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Sarasota, FL, USA

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Welcome to Fitkick, your fitness sidekick. We specialize in crafting personalized online coaching experiences, tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals seeking weight loss, performance enhancement, or muscle gain. Our approach is holistic, combining the convenience of digital with the personalized touch of expert coaching, ensuring a supportive journey towards your fitness goals.

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6 customer reviews

21 February 2024

As a 38-year-old military spouse and mom, I found a game-changer in Fitkick. Despite my fitness background, I struggled with energy levels and proper nutrition. Fitkick not only reshaped my approach to balanced nutrition but also offered easy, functional fitness routines. Just five weeks in, and I've already seen a remarkable boost in my energy, muscle strength, and overall well-being. Great experience so far! More...

11 January 2024

Ever since I joined Fitkick, I've seen such a positive change in myself. My clothes fit so much better now, and I just feel great too. The biggest change for me, though, has been in how I see exercise and food. I've really found a peaceful and happy place with them. Thank you! More...

1 January 2024

Keeping track of my diet, staying on top of my workouts and making sure I am taking in the proper amount of nutrients per day, has always been challenging for me and I can't tell you how many time I gave up. Working with Michael has been a complete gamechanger as everything has been completely done for me. I just wake up in the morning and do what the app tells me to do throughout the day and I've made significant progress. Highly recommend working with Michael. Excellent experience all around. More...

29 December 2023

Michael's personal training and nutrition advice has been exceptional. He really listens and tailored a program that's been spot on for my needs. His professionalism and depth of knowledge are impressive. I'm planning to keep working with him throughout 2024. Highly recommend! More...

29 December 2023

When I started working with Michael, I was clueless about what to eat and how to fuel my workouts. But this dude is not just about lifting weights; he's a mastermind when it comes to dialing in nutrition and meal plans. He's been my guru in the kitchen, helping me make healthier choices and supercharging my workouts. Thanks to Michael's guidance, I've never felt stronger or healthier. He's not just a personal trainer; he's a nutrition ninja! More...

29 December 2023

When I started working with Michael, I was clueless about what to eat and how to fuel my workouts. But this dude is not just about lifting weights; he's a mastermind when it comes to dialing in nutrition and meal plans. He's been my guru in the kitchen, helping me make healthier choices and supercharging my workouts. Thanks to Michael's guidance, I've never felt stronger or healthier. He's not just a personal trainer; he's a nutrition ninja! More...


A healthy diet is fundamental to an individual's health and wellbeing, serving as the cornerstone of a vibrant, energetic lifestyle. Just as a car relies on the right fuel to run efficiently, our bodies depend on nutritious food to function optimally. Eating a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients not only fuels our physical activities but also plays a crucial role in mental health, influencing mood, cognitive function, and overall emotional wellbeing.

At Fitkick, we believe that a healthy diet is not just about weight management; it's about nurturing your body with the right ingredients to thrive. It's about enjoying a variety of foods that provide the vitamins, minerals, and energy needed for your daily life and fitness goals. A well-planned diet can help prevent a range of chronic diseases, boost your immune system, enhance your ability to recover from workouts, and improve sleep quality.

Moreover, a healthy diet is deeply intertwined with a positive mindset and self-care. It's about making choices that reflect a commitment to your health and respecting your body's needs. In essence, a healthy diet is less about restriction and more about balance and harmony, aligning what you eat with how you live and move.

At Fitkick, we're dedicated to guiding you through the journey of discovering a diet that not only meets your fitness goals but also elevates your overall quality of life. We understand that each person's dietary needs and preferences are unique, and we're here to help you find that perfect balance, ensuring your diet is a source of nourishment, joy, and wellbeing.

At Fitkick, we empower our clients to achieve their fitness goals through a blend of personalized guidance, innovative technology, and unwavering support. We recognize that each fitness journey is as unique as the individual undertaking it, and our approach is tailored to reflect this diversity.

Personalized Coaching: We begin by deeply understanding your specific goals, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, or enhancing athletic performance. This understanding extends to your lifestyle, dietary preferences, health history, and physical capabilities. Our coaches craft a program that is not just effective but also aligns with your personal preferences and life circumstances.

Comprehensive Assessments: We assess where you are in your fitness journey with thorough evaluations of your strength, endurance, and nutritional habits. These assessments are not mere starting points; they are the guiding stars that help us track your progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Customized Workout and Nutrition Plans: Leveraging the insights from our assessments, we develop workout and nutrition plans that are specifically designed for you. These plans are accessible through our user-friendly app, making it easy to stay on track. Whether you're at home, in the gym, or on the go, your fitness plan is always at your fingertips.

Technology-Enabled Tracking: Our app is more than a tool; it's your fitness companion. It helps you track your workouts, monitor your nutrition, and see your progress in real time. This constant feedback loop is vital for motivation and helps in making informed adjustments to your plan.

Unlimited Access to Expertise: We believe that communication is key to success in any fitness program. Our platform ensures you have unlimited access to your coach, fostering a relationship based on trust and support. Whether you have a question about your diet or need advice on an exercise, we're just a message away.

Adaptive Approach: As you evolve, so do our plans. We understand that fitness is not a static goal but a dynamic process. Your body changes, your life changes, and your fitness plan should adapt accordingly. We regularly fine-tune your workouts and diet plans to match your progressing needs.

Building Sustainable Habits: Our mission at Fitkick is not just to help you reach your fitness goals but to instill lasting habits that pave the way for a healthier, more fulfilling life. We focus on creating a balanced approach that integrates fitness into your daily routine in a sustainable and enjoyable way.

In essence, at Fitkick, we don't just offer a service; we embark on a journey with you. A journey of transformation, empowerment, and achieving what you once thought was impossible. Your goals are our goals, and together, we make them a reality.

The secret to achieving the body of your dreams truly lies in the power of consistency and commitment. These two elements are the cornerstone of any successful fitness journey. Consistency is about showing up for your workouts and sticking to your nutrition plan day after day, even when progress seems slow. It's about maintaining your efforts over time, understanding that transformation doesn't happen overnight but is the result of accumulated efforts.

Commitment goes hand in hand with consistency. It's the inner resolve to stay the course, even when faced with challenges or temptations. It's about making your fitness goals a priority and dedicating yourself to the process, no matter what. When you're committed, you're more likely to bounce back after setbacks and stay motivated over the long haul.

At Fitkick, we understand that maintaining consistency and commitment can be challenging, which is why we're dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Our personalized coaching, tailored plans, and supportive community are designed to keep you on track, making it easier to stay consistent and committed to your fitness journey.

In essence, the body of your dreams is not just a destination but a journey of consistent effort and unwavering commitment. With Fitkick, you're not alone on this journey; we're here to guide, motivate, and celebrate with you as you turn your goals into reality.

What I love most about my job is the incredible opportunity to work with individuals who are driven to achieve more in life. Witnessing their transformation over time is profoundly rewarding.

It's not just about the physical changes; it's about the shift in their mindset and self-perception. At the beginning, there's often a hint of insecurity in their voices, a subtle uncertainty. But as we progress, that uncertainty transforms into confidence. This change is so palpable that you don't even need to see it; you can hear it in the way they speak, in the newfound strength and assurance in their voice.

There's something truly special about being a part of someone's self-transformation journey. This newfound self-assurance doesn't just help them in their fitness goals; it propels them to new heights in all areas of their life. Being a witness and contributor to this process of growth and self-discovery is, for me, the most gratifying aspect of my job. It's about more than just fitness; it's about empowering individuals to realize their full potential and live longer, healthier lives.

What inspired me to start my own business was a profound personal transformation that reshaped my career path. For over a decade, I was a Consultant and devoted most of that time professional advancement, but in the process, I had overlooked a vital aspect of my life: my health. Realizing the gravity of the situation, especially being 215lbs at 5 feet 8 inches, I knew it was time for a drastic change.

This realization led to a personal transformation, where I successfully brought my weight down to a healthy 165lbs. The profound impact this journey had on my overall health and wellbeing reignited my passion for personal training and nutrition, a field I had been involved in 12 years prior. This experience was a pivotal moment, prompting me to return to what I truly loved.

Now, with renewed purpose and recertification through ISSA as a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, I've embarked on a mission to empower others. My business is more than a professional pursuit; it's a personal commitment to helping others achieve their health goals. Drawing from my consulting background, I bring a unique perspective to fitness and nutrition, aiming to inspire and guide others towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Clients should choose me because I offer a unique blend of personal experience, professional expertise, and a deep commitment to their success. Here’s why:

Personal Transformation Journey: My own journey from being significantly overweight to achieving a healthy lifestyle provides me with a genuine understanding of the challenges and triumphs involved in a fitness transformation. This experience allows me to empathize with clients and offer realistic, practical advice.

Professional Expertise: As a certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, I bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the table. My background in consulting adds a strategic edge to my approach, ensuring that each client’s plan is not only scientifically sound but also tailored to their unique life circumstances.

Customized Approach: Recognizing that no two individuals are the same, I offer personalized coaching that considers each client’s goals, health history, lifestyle, and preferences. This bespoke approach ensures more effective and sustainable results.

Technology Integration: Utilizing a user-friendly app, I make it easy for clients to track their progress, stay on course with their workout and nutrition plans, and maintain constant communication for guidance and support.

Commitment to Client Success: My dedication goes beyond just being a coach; I see myself as a partner in each client’s journey. I am committed to responding to their needs and concerns promptly, keeping them motivated and on track.

Focus on Holistic Wellbeing: I believe in fostering not just physical fitness but overall wellbeing. This holistic approach ensures that clients don’t just achieve their fitness goals but also improve their overall quality of life.

In summary, clients should choose me because I offer a comprehensive, empathetic, and science-driven service, backed by personal experience, data and a genuine commitment to helping them lead healthier, happier lives.

Yes, absolutely! Our services are exclusively online and remote, offering you the convenience and flexibility to access personalized fitness and nutrition coaching from anywhere. Using our user-friendly app, clients can easily track their progress, follow customized workout and nutrition plans, and communicate directly with their coach for guidance and support


1-on-1 coaching where we set goals, assess where you are based on goals, followed a tailored workout plan designed by your coach and unlimoted messaging with your coach through our app.

1-one-1 coaching where we set goals, assess your current eating habits and body composition, design a meal plan tailored to your prefeneces and work with you to track progress / make adjustments.