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Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

E14, London

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Are you ready to face up to your challenges? We all need support sometimes. For more than a decade I’ve served and helped people through mentoring, coaching and counselling specialising in the following areas:

- Improving self-confidence
- Overcoming stress, depression and anxieties

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15 customer reviews

12 March 2024

Relationship and Marriage Counselling

Daniel has been amazing! Daniel has helped me think in different ways. To listen to my partner. To not be afraid to speak up but guide in appropriate ways to do it. Daniel was there for me at one of my lowest times. I highly recommend and would use Daniel again in the future if needed. More...

11 December 2023

Before I started my 1:1 sessions with Daniel I was apprehensive about embarking on my journey and the whole idea of counselling in general, as I always thought I never needed such guidance. But after the first session I realised how much help Daniel is and how fortunate I was that on the other end of the call was someone who listens, understands and guides you through difficulty by challenging your perspectives and outlooks to my everyday life. I highly recommend Daniel as a genuine and thoughtful mentor that can help with challenges we all face on a day to day basis. More...

11 December 2023

Couples Counselling

Daniel is very empathetic and understanding which allows you to open up and start working on your issues step by step while guiding you and encouraging you to make small changes to improve your mental health and wellbeing. During our sessions, I have been given the opportunity to learn and discover myself. More...

7 December 2023


Daniel is an excellent mentor and has helped me with my mental wellbeing ive had counselling before but talking with Daniel was a compleatly different he listens challenges and coaches all at same time which I found very helpful and my recovery is still a work in progress . I am medication free for the first time in 15 years and accepting whatever life throws at me and this is where I am after working through a massive change in mindset with Daniels knowledge and experience he may well help a lot more and I for one could not recommend him highly enough More...

29 November 2023

Relationship and Marriage Counselling

My sessions with Daniel are quite possibly the highlight of my week. Facing up to your challenges and working on yourself is never easy but somehow we still manage to have a laugh. Before meeting Daniel I had seeked help elsewhere but I had never learnt so much until meeting Daniel. He is so kind and really makes you feel understood, but is not afraid to challenge you when necessary. He helps you to understand yourself on a level I have never experienced before. Everyone needs a Daniel in their life! Highly recommend. More...

28 November 2023

Couples Counselling

Daniel is practical, flexible and empathetic. He is a fantastic counsellor offering catered advice and inspiring ways to move forward. Couldn't recommend more highly!

28 November 2023

Couples Counselling

I have been speaking with Daniel for a few months now along with my partner as we were going through challenging times and at the time were expecting our first child together. Having never had counselling before, I didn’t know what to expect and I was feeling very desperate and vulnerable. Daniel reached out to me directly after submitting a request and after initial hesitation, I immediately felt at ease and very comfortable opening up to him. My partner took some convincing, but has too found Daniel particularly relatable and has continued 1:1 sessions whilst I have taken a break to navigate motherhood. Daniel has a genuine passion for helping others which really helps builds that deeper connection and level of trust. Through challenging conversations, I have learned so much about myself and as a result how to communicate better with partner. I would highly recommend Daniel and cannot thank him enough for helping me/ us through difficult times. More...

24 July 2023


I have been getting counselling with Daniel for about a month now and can honestly say that I’ve learnt more about myself and my problems than I ever have before. I have tried counselling before and always thought I got very little from it and I now know why! Daniel unlike the other counsellor’s I’ve seen, really helps you to understand why you are reacting or behaving a certain way and helps give you the tools you need to try and master your problems. I always look forward to our sessions and can’t wait to learn more about what makes me tick etc. I would highly recommended Daniel as he’s a great listener but who also isn’t afraid to challenge you, he makes you feel that he really does care, which is really refreshing and a lot different to my past experiences. More...

15 May 2023


My sessions with Daniel have been lovely. Very insightful and inspiring. I feel like I have a completely free space to share my feelings and emotions, without judgement.

Daniel is kind, compassionate, understanding and extremely helpful. I liken our sessions to the kind you would have with a best friend.

I’m very comfortable talking to Daniel and his manner is exceptional. I feel as though we are moving in the right direction, resolving deep set family issues that have resulted in my current anxieties and phobias.

I look forward to each session, and Daniel provides informative and progressive follow ups that are very encouraging for me. I would highly recommend Daniel. I’m very lucky and grateful to have found him, at a time I need help the most. 😊

2 November 2022

Daniel has been a tremendous help to me in last 3 months as I try conquer my demons and keep my anxiety under control. Daniel was honest , offered doable solutions and together we worked out a plan that has put me on a good path. I would strongly recommend Daniel to anyone. More...

9 April 2022


Daniel is honestly the best thing that had happened to me lately. He’s kind, caring and a fantastic listener. He genuinely cares about the people he talks to and does the best he can to think of ways to assist you in your personal journey. He’s understanding of schedule changes too which is helpful. He’s helped build my self confidence up and allowed me to recognise negative behaviours in others. I highly recommend Daniel! More...

Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Reply from Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Thank you Celine for your feedback and for your kind words. It is really great to work with you and to see the positive changes in you since we know each other. I’m looking forward to further helping you with your personal growth and development and to continue our journey together!

4 April 2022


Has a lot of insight and genuinely cares about your well-being- very caring and attentive

Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Reply from Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Thank you very much Ines for your kind words, I really value it!

7 March 2022

Luckily, I met Daniel during a very challenging time in my life. Previously, I had tried therapy and counselling. But it was focused on using specific techniques like Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which I felt really didn't get to the root cause of what I was suffering with. It was a lot like putting a band-aid over a wound that needed a lot more attention and care to understand and look deeper into. Moreover, to the therapists and counsellors, my sessions with them were more about approaching the sessions in a more or less robotic and scripted way. It wasn't like that in my sessions with Daniel. I could talk to him not only about personal issues but deep issues plaguing humanity and we could have such a deep discussion on it. His level of care was (and still is!) way beyond anyone might encounter in therapy/counselling. That perfect combination of counsellor, coach and mentor.

My mentoring experience with Daniel involved developing self-awareness in understanding my own capabilities, strengths, weaknesses, and factors influencing my perception of myself. I was looking for some answers to know how I went from being a happy and joyous kid full of life belonging to an apparently normal family of professional parents with three kids to gradually losing my sense of self and developing various psychosomatic illnesses.

Now the issue with working on yourself, especially when you have been through so much pain, is that you block things out. I was exploring a lot of things at the time I met Daniel: spirituality, human psychology, self-development etc. Daniel took the time to focus on developing my ability to reason and philosophise about life, to put past experiences into a more coherent perspective and to build our relationship as a mentor and mentee.

With the help of Daniel, who amazingly was an expert at this, I looked more into the concept of narcissism. At the same time, I had to slowly but surely remove myself from my family's influence. I realised the damage I had suffered and the way it was interfering with my health and life was so immense that even speaking to or texting either of my parents would leave me unable to do anything else for the rest of the day or even days.

It’s interesting how understanding and gradually coming to accept this painful reality released me from years of inescapable pain. This was concomitantly followed by an ever-increasing sense of energy, focus, clarity, and connection with people inside and outside work as well as strangers in cafes.

Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Reply from Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Thanks Ella for sharing so personally about your mentoring experience. I really appreciate your willingness to look inside yourself, to be open to being challenged and for you taking responsibility where needed. I know from my own journey how crucial it is to increase our ability to respond. One of my favourite quotes is by Victor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” I really value this quote as it expresses the reality that we have choice, we are not a victim of our circumstances - though from my own experience I know it can be hard to put this into practice and to choose. That’s why having the right support is so important - we all need it at certain times in life. One book that I value a lot is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, as it addresses deeper fundamental personal changes that lead to long-lasting benefits and I know, Ella, that working through it in our mentoring sessions also helped you a lot. Once we figure out the obstacles that are in our way, we can understand what we human beings are actually capable of, what our potential is and figure out the amount of value that we can create inside and outside ourselves - for us and for others. It’s great to be part of the progress you made so far. Thanks again for sharing!

7 March 2022

Before even starting this journey with Daniel, I read a few books on personal development. This typically came out of frustration in a moment, and always gave me some kind of hope that “The truth is out there”. If you are around my age, you’ve most definitely come across this phrase in “X-files” TV series. But I had an ever-present feeling of inner lack, incompleteness. Something wasn’t quite right. Like if I wasn’t living to the fullest. It was a sense that so much more is possible, without losing any of what I had. In fact, I felt it’s possible to make what I have - much better, not only for me but for those who are close to me as well. For my family, friends, and colleagues. By that time I had read a few spiritual and psychological books. They all were very exciting. They gave me some hints and ideas. Some even claimed to be very practical... however none of them helped me see where and how to even start looking for the answer to my sense of lack and incompleteness. 

Working with Daniel helps me to fill those gaps, to understand my fears and to become a lot clearer about my vision. Through understanding more about core life principles, I experienced how these sessions help me get more focused and that I move in the right direction. I know I have someone with Daniel who can understand my questions fully and I developed trust in him as a mentor and coach.

I developed more confidence through the support I was getting and that I can progress if I persist. Through becoming more disciplined I’m also more able to make decisions and follow through. I feel that I’m better able to understand myself, other people and the world around me in general. I’m more able to draw the energy required to do and enjoy things in my life. I remember times when I was more in touch with myself. As I discover ways to reclaim this ability, I generally have better feelings. Most importantly for me, I’ve got a better handle on my fears. I’m also now more in control of my anger. E.g. I’m almost always able to decide whether or not I wish to raise my voice during challenging conversations.

I know that the human being is so much more than just our mind and body, which are connected to each other by an unknown (even to scientists) matter. I know we all are quite developed mentally, but totally underdeveloped emotionally, spiritually and somewhat physically. And beyond all, because we are so mind-dominated, we lack integrity, wholeness (funny enough how similar this sounds with “holiness”). I understand that this is because of the inner separation of our mind from the whole. I can see how our compulsive thinking is creating a vicious circle with emotional suffering. 

Becoming again fully in touch with myself is my next major goal. From that place, I’ll be able to be and do lots of great things for myself and others.

Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Reply from Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Thanks Oleg for your personal sharing, it really is a pleasure to know you and to work with you. I’m very grateful to see how you get more in touch with all 4 human dimensions body, heart, mind and spirit and how you recognise that we human beings are so much more than just our minds and how limited our mentalised education system is. It’s great to see how you are able to experience more freedom, how you are able to overcome your fears and how you are getting more and more in control of your anger. These are all so important life lessons and life skills with massive benefits for ourselves, our partners and our children. Thanks Oleg for your trust and for your commitment to yourself!

6 March 2022

I thought all I needed was career advice, but I soon learned that I needed so much more! I felt so comfortable with my mentor, Daniel, almost immediately, and opened up about things I haven’t told many of my friends, let alone someone I was meeting for the first time.
I felt understood, and it made me feel safe, which in turn helped me feel free to try things, make mistakes, instigate change and achieve success. Through that, I’ve been able to grow and develop my character in ways that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible.
With the support and guidance of Daniel, I successfully navigated physical ailments, marriage breakdown and divorce, visa and immigration challenges, financial fears, limiting neuroses, internal chaos and carnage, and so much more.

Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Reply from Daniel Schmitz - Mentor, Coach, Counsellor

Thank you Viv! It feels rewarding to have helped you and to still help you to work through different life challenges! To experience how much you changed, how you are a lot clearer about who you are as a human being and to see how you are genuinely becoming more confident is definitely also a joyful experience for me and I’m very thankful for being part of your journey and for all your trust. It shows what we are capable of with the right guidance and when we overcome our neuroses and our limiting beliefs and it’s awesome to see how you are taking more and more the lead in your life!


To have the privilege to help others I care for through their challenges and to see them making realisations, breakthroughs that have a direct impact on their lives or their children’s lives makes this work so special. From my own experience and through being mentored and coached myself I know how much of a positive impact it had on me and on my quality of life.

Being helped through my own challenges through mentoring and coaching inspired me to use my experience and to pass this on to others. There is a huge gap in leadership experience in the world and I believe in the positive impact that helping others has on the world and on the younger generation.

I'm not here to convince or sell anyone on my mentoring, coaching and counselling services. I believe if there is a natural connection and a resonance then things will unfold naturally. The foundation for a good mentoring and coaching relationship is that there is a mutual bond with the person both ways. That needs to be there for trust to be built.

Yes, I work a lot remotely. Using Zoom and the phone.

Remote working through Zoom mainly both through group sessions and 1-1 work.


Counselling for adults and young adults. I am currently receiving my own counselling and therapy as well to continuously develop myself so that I can provide the best service to others. I would always advise anyone to see counselling and therapy from a therapist who is themselves in therapy. You can only take people as far as you have gone. I work with couples, single parents, young professionals and executives.

Helping individuals and couples to address relationship and marriage challenges, recognise the underlying root causes of those challenges and empower individuals to make needed decisions in their lives to overcome those challenges.

Helping people to optimise and get a handle on their daily lives in order to then grow or succeed in business. The business is always a reflection of you. I have been involved in building 4 businesses and have been mentored by an experienced business person for the last 12 years.

Helping people to become better fathers and better mothers. As with everything in life, there is a lot to learn about parenting which is even more important in today's complex world. I'm constantly learning about becoming a better father to my daughter and it is absolutely crucial and vital to be the parent our children so desperately need.

Helping people to be able to be as effective as possible in their current career as well as helping them to develop the confidence to ask for promotions which many people don't know how to do. As well as move into their chosen career perhaps more meaningful to them. This can include radical career changes as well.

Dedicated Spiritual development and nurture in line with Christian Values and Principles.
