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Life Coach and Mindset Coach Therapist


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Hi welcome to my profile- AC Life Coaching.

Lets talk abit about life, it does get hard and challenging at times, but we all human. This rollercoaster life we somtimes get stuck on, can become overwhelming. As we know when someone actively listens to you, making you feel heard and valued.

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20 customer reviews

22 January 2024


I met Suzanne during a very difficult time in my life and I was beyond nervous as I’d never seen a life coach or therapist previously so didn’t really know what to expect. Suzanne provided me with a safe space to express my feelings and emotions and I felt so much better even after one session.
Seeing Suzanne was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have regained my confidence and look a at life in a positive way. I’ve learnt techniques that will help me for the rest of my life.
Suzanne is absolutely amazing at what she does and really cares. I could not recommend her enough, thank you for everything!

21 January 2024

Going to see Suzanne is the best decision I made. It has allowed me to build confidence in myself and become the person I want to be.

I have gone from someone who was unhappy and lost in life to somebody who is so happy and knows what I want from my life and what’s important to me.

I couldn’t recommend Suzanne enough!

18 January 2024

suzanne has helped me be more confident and succeed to be the person who i am today

17 January 2024

Going to see Suzanne was one of the best decisions I have made, she helped me see things from a better perspective, would recommended her to anyone who needs someone to talk to 3rd party after the sessions you feel so much better

17 January 2024

There aren’t enough adjectives to describe how amazing Suzanne is. She has quite simply changed my life. She has a great balance of care and humour and it’s exactly what I need. My only regret is not finding her sooner. More...

25 July 2023

Suzanne has helped my daughter through a difficult time. She has helped her with confidence building and both socially and educationally. I would highly recommend Suzanne.

24 June 2023

Child Counselling

Suzanne has been incredible with my 10 year old daughter. She has changed our families life.
Suzanne worked with my daughter to build her confidence whilst working to reduce her anxiety more and more every week.
We had got to the stage where school times, clubs, playdates, bedtimes were all a dreaded nightmare for her and all of us in the household. Tears, meltdowns and zero separation had become the norm.
After seeing Suzanne for a few months, we're now at the stage where most of those dreaded daily activities, are manageable and no longer absorb so much time for everyone.
I will be forever thankful for all the help you have given her. X

11 June 2023

Suzanne has been wonderful in helping and supporting our family through a tricky time. She is so easy to talk to, so kind and understanding and I would recommend to anyone. Thank you Suzanne! Xxx

8 June 2023


Suzanne really helped me to overcome challenges in my personal life which I will be forever be eternally grateful. She offered an open and honest space where I felt immediate relief after I had left. After our sessions I felt lighter and I know I can rely on her if I need her in the future. Thank you Suzanne ❤️ More...

26 October 2022

I wanted to stop smoking due to my health

Suzanne was supportive and made me focus on the reason why I wanted and needed to give up

It involved a one of session with her of hypnosis and talk therapy and ways to continue to quit my habit

I haven’t had a cigarette for four months

Me and my family are forever grateful

25 October 2022

Going to see Susanne was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Made me see more clearly and taught me some very valuable lessons about myself. If you think you would benefit from talking to someone then Susanne is the perfect person. Don’t think, just do it. More...

16 September 2022

Suzanne was fantastic with my son. He was a totally different boy from the one who cried on the first visit because I had to leave him to the one who was confident enough to say to Suzanne that he felt ready to finish his regular sessions. She was kind and caring and equipped him with the tools needed to help him recognise and cope with his anxiety. Thank you Suzanne x More...

8 September 2022


I came to Suzanne a few months ago at a really hard time in my life where I felt stuck in a vicious cycle which I needed help to break. She has built up my confidence so much and helped me understand my thoughts and feelings and how to deal with my behaviours. She is extremely reassuring and comforting and I don’t know where I would be without her guidance. I highly recommend Suzanne, she is amazing with all different situations and scenarios :) More...

19 August 2022


Suzanne has quite literally changed my life. I now face things in a different way and know I have the tools to continue on this journey. I would highly recommend.. I have peace of mind knowing that I can call on her again if i need to. More...

13 August 2022

Suz has worked with my daughter the last year. She’s helped and supported her through anxiety and low self esteem. My daughter had a real rough patch before Xmas and suz supported her and me through it brilliantly. She is supportive to me as a parent to by giving tips and advice. My daughter loves going and always comes out with a positive mindset. More...

12 August 2022


I came to Suzanne feeling very lost about life and not sure what I wanted to do. Suzanne was able to help me think through a lot of thoughts that made me feel extremely stuck and hopeless at the time. She was very understanding throughout and approached my thoughts in a way that I felt heard. The techniques she gave me for anxiety I will continue to use on a daily basis to help me and I’m very grateful for this. I now have greater awareness and control of my thought processes. Since going to Suzanne I have looked at life in a completely different way and I feel I know myself a lot more and what I want and don’t want in life. I’m very grateful for everything suzanne has done for me and know if I ever have any struggles I can go to her. I could not recommend Suzanne enough More...

7 January 2022

I started to see Suzanne due to a high level of anxiety and depression that I was suffering resulting from childhood:

Suz was so kind and welcoming and I instantly felt safe and reassured that I could discuss anything with her. She is very professional, empathetic and an amazing level of knowledge, help and advice,
We have very honest open conversations, hypnosis which I find very beneficial and various coping methods/techniques to help manage my anxiety day to day.

Thank you Suzanne

7 January 2022

My child had severe anxiety which affected sleeping and confidence so much it was significantly impacting all our lives. My child received various counselling over years and nothing helped. My child received treatment here relating to a form of hypnosis which transformed our lives and resolved these issues. We are forever grateful and would recommend this therapy to everyone. Xx More...

7 January 2022

I really cannot thank you enough for the sessions, they have turned my life around in a way I never expected, I will take so much away from them for life!
I was very nervous about seeing Suzanne to begin with and had never considered discussing the way I felt with anyone other than my nearest and dearest and I was not at all sure what to expect from coaching. Suzanne instantly made me feel at ease and her professionalism and clarity. Suzanne allowed me to mature as a person by being a great listener and pointed out key factors to question myself more on how to deal with certain situations. She helped me to discover and identify some of my thought processes and behaviours which were driving my lack of self-confidence. She guided me, without leading or prompting, through the course of working things out for myself in a comfortable and open manner. I have developed an entirely new insight into myself and using various actions moving forward. I wholeheartedly recommend Suzanne to anybody looking for support or guidance, and I can testify that her skill and expertise can truly transform anybody who is willing to change.


6 January 2022

I had Suzanne to help me with a eating disorder that ive been battling with for years. Which led onto low self esteem and depression. I honestly could say that Suzanne saved me, she showed me that I have a purpose and helped me heal on the past.

Suzanne has such a soothing voice when she does hypnotherapy. The office she has is welcoming and warm, always felt comfortable.

Thank you so much Suzanne.


I love my job because I know what its like, to feel the world swallow you up. Ive had therapy a few years ago and it changed my life. We are all human. Now its my job to change someone elses life! Everyday I get to meet new people from different walks of life, sharing my knowledge and skills to inspire and create change for my clients.

The easy answer to this, honestly is life. Life can be so up and so down. The difference is when you're up, living your best life, sometimes it doesnt feel long enough. But when you're down and you feel stuck, thats a whole different way of life.

Also, I have two beautiful children and I have watched them grow into caring, smart and loving individuals. But I have been tested as a mother, when they struggle, I struggle. It can be painful to watch your children go through anxiety or any kind of struggle. I wanted to learn about how to help my eldest child. So, thats what I did and know I have all different kinds of therpay to support my children and now I have the privilege to help people all around my area.

Now this is the question, we are meant to completely sell ourself as a Therapist. But look I am human like you, the cliche metaphor 'life is a roller-coaster' its true. I have the passion and drive to help and support you. I will work with you and use a range of technqiues in therapy to tailor it to your needs. I wont give up on you and most importantly I dont want you to give up on yourself either! Seek help if you need it and make your future brighter.

I can provide my services online, however I do prefer to see my clients in person. Thats not always possible, so online is an option. I do see a few clients online but as I say I prefer in person because we dont get any problems with wifi connection.

I have hand sanitiser for clients as they walk in. Before each client everything is cleaned and sanitised from the client beforehand. There is room to keep socially distanced. If the client wants me to wear a mask, I am happy to do so.


Firstly Anxiety is not an illness, its an emotion. Its something we actually need as humans, it protects us in ways that we sometimes dont even notice. For example when crossing the road and that rebel part of you thinks 'oh ill just cross now' but that little bit of anxiety hits that a car could race round that corner and the signal is not green yet. So you dont cross. Anxiety could have saved your life there.

However if you feel anxiety is taking over your life, than that is something we need to overcome and manage. Ill tell you some small little things about anxiety. Anxiety is based around thoughts. Did you know your thoughts arent real? They only become real when you create a belief around it, because you invite that thought in and create a home for it. You then start to connect to your emotions, whether thats fear, sadness or more. Some people might experience panic attacks where you feel your body is almost giving up. It can be scary cant it! But the biggest thing that happens in your body, is the oxygen flows to your muscles, rather than your vital organs because your becoming completely overwhelmed, almost feel like your losing control.

Dont be afraid of your anxiety, its something we can understand and manage in only a few sessions.

Do you feel sad? Thats what your GP will ask you. They will want to know your symptoms. Sometimes antidepressants do work but with therapy we change your habits, your view on life, your perception of yourself without taking tablets. Im not going to ask you how you feel just yet, I want to know the last time you felt on top of the world, it could be years ago. But it will be proof you know how to live a life without depression. You can be free, you can have control back of your life. It takes true courage to seek help and open up to a stranger. But whether its me or another Therapist there will be no judgement, just someone to listen to you and support you to find that happy you again.

Weight loss. Weight gain.

Its so much easier to gain weight than lose it right?

But what if I told you that you can lose weight in a healthy way without capsules, diet plans, slimming world, weight watchers and all those companies that try to sell these products. Yeah they may work for a while but its so restricting, to me its not real life. For example why do we see food as sins or naughty foods. Its programming us to have a unhealthy relationship with food. The word 'diet' I dont use and if we work together we will ban the word 'diet' its a negative, restricting and temporary word. The word 'die' is in it, we are working on 'life' for a lifestyle. Who is to say cake is bad or a sin or eat less because we had cake. No. We want LIFESTYLE, something that improves mentally and physically in a way that is comfortable for us. I know what its like, I lost 6 stone in weight and I did it through a lifestyle change. Youve got this!

Phobias and fears what's the difference? If I was going to pay £100,000 to do the thing thats frightens you the most and you do it than thats a fear. If you would not do it for that amount of money than thats a phobia. We work with both fears and phobias. The thing with phobias are they are generally built up overtime, causing you to have this pattern of thought, emotion, behaviour and action. This is something we can discuss further, but its important to know that understanding the phobia/fear can make a huge difference to the way you view it. We can work together in a few sessions, so you face your phobia.

Self-Esteem is when you are in a place of lack. Perhaps your lacking in love/connection with yourself. As human we have quite a few different needs and sometimes they can become unbalanced and thats when Self-Esteem will play a part in building that balance back in your life.

So, self-esteem if we break it down and talk about ‘self’, who are you as a person? Do you people please? Do you recognise your strength? What about self reflection? I bet you don’t praise yourself for good things you do or progression that u make. It may feel like everything is a chore and too hard to reach. Perhaps you don’t feel worthy of much, because you stay in a place of comfort and certainty? Do you feel you self sabotage from being your own type of self, standing on your feet with worth and love but a niggling little voice says "you can't do that"? Now esteem, let me guess you don't value who you are anymore, your truths, your dreams, your goals or who you see in the mirror? You may have lost passion or confidence in yourself? Do you feel like you have just run out of steam, you try and try but there is no "I can do this"? Is something holding you back?

Drug addiction, alcohol, porn, sex, there are so many things that we can focus on purely to help us in some way to get through life. More often than not, what we are hoping for the addiction to create a feeling of uncertainty, spontaneity, impulsivity or risk. Weirdly enough we are also creating a feeling of certainty in the routine of it. But as we are all aware, an addiction can cost us much more than the money we waste on it, it can also cost us relationships and sometimes our lives.

To help a client kick their addiction, I use strategic intervention, graded exposure, counselling and hypnosis.

It is important to connect with a child in the first few seconds of meeting, this is going to be a big deal for them and the last thing they want is me appearing to be just like any other authoritive figure that they would never open up to. I am trained to talk to children in an age appropriate language giving them space and time to feel heard and listened to. The child is encouraged to tell their own story without fear of judgement or interrogation focussing particularly on their feelings using skills in empathy and sensitivity. What is said during our sessions is confidential. I will talk about our session with the child's parents if the child requests it or if I feel it would be helpful, but then only with the child's consent. The exception to confidentaility is if I have reason to believe that any person was at risk of harm, either from themselves or others, as I am duty-bound by law to report this to the relevant agency.

Parents want to do their best for their children but sometimes life has a way of throwing things in our path making everything seem like a challenge. They may feel they have failed as parents and of course that is not the case but accepting there is an issue that needs to be looked at is a big step and a very important one.

My first session could begin with the parent/parents themselves, so I can get some background information and where they are at in life. This can be quite difficult for them but I have found many parents find it a great relief and a step in the right direction. Sometimes the parent/parents may find counselling would be helpful for them too. Quite often children cannot find the words but I will work with them in a gentle, sensitive way building rapport and allowing them to communicate via arts therapy, storytime, conversation and other skills.

Insomnia or sleep disorders can be very frustrating, particularly when we know at some stage in our life, there was a time that we slept well. You may say "I never ever slept well!" but even going back as far as childhood, you would have slept well at some point in your life.

However as we grow older and life brings its stresses, worries and concerns we can develop a regular sleep issue. Sleep deprivation can cause problems at work, in relationships and generally leave us feeling very unhappy and fatigued.

Hypnotherapy is a fantastic process where we can begin to learn to relax again and at some point start to improve on our sleep pattern. So how comes you can nod off so easily while trying to watch that film on the television but then find yourself lying awake all night while other people snore the night away.

When we 'try' to sleep, the chance is that we can fail. When you're trying to watch the late movie, you fail right? Because you're trying to stay awake. When you try to sleep you're actually focussing on lack of sleep rather than how it will feel to wake rejuvenated and refreshed the next day.

Sleep then starts to become pain rather than pleasure. Let's begin the process of unlearning this bad strategy you have of trying to sleep and learn to drift off peacefully again.

Try to remember when you had your first cigarette or maybe the first few, did you smoke then because you felt stressed, tense or to help you calm down? Did you smoke then to help you concentrate? Nearly every person I have spoke to has answered “because my friends did”, “they made me look big, feel grown up”, “I don’t even know why I started.” And so here you are now and depending on how many you smoke a day, you will find after a certain amount of time (roughly every 45mins with regular smokers) your brain will tell you that you need a cigarette.

You can imagine it being like a parasite inside you that needs feeding and once you smoke it, well you know . But what happens if you don’t? The feeling gets stronger and stronger and you become more agitated until you finally light it up and take that first puff. Your brain remembers that feeling of agitation and stress and you begin to plan ahead unknowingly, working out when you will smoke, how many you need and so forth.

I’m sure in this day and age now where smoking has become completely unfashionable you will have heard all the horror stories of deteriorating health, cancer, emphysema and more. You may even know a friend or a relative who has suffered ill health or died because of smoking but isn’t it amazing that we can ignore it all and think it won’t happen to us? Control again!

So let me explain a bit about what will happen when you come to see me. Our first hour will be a counselling session using cognitive behavioural therapy and neuro linguistic programming to really find out about you and your habit. The reason for this is that when we move on to the next hour of hypnosis I can completely tailor the session to you because it is you that is important. I want to help you and it’s important to me that you are choosing me to bring you success and combining all of these powerful techniques is the most successful way to experience hypnotherapy to stop smoking for good.

I have listed a few services I offer, but there is plenty more. So feel free to get in touch.