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Soté Enterprises

152 Prospect Ave NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

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Soté Therapies stands out among coaching and Internal Family Systems (IFS) businesses due to our unique approach and unwavering commitment to holistic healing. Unlike traditional coaching practices, we specialize in harnessing the profound potential of Internal Family Systems therapy to address deep-seated ancestral burdens, spirit possession echoes, and unattached energy within individuals and communities.

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1 customer review

18 February 2024

It’s been a week since I had my first IFS session with Mark and the understandings, insights and healing from it are still reverberating within me. We explored a lot of inner territory but it never felt like too much. Mark is professional, kind, insightful, compassionate and thorough. I am looking forward to my next session with him.
As a coach myself, I have great esteem and respect for Mark’s work and highly recommend him to everyone.


I love how transformative Internal family systems can be. Internal Family Systems (IFS) coaching holds profound significance for me because it offers a transformative framework for understanding and healing the complex dynamics within our psyche. Through IFS coaching, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, gaining deeper insight into the various parts of themselves and finding compassion for their inner struggles. Witnessing clients navigate their internal landscape with courage and resilience, ultimately finding greater harmony and authenticity, fills me with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment. I believe in the power of IFS coaching to facilitate profound personal growth and healing, and I am deeply committed to guiding others on their path towards self-awareness, integration, and wholeness.

I launched my own venture with the aim of gaining autonomy as my own boss while harmonizing my life through assisting others and pursuing my creative passions.

Clients should choose me as their Internal Family Systems (IFS) coach because of my unwavering commitment to their holistic well-being. With a deep understanding of the transformative power of IFS, I offer personalized support and guidance tailored to their unique needs. Through compassionate listening and skillful facilitation, I empower clients to explore their inner landscape, navigate their challenges, and unlock their true potential. My dedication to their growth and healing ensures that they receive the highest level of care and support on their journey toward greater self-awareness, integration, and fulfillment.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) coaching can be effectively conducted via Zoom or other video conferencing platforms. Despite the physical distance, Zoom sessions allow for a deeply connected and immersive coaching experience.

Offering remote or virtual services whenever possible to minimize in-person interactions. Also modifying business operations or service delivery methods to accommodate changing circumstances and adhere to public health guidelines. For in person sessions I've implement additional measures based on their specific customer needs.


Internal Family Systems (IFS) coaching is a unique approach that combines the principles of coaching with the transformative power of Internal Family Systems therapy. In IFS coaching, individuals work with a trained coach to explore and understand their internal dynamics, often referred to as "parts."

These parts represent different aspects of the individual's personality, each with its own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Through guided exploration and compassionate inquiry, individuals learn to identify, understand, and integrate these parts, leading to greater self-awareness, emotional balance, and personal growth.

IFS coaching focuses on empowering individuals to become their own self-leaders, facilitating inner harmony and alignment with their true selves. By working with the various parts of themselves, clients can overcome obstacles, heal past wounds, and cultivate resilience in pursuit of their goals and aspirations.

Overall, IFS coaching offers a powerful framework for personal development, helping individuals navigate life's challenges with clarity, confidence, and compassion.

A somatic Internal Family Systems (IFS) practitioner combines the principles of somatic therapy with the transformative approach of Internal Family Systems therapy. This unique practice integrates the understanding of the mind-body connection, recognizing that emotional experiences are stored not only in the mind but also in the body.

In somatic IFS sessions, individuals work with a trained practitioner to explore their internal dynamics, including the various "parts" of their personality, as well as the somatic sensations and experiences associated with these parts. By bringing attention to bodily sensations and exploring how they relate to emotional experiences and internal conflicts, clients can gain deeper insights into their inner world and promote healing on a holistic level.

Somatic IFS practitioners provide a safe and supportive environment for clients to engage in experiential exercises, mindfulness practices, and body-centered techniques to access and process emotions stored in the body. Through this integrative approach, individuals can cultivate greater self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience, ultimately leading to profound personal transformation and healing.

A grief educator is a professional who specializes in providing guidance, support, and education to individuals and communities dealing with grief and loss. They offer insights into the grieving process, helping people understand and navigate the complex emotions and challenges that arise after the death of a loved one or other significant losses.

Grief educators may facilitate workshops, seminars, or support groups to help individuals cope with their grief in a supportive and understanding environment. They often share practical coping strategies, resources, and tools to help people honor their grief, process their emotions, and adjust to life after loss.

Additionally, grief educators may offer personalized support and counseling to individuals or families who are struggling with grief. They provide a compassionate and empathetic presence, helping individuals find meaning and purpose in their grief journey while fostering healing and resilience.

Overall, grief educators play a vital role in promoting awareness, understanding, and healing around the experience of grief, empowering individuals to navigate their grief journey with compassion, strength, and hope.

Somatic massage therapy, infused with Internal Family Systems (IFS) principles, offers a holistic approach to healing by integrating bodywork techniques with psychological insights. This modality acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and emotions, recognizing that physical tension often reflects underlying emotional or psychological imbalances.

At its core, somatic massage therapy with IFS aims to foster self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-integration. Therapists trained in this approach create a safe and nurturing environment where clients can explore the intricate relationship between their bodily sensations, emotions, and internal family dynamics.

During a session, the therapist begins by inviting the client to connect with their body and identify areas of tension or discomfort. Through gentle touch and skilled manipulation, the therapist encourages the release of physical tension while simultaneously guiding the client in exploring the emotional or psychological roots of their bodily sensations.

Drawing from IFS principles, the therapist helps the client recognize and differentiate between different parts of themselves, often referred to as "inner family members." These parts may represent various aspects of the client's personality, emotions, or memories, each with its own needs, beliefs, and behaviors.

As the massage progresses, the therapist facilitates a dialogue between the client and their inner family members, allowing them to express their concerns, fears, or desires. Through this process, clients gain insight into the underlying patterns of thought and behavior that contribute to their physical tension and emotional distress.

Through skilled touch and compassionate presence, the therapist assists the client in integrating and harmonizing their inner family dynamics, fostering a sense of wholeness and inner peace. By addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of their experience, clients can experience profound healing and transformation on multiple levels.

Overall, somatic massage therapy with Internal Family Systems offers a unique approach to healing that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. By combining bodywork techniques with IFS principles, clients can cultivate greater self-awareness, self-compassion, and resilience, leading to lasting improvements in their overall well-being.

Integrative Wellness Coaching, incorporating tarot, sound therapy, crystal healing, energy work, and Internal Family Systems (IFS), offers a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being that addresses the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. This innovative modality combines traditional coaching techniques with alternative healing practices to support clients in achieving balance, clarity, and transformation on multiple levels.

During a session, the Integrative Wellness Coach begins by establishing a safe and supportive environment for the client to explore their goals, challenges, and aspirations. Using principles from Internal Family Systems therapy, the coach helps the client identify and understand the various parts of themselves, each with its own beliefs, emotions, and desires. Through this process, clients gain insight into the underlying patterns that may be influencing their well-being.

Next, the coach integrates tarot cards into the session as a tool for reflection and guidance. The client may choose a card or series of cards that resonate with their current situation or question, allowing the imagery and symbolism of the cards to spark intuition and insight. The coach helps the client interpret the messages of the cards, fostering self-awareness and empowering them to make informed decisions aligned with their values and intentions.

Sound therapy is then incorporated into the session to promote relaxation, balance, and energetic alignment. Using instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, or crystal singing bowls, the coach creates soothing vibrations and harmonious frequencies that resonate with the client's energy field. Sound therapy can help release tension, clear stagnant energy, and enhance the client's receptivity to healing and transformation.

Crystal healing is another integral component of Integrative Wellness Coaching, with the coach selecting crystals based on the client's needs and intentions. Crystals are placed strategically on or around the client's body to facilitate energetic balance, amplify intentions, and support emotional healing. The coach may also guide the client in using crystals for self-care practices between sessions, empowering them to integrate healing into their daily lives.

Throughout the session, the coach incorporates energy work techniques to clear, balance, and harmonize the client's energy field. This may include Reiki, chakra balancing, or other energy healing modalities tailored to the client's individual needs. By addressing energetic imbalances and blockages, the client can experience increased vitality, clarity, and emotional resilience.

In conclusion, Integrative Wellness Coaching that incorporates tarot, sound therapy, crystal healing, energy work, and Internal Family Systems offers a transformative journey toward holistic well-being. By integrating these diverse modalities, clients can cultivate self-awareness, release limiting beliefs, and align with their authentic selves, leading to greater joy, fulfillment, and vitality in all areas of life.