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Create Space Studio / Rev. Cheryl Sosnowski profile image

Create Space Studio / Rev. Cheryl Sosnowski

“It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” ― Rumi A great coach is simply a guide on the other side of change, to help you navigate and create the changes you want to make happen in your life. Change is NOT easy - if it was, more people would do it. It takes effort and commitment and consciousness in the beginning as you allow new neurons to wire and fire together to create new habits of mind that stick. I work with you, whole body, mind and spirit to help you ascend the spiral of growth. Credentials + Expertise: + Metaphysical Reverend. It's important to pay attention to the unseen forces that rule your life as much as it is the physical. I believe you are a soul having a human experience, and guide as such. + UCLA trained mindfulness trainer - mindfulness is a key component of lasting change because you need to become aware of your thinking process to change your behaviors. + NES Health BioEnergetics Wellness Practitioner - through the use of cutting edge technology, I do a bio scan on you, and we determine where your body field needs support. Support comes through on-body vibrational frequency treatments and the use of infoceuticals. + Gene Keys Analysis - A spinoff from Human Design, your Gene Keys are the genetic blueprint the Universe imprinted on your at birth, and prior to your birth. They are a synthesis of your astrological sign, the Chakra system, the I-Ching, The Kabbalah Tree of Life and the 64 codons of your DNA. I have not discovered a tool more precise that Gene Keys. Using this information you can quickly recognize the shadow frequencies you may be operating from and see what the higher frequency gifts are. + Sound Healing - 60 minute on / off body vibrations with Himalayan Singing Bowls, drums, crystal bowls...a complete immersion in healing music which jumpstarts your body's own innate healing system as your mind is instantly entrained to relax and reset. + Coaching program - Used in combination with the NES Health System, this whole body -mind - spirit approach to help you create the growth you want to create and help it stick for life. + Expressive art - Becoming self-expressed is a huge part of growth and I help my clients learn to explore their new-found creative energy.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Everything! Nothing makes my heart sing more than watching someone step off the edge of habit and into the space of growth. I've seen people come back to life with inner peace and joy inside.

What inspired you to start your own business?

After working as an upper manager in a fortune 100 company for 20 years, I suffered a stress induced breakdown from mommying and working and trying to keep it all "perfect" and "together". Luckily a friend recognized what was happening and introduced me to a mindfulness based stress reduction program. 8 weeks later my mind was shifted so much I left my job and started a whole new life - so I KNOW what it means to step off the edge of certainty and trust in your hope to create something more for your life!

Why should our clients choose you?

I am a heart-centered coach with a solid grasp and passion for neuroscience and quantum science - thus my love and belief in bioenergetics and vibration. My gift is being strong in presence and recognition - I see the goodness and potential in people and reflect that higher version of themselves back to them so they can see how incredibly miraculous they are. I am also in process of becoming a Metaphysical Reverend, so my work with people tends to have an esoteric, big-picture spiritual view of things.

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