anyone else just do it it will open your eyes to a new perspective on things thank you tj for your help

11 October 2023

I completed my 5 sessions today with TJ & I can’t explain how life changing these sessions have been for me.
I have suffered with ticks my whole life which have caused a lot of stress for myself & actually learning about my ticks and understanding myself more & with the help from TJ my ticks are barely there anymore.
The sessions have helped me learn so much about myself, grow and heal and I can’t thank her enough for the help I’ve received as I really was at a point of needing help but having no idea where to even begin.
Would so highly highly recommend! Thank you so much!

14 September 2023

To put into words how much my 5 sessions have helped me.. it would be an understand of what I could write. But to put into brief, I came in my first session an extremely anxious women who didn’t want to leave her home, go to work, socialise etc to now feeling like the best version of myself in only 5 sessions is remarkable. If you’re considering booking yourself in, do not hesitate. Everything that was said.. makes sense, how much better I felt even after one session, makes sense when the dots were connected.
I can’t thank her enough for the process I have been through as it has made me a better person than what I thought i could come walking out of there. I have referred her onto many friends and family

5 September 2023

I have completed TJ's 5 step process and will now be seeing her once a month - I have loved working with TJ as she's super knowledgable and she's seriously helped me through a very hard time. Thank you so much for everything, I'm looking forward to continuing to work with you. More...

26 August 2023

A life changing experience!
I just remember waking up one morning feeling so low, not knowing what’s the purpose anymore, thinking about various ways of falling asleep and finally have that peace of mind…
Somehow my hand reached the phone and whilst I was sobbing I typed in on Google immediate mental help near me.
When I saw TJ’s photo and reviews ( not sure If I read them all) but I have instantly felt I could connect with her and she is somebody who would understand.
And the rest is history really.
The most professional therapist I have ever worked with. I’m not only remained in my relationship but I have managed to transform it to a healthy and happy one,moreover I have become a better person for my family and as a work colleague.
I am also pursuing new career and will see where it takes me.
But please remember, no one will change your life until you do put some work in. TJ helped me and guided me to the right direction and I will forever will be grateful for it ❤️

6 June 2023

Great experience working with TJ she has really helped clear up a lot of confusion for me and help me put things in perspective and on the right track.

21 May 2023

I am not someone to leave reviews but in this particular situation i need to incase there’s anyone scrolling through looking for who to go to for help.

i’m 31 years old and i would definitely say i’ve been on an attempted self love journey now for about 5 years now and i’ve been going to private therapists, reading books etc and there has most definitely been improvement in certain aspects of my life.. apart from one BIG one… I was a very ‘negative’ (protective) person, i had a lack of self love and some serious rejection issues which made me self destruct - CONSTANTLY. I destroy every relationship i have ever had because i don’t feel worthy of love.

I met TJ and to be honest i was really resistant, i had never had this type of therapy and wasn’t use to having someone talk at me, it threw me off and i wasn’t sure if to continue with the next session ( my self destruct button in full swing) but i’m so glad i did.

The therapy i am used to is where i talk about my pain and trauma and within an hour the session is wrapped up and then i’m left with their 10 minutes of input that it’s not my fault and off i go until next week to continue this loop of nothingness.

Tj broke that cycle and on the second session she made me see that my story was just white noise and it really was, we all have a story. We have all suffered and have trauma in some way but it’s how we deal with it moving forward that counts. Tj can’t stop me feeling rejected, or make my dad appear but she gave me the skills to move forward and learn how to deal with it.

As of today after my hynopherapy with TJ which was 3 weeks ago, i have not self destructed once. My protective voices have quietened down and i’m finally living what i deam to be a normal life.

I can’t thank her enough, i don’t think she quite understands the change she has brought to my life. My family and friends have noticed a big difference, my partner has noticed i don’t crave attention to feed my rejection issues anymore. I am enough.

To anyone wondering who to turn to all i can say is TJ turned my life around, give the 5 step process a chance even if at first it doesn’t make sense it will.

Thank you TJ from the bottom of my heart

17 April 2023


I’m never normally the person who would go to therapy but there was a period of time where I was really feeling at my lowest and couldn’t get my self out of it and I thought I would give therapy a go. This is when I started with TJ, TJ isn’t just a therapist, she is everything and more, I learnt so much about myself I would never of known, it’s a huge education lesson as well as healing.
The programme TJ puts you through is very good, each step is different and when you get to the end of the programme, it’s unbelievable to look back at the person who went to session 1 to where I have come to now. TJ is also a amazing warm hearted person, felt so at ease the moment I met her. I have recommended few people to TJ already who have completed the programme and have had a huge change in their mindset and happiness.

30 March 2023

Highly recommend TJ, she has really helped me change my perspective on life. I feel so much happier and ready to complete goals and grow in the future x

18 January 2023


I Meant 2 months not 2 years in my previous review , it’s Samantha by the way

18 January 2023

When I first started with TJ , I was very sceptical about therapy simply because of my background (Pentecostal Church) , as we went through the sessions, I had more knowledge and understanding of me , myself and I , how to care for each one of them , when I thought my faith was at its very best , it turns out I still have a lot to uncover and learn , I’m very excited for my journey after the sessions with TJ , I came there very shy and timid, now I can honestly say that I’ve made more progress compared to 2 years ago , which is growth to me and my mind is more at peace , my spirit is at ease and I’m very grateful for TJ , for making me feel welcomed and sharing her story and knowledge.

17 December 2022

I have been working with TJ for 4 weeks and in this time she has really helped me understand myself and changed my outlook on my life. Whilst this is only the start of my journey, it is a massive leap towards healing my inner pain and dealing with how low I was feeling. Would recommend her 5 session course for anyone who is feeling stuck, lost or is simply done with feeling down. The rest of my journey is now down to me, but she has given me many tools to succeed in finding my own happiness, and being my true authentic self. More...

4 December 2022


TJ has been amazing. She has helped me climb out from the pit I felt I was in and has helped me understand myself more. Couldn’t recommend her enough, she’s professional, honest and makes you feel completely at ease!

30 November 2022


TJ to meet you opened finally a bright path ahead of me. At 73, and after trying all kind of long, costly therapies, your magic wand, after only five sessions completely transformed my permanent up and down, depressing years. It is as if my soul, mind and body were reborn. I am now full of hope, confident, in peace and harmony with my inner self. Life, my life has a happy, solid direction I have though only one regret.. not to have met you years ago. You are an amazing, highly gifted human person. Thank you, merci, Grazie, gracias, tack. 🌹… More...

29 October 2022

I started seeing TJ trying to understand why I couldn't find love. I finished the TLC session, and I'm still seeing her on a regularly basis. She has been so helpful, I have a much better understanding of myself, knowing what I want, and what I should do to get it. There have been times I was feeling confused, but she has helped to clear things up.
I highly recommend TJ as a love/life coach, and I will continue seeing her to make sure I'm on the right path and doing my best to seek happiness in love/life.

6 October 2022


Not only has TJ helped me heal, but she has given me a great understanding of myself; which in turn has helped more than I can explain. Originally coming in with what I thought was just an anger for life, was made much clearer through our sessions. From paranoia and self hate, everything was addressed and I was made to question things in a way I hadn’t before. It’s amazing how not much in life has changed, but in turn everything has changed, for the better! Thank you! More...

28 September 2022

Just finished my course with TJ and would strongly recommend anyone going through trauma, stress or any mental health issues to meet with her. I have never felt so comfortable to talk about issues I’d of never spoke to anyone before about. Tj also has the ability to break down issues you have and make you understand how to resolve them. Although I have finished my course I wouldn’t hesitate to contact TJ if I felt the need. More...

15 September 2022


When I first found TJ I was numb in a cycle of depression and she really helped me to realise what about me I was neglecting and why I felt the way I did and I will continue to meet with her for further career advice and life coaching! I couldn’t reccomend enough if you want to break the cycle get in touch! More...

15 September 2022


She is great! Makes you feel comfortable and not pushed. This is the first time coming to therapy and she has helped me alot. I like how she uses her own experiences to help and the way she talks to you...friendly and warm. Not like a stranger. The atmosphere is comfortable and she let's you take your time with opening up. She is really helpful and her book also had helped be greatly. I highly highly recommend. More...

2 August 2022


I didn’t know where to turn the day I asked for help. Years of anger, virtually no patience, blaming others, frequent anxiety and a family on eggshells. Had TJ not responded and asked me to call (on a Sunday I might add) and then pick up the phone then who knows where I’d be. I knew I needed to change but didn’t know how. TJ has been brilliant in helping me to pause, reset and begin to rebuild. I have now an understanding of where I need to change and better yet, the beginning of a journey of discovery of who I am. I cannot thank her enough. More...

30 July 2022


I felt low and depressed after my husband of many years left me and completely worthless, working with TJ has been a pleasure and I’m now getting to know the person I am and what I want from life and I am starting to feel happy which in just over a month since I started working with her is amazing thank you TJ xx

28 July 2022

I felt very relaxed and at ease working with TJ. I have gained an interesting insight into why I act and feel in certain situations.
Will be back for a few more sessions - always more to discover!

18 July 2022


TJ helped me out of a very dark place. She helped me see, rationalise and explain thoughts, emotions and patterns of behaviour that were conditioned in me.
TJ is grounding, wise and non-judegmental. I would recommend her to anyone and will definitely be continuing sessions with her.

18 July 2022

We came to TJ as we were in a good place in our relationship and wanted to find healthy ways to keep that going and also level up as individuals.
In such a short space of time TJ helped us change our perspectives, we didn't focus on our pasts but what we could control about our futures. We had never done hypnotherapy before but it we felt very safe and are still experiencing the benefits! There was also a spiritual element to our sessions that allowed us to dive into life changing discussions about our purpose in life.
Unfortunately I can't fully put into words how much this has helped us together and separately. All I know is that we'll be back because what we experienced was genuine, professional and gentle coaching.

15 July 2022


I find it so inspiring working with TJ. I look forward to our sessions because I know how much she is going to help me on this journey. I feel so relaxed and very focused throughout each session and leave feeling full of hope as I am already feeling the benefits of this therapy and I have given a rating of 5 stars as I feel TJ is most excellent in her whole approach. Apart from all her qualifications and experience I feel she has a special gift. I am so grateful to have been guided towards her, she is an amazing, beautiful, inspirational woman. More...

29 June 2022

so originally before talking with tj, i didn’t really care about anything, i just kinda chilled with my thoughts and listened to music. i kinda thought it’s just how i was meant to live, like not everyone gets to have big goals or any motivation for anything. but as it turns out i was wrong. i did care about stuff, i just didn’t do anything about it, i wanted to have fun, i had goals for my future, but my mindset didn’t really match my desire. i had 5 sessions with tj and genuinely the most important thing i took out of them was the fact she managed to change my mindset and outlook on myself and the world, while she’s an amazing listener and really just easy to vibe with, i think the program she’s using is honestly key to this operation. it highlights everything that YOU think is wrong and how YOU view yourself. it then tells the story of you from little things yo crucial things about you that will help you find your way out of the dark room you’ve locked yourself in. you just gotta have a little faith and promise yourself you’ll do the work. thank you tj, your help has made me take the first and biggest step towards a light i never could have seen otherwise. More...

20 June 2022


I’ve had the pleasure of working with TJ for the past 2 months and honestly this woman is a god send.

I’ve had an extremely difficult two months and was feeling overwhelmed and triggered by many factors. TJ has helped me to really understand where the emotions stemmed from and has provided me with tools to manage them. Also, TJ has been amazing at changing the narrative to what I thought was the truth of my life but instead of me thinking I was a victim for a long time, she made me understand that I was in fact- a hero.

TJ isn’t just a therapist. TJ is a natural, born healer and her energy in itself is healing energy. There were times I just needed advice for 10 minutes and TJ was there to provide it.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I’m looking forward to continuing my healing journey with you and I’m excited for what’s next to come🤍

10 May 2022


I have been working with TJ through my anxiety issues and I wish I had discovered her sooner. TJ is professional, understanding and amazing at what she does. I look forward to all my sessions with her and come away feeling so positive More...

3 May 2022


An amazing experience so far and the therapy continues. TJ is a professional, very understanding and skilfull with qualifications to match ,and so much knowledge, supporting me at each session to understand what I really need to develop. I look forward to each session and grow a little more each time we meet. More...

24 March 2022

Highly recommend this lady she is lovely and she has done wonders for me and only one session very pleased with how I’m feeling now hope to see her in the future as I’ve only had one session due to circumstances😀😀

7 March 2022

Having never done coaching before I was unsure what to expect
What I ended up with was a coach who was totally relatable, non judgmental and a life changing asset

Thank you TJ

3 March 2022


I have been seeing TJ for 6 months now weekly. To say she has changed my life would be an under statement. I spend 7 years in an abusive relationship. Her advice and weekly guidance have made me achieve more than I could have ever imagined in the last six months and my life has changed for the better. The added individual hypnoses she offers is a once in a lifetime experience which is catered to your individual needs. It has been worth every penny to turn my life around. I have now moved into life coaching with TJ and week to week she encourages me to get one step closer to my dreams! Seeing TJ will be the best decision you will ever make. More...

19 February 2022


I am very happy working with TJ it is helping me to discover myself and issues from childhood and current issues

18 February 2022


My sessions with TJ are amazing. After a long time searching for the right therapist, she has been the most helpful and honest. TJ has given me hope I can change my life for the better. Highly recommend. More...

18 February 2022

TJ has helped me re-build my life. She had helped me understand why I feel the way I do and how to turn it around. I am re-building my relationship with my daughter guided by TJ and mending a broken heart. I recommend her to anyone seeking relationship help and advice. I am feeling better and better after each session with TJ she is helping me heal and will do the same for anyone who seeks her help. More...

31 August 2021


Was really helpful would highly recommend

23 August 2021

I first met TJ at a workshop I was invited to for the get ready for love book. This was such an insightful day and really helped me understand why I viewed my attitudes to relationships based on past experiences. From here I booked to work with TJ for another 5 one to one sessions, and I have to say she changed my life and my relationship with myself forever. She helped me understand my relationship programming, and trauma and helped me reconnected with myself in order to openly go into future relationships making sure all need needs can be met and identify areas where I need to be mindful not to fall back into old habits. I have since referred several friends to work with her and I still have dip in consultations when I need to do a recheck on where I am at and if I feel I need guidance on areas I may not have encountered before. More...

20 August 2021


It has been a amazing experience and I'm looking forward to working with her again soon. I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and T,j has helped me more already than anyone in the 20 years I have been suffering. The myseeme experience was amazing I have never felt so relaxed, and still do the next day. More...

17 August 2021

Amazing sessions with TJ as always. She listens and guides you through your problems and life occurrences and I have always had fantastic outcomes when listening to TJ's advice. Thank you for everything!

24 June 2021

I came across TJ while doing research for a love coach and she has turned out to be such an asset and a blessing in helping me navigate my journey of self-love and awareness. As a black woman with Asperger's, dating can be more daunting than for most people!

Following 3 months of working together (and culminating in a MySeeMeI Experience), I've re-entered the world of dating and for the first time, I feel and show up as the most authentic version of myself because of the grounding and awareness she's helped me arrive at. I'm really pleased about that.

She's honest, gentle, kind, open and we had some good laughs. As I continue to go through my dating (and enjoy the process itself), I'm happy that I can reach out to her for that unbiased viewpoint that a girlfriend might be too scared to share for fear of hurting me! I couldn't recommend her highly enough.

22 June 2021

TJ uses a holistic approach to help people reclaim direction and purpose in their life. Her intuition and effective strategies helped me reconnect with myself when I was stuck in self-doubt and heartache. Now, I can rekindle self-love and translate this into both my personal and love life. I am very grateful to TJ for her support and kindness! More...

6 June 2021

TJ is a welcome break to counselling. She speaks from the heart, with a wealth of experience and knowledge. She tells things that you need to hear. She doesn't butter things up but gives fantastic and genuinely honest advice, which we sometimes need to hear, so we can truly move on in our love lives.
She has opened my eyes to my failings and where I was looking, in all the wrong places, for love. I am now in a loving relationship, as I have learnt to look for the right person, with the right traits, that match mine and what I have been looking for, I will no longer accept 2nd best but someone that I truly deserve.

I cannot rate TJ highly enough. As the old saying goes, she gives TOUGH love but that is what we need and I needed to hear.

3 June 2021

TJ is a very warm and compassionate lady and I immediately felt at ease with her and very safe in her capable hands. This is very important when choosing to do the Myseemei experience. I am very glad that I chose to do this experience with TJ as it allowed me to realise who is 'in charge' of my love life and gave me the confidence to go out in the dating world. It has also helped me to love myself more as I had been neglecting my own needs in favour of the needs of others. This experience has really helped me to realise where I had been going wrong and I now feel happier and more in control of my life and my love life. I would recommend it to anyone! More...

TJ Gibbs

Reply from TJ Gibbs

Thanks Tasha for your kind review. I know with your new insight and skillset that you got this!

30 May 2021

A very inspirational coach.
TJ is very understanding and has a wealth of knowledge and experiences she can share with you.
Highly recommended.

TJ Gibbs

Reply from TJ Gibbs

Thank you for your generous review


Seeing people take back control over their lives as they happen to life rather than life happening to them

Lack of availability of the kind of services TLC offer when I needed them (marriage breakdown resulting in severe depression) was a driving factor in me training and developing the life and love changing services I now offer as The Love Coach.

As my clients state on my website testimonials working with me is life changing and is highly tailored to meet the individual needs of a client. Your healing is my purpose.

Depending on services they are offered online, via zoom/telephone, in-person or via workshops. TLC also offers digital products such as Ebook, printed book, audio book and online courses (coming soon).

Much of the work carried out duving the Covid 10 pandemic has been carried out over zoom rather than in person. Now I am able to work in person due to lifting of Covid Restrictions I am again able to offer the Cognitive Hypnotherapy/Myseemei Experience in a Covid Safe environment


Life Coaching will set goals and support to help you understand how to move past life changing events that can make you "stuck" such as redundancy or divorce. It can help you discover what is blocking you from becoming that millionaire/successful designer or planning how to loose weight/get fit and will provide accountability to someone along your journey to success.

Love Coaching will help you in any part of the cycle of love. Whether it be understanding why you fall for the wrong people, discovering who is the right person for you, understanding why love has never worked out so far, dealing with infidelity, struggling to keep a relationship alive, coping with the decision to leave someone or getting over and moving on from a relationship breakdown/divorce

Therapy is for those suffering from heartache or loss of connection to self which often results in low self esteem anxiety, panic attacks, delf harm, suicidal thoughts etc.  Many of us know the feelings of gut wrenchingly physical and emotional pain that can be experienced after a relationship ends or loss of a loved one and often this can escalate over time into depression.

The Myseemei Experience will change how you look at yourself for ever. This unique and eye opening "get to know yourself" experie is ground breaking and has literally changed the life of clients As a result of this foundational life shifting tools you will experience a hypnosis session where you will discover that you have 3 parts of you. You have heard of them but are about to meet them - ME, MYSELF AND I! If not in harmony these parts will self sabotage, causing chaos and disfunction.

All Therapy work carried out is intervention based and includes elements of Counselling and CBT as well as many other therapy style intervention techniques such as Parts work, Ericksonian, Gestault to name a few.