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Evexia Coaching profile image

Evexia Coaching

‘21 Certificate of Excellence

Born to Serve! I’ve been told that I have a huge heart and love to help people. It makes sense that I became a certified Life Coach! I work with individuals to help them rediscover their true self so they can live with confidence and create the life they want! A lot of times when we enter a new chapter in our lives (relationship status, becoming a mom, new career, etc.), we can lose our authentic selves or powerful voices. Instead, we allow the voice of our inner critic to creep out in the forms of self-limiting beliefs, self-sabotage or negativity. Do you feel like your screaming and no one is listening? I HEAR you! I will help you find your confidence, learn to ask for what you want and say no to what you don’t want. As a master of habit change, I will empower you with tools to break those habits that bring you down. As a life coach, I am a thinking partner for you. You are creative, resourceful and whole. I’m here to help you see your story, and beyond. I will create a safe space for you where you can be yourself and discover new ways to achieve your goals. I had a successful and lucrative career as an Event Planner and Business Etiquette & Protocol Expert which I gave up to be a stay at home mom. I lost myself and my voice somewhere along the way. When people ask me who I am, I now answer, I am uniquely me. That me includes being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and coach. Let me lead you on your own journey to confidence. Take this opportunity to rediscover the adventurous, generous and caring person that you are. Start now by telling yourself I am me, I am happy, and I am free to be all of these things. I can say with confidence that I am Mary; I am the me I want to be, and as a Life Coach I want to help you!

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Serving others is a value that was instilled in me at a very young age. I enjoy interacting with others and learning about them. Everyone has the potential to become whoever they want to be and to do whatever they want to do. A lot of times, we allow ourselves to get in the way of our success. The moment when a client realizes their worth and overcomes their obstacles is amazing! I love those "aha" moments during a session when you see the breakthrough!

What inspired you to start your own business?

Owning my own business hasn't always been my dream. What has been my dream is being present for my family and myself and leaving a legacy behind. I want my life to have mattered in this world and by serving others, my legacy will continue. I am grateful for the opportunity to own my own business and to help individuals reach their full potential.

Why should our clients choose you?

We are unique in our own selves. We all have our own stories to tell which include our struggles and our successes. We all fight the inner critic and the self-sabotaging behaviors we use to keep ourselves safe. I've struggled with this inner critic who tries to tell me I'm not enough or questions why do I think I deserve this success. I am here to help you breakup with that inner critic in your head. Allow me to walk on this journey with you while you create the life you want. I will be your thinking partner, accountability partner and cheerleader. I HEAR YOU. I'm listening and excited for you to realize the future version of you is already inside of you!

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The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in St. Louis is 5.00, based on 67 reviews.

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