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How much does SEO cost in 2024?

The average cost of an SEO specialist is
£400 - £1,500 a month

depending on their experience and the demands of your business.

Need some help with your SEO but not sure of the cost? Read our handy guide to find out how much an SEO consultant will charge for the likes of keyword research and SEO implementation.

You've crafted a stellar website. The kind that would make Mark Twain reconsider a career in penning novels in a heartbeat. But what's the point if it's as lost as a sock in a Bermuda Triangle when people try to find it on the internet? That's where SEO specialists charge into the scene, cape-less but power-packed with algorithms and data. but, as any business-minded person will ask, "How much does SEO actually cost?"

You're in the right place. We're about to unpack the true cost of enlisting an SEO specialist for your small or medium-sized business in the UK in 2024. No fluff, just the raw digits and factors that sway them. (And if you're ready, you can find quotes from local SEO consultants right now.)

Wait, What is SEO?

SEO man

SEO stands for search engine optimization. As the name suggests, the goal is about making your content easily identifiable by search engines. Doing so will allow your website to climb up the search engine rankings, and will boost your visitor numbers as a result. 

A lot of things can improve your SEO, though most business owners don’t have the time or knowledge to be able to tend to them. Many people know about "keywords", which are the words and phrases people search for in Google (and which you want on your site to indicate to Google that the page is relevant.) But it can also get a lot more complicated, and keywords are just the tip of the iceberg. That’s why many outsource their SEO to an expert instead. 

All content, whether it’s landing page copy, your blog entries or even your domain name, should be optimised. Even though it can take time to reap the rewards of SEO, it must be implemented across your website to ensure it performs as well as possible.

Average Price of an SEO Specialist in the UK for Small to Medium Businesses

SEO woman

The cost of SEO is going to depend on how much work is required, and whether specialist software is used or not. Even when you have all the keywords, a lot of hours will be needed to fully implement them into your content. 

Remember, given the goal of SEO is to boost traffic to your website and ultimately conversions, if implemented correctly the cost will pay for itself. This is especially the case if you climb to the top pages of search engines when you previously ranked much lower.

The average price of hiring an SEO specialist in the United Kingdom could make a small business owner bolt upright in bed in the small hours of the night. But fear not, the figures we're about to unveil come with the promise of illumination, not a shock to the system.

Hourly Rates for SEO Experts

Hourly rates can start as low as £40 an hour for rookie SEO consultants, but tend to orbit the £100 mark for seasoned veterans. Bear in mind that hourly SEO rates aren't particularly common, and most people will offer day, month, or project rates instead.

Daily SEO Rates

Day-by-day deals may range from £300 to £800, depending on the depth and complexity of the SEO challenged facing your business and the expertise and experience of your consultant.

Monthly Retainers

The bread and butter for many SEO mavens, a monthly retainer charges anywhere between a digestible £400 to a more ambitious £1,500. Monthly retainers give you and your consultant more freedom to focus on the areas that need it during any given month, especially as rankings tend to fluctuate from month-to-month. A monthly SEO retainer is tailored to maintain your website's optimized state and plot its upward trajectory in the search rankings.

Project Rates for SEO Specialists

When it comes to tackling the SEO mountain, sometimes it’s better to think of it as a one-off yet significant expedition. This venture can set you back from £500 to well over £10,000, dependent on the project’s parameters.

SEO consultant rates by project
Type of SEO serviceHighest average priceLowest average price

Factors That Affect the Cost of Hiring an SEO Specialist

SEO group

There are dozens of factors that affect the price of SEO, not least the state of your current website, how competitive your market is, and how much experience your expert has. Here are some of the things that will raise (or lower) the cost of your SEO project.

Initial project scope 

The cost of SEO is going to depend on where yours is currently at, and how much content the SEO freelancer or agency needs to get through. Some websites only have a handful of pages, whereas others may have hundreds if not thousands of pages. 

The initial project scope will factor in both the number of pages needed to be rewritten, as well as where your website currently ranks.

From there, your SEO expert will come up with an estimated price for the work. This will include the likes of copy re-writing, backlinks, H tag suggestions, video and image optimisation and keyword implementation. 

The competitiveness of your market 

No two SEO jobs are created equal. The cost of hiring an SEO expert can vary hugely depending on how competitive your market is. 

After all, the more people in your field who are competing to be on the top result of Google, the more impressive your SEO strategy will need to be. A more complex strategy could definitely increase the final price you pay.

Location, Location, SEO!

Where you live in the UK makes a different to the pricing pool. SEO specialists in London will likely cost more than those further north, thanks to a difference in the cost of living. Finding quotes from experts near you is the best way to find out how much you'll be charged for optimising your website.

Experience Counts—And How!

Your expert's grades in the SEO school of life matter. A newbie commands a different fee to someone who has been consulting for years, and for good reason. Wisdom isn’t cheap.

Agency Vs. Freelancer—Who’ll It Be?

The choice between an agency and a lone wolf freelancer is a trade-off. Agencies usually charge more, but a freelancer’s price can soar with experience and skill. Agencies may also have access to more resources and software, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll apply their knowledge in a better way. Our advice? Talk to a few people and just see who you click with.

The Cost of Hiring Someone Remotely Vs. In Person

SEO laptop

The rise of the remote workforce has made hiring an SEO specialist outside your location even more possible than before. Hiring an SEO specialist remotely can slightly shave your costs, and there's no need to carve out a portion of your office space for them. Bear in mind that having someone in the office isn't necessarily beneficial, as all of their work will be done digitally anyway - so remote could be the way to go!

Specific Types of SEO Consultancy and Their Prices

SEO isn’t one-size-fits-all; instead it’s an orchestra of instruments, each requiring a different tune-up. Think local SEO, technical SEO, content SEO, and more. Each has its own price tag, but content SEO often shines as the star of the show.

Local SEO

Local SEO is your go-to if you're aiming to catch the eye of the local crowd. It's all about making sure when folks in your area hit up Google with a "near me" or they're looking for the best [insert your service here] in town, your business pops up like a friendly neighbor waving across the fence. It focuses on optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the behind-the-scenes maestro that makes sure everything on your website is tuned to perfection. We're talking site speed, mobile responsiveness, and making your site easy for search engines to crawl. It's like ensuring the stage is set, the lighting is just right, and every instrument is in tune before the concert begins—ensuring your site performs flawlessly when it's showtime.

Content SEO

And then there's content SEO—the star of the show. It ensures the content you're putting out there is not only engaging and valuable to your audience but also speaks the language of search engines. By weaving in the right keywords, maintaining a solid structure, and ensuring your content answers the questions your audience is asking, you become the go-to resource. It's about hitting those high notes that resonate with both your audience and Google.

How to Save Money on SEO

Ah, the music to any entrepreneur’s ears. Saving without skimping. It's doable. The best thing you can do is to shop around - get quotes from SEO experts in your area, compare them, and make sure you find someone you click with.

Choosing an SEO Specialist Based on Your Budget

SEO computer

A good consultant will be able to tell you what's actually feasible for your business to achieve, and you can use this information to decide how much SEO is worth to you. A quick note - SEO is rarely a 'quick-win' game, so you'll need to be in it for the long haul, which you should factor into your ongoing budget.

It’s possible to implement your SEO yourself. However, this requires skills not to mention the time that most business owners don’t have. SEO experts are well versed in all things digital marketing. They know how to write snappy website copy, all while making sure it is keyword rich. From headings to tags, they will leave no stone unturned in the battle of making your website more SEO friendly. 

If you want to build traffic organically over time, then SEO is the way to go. Like with any service you wish to outsource, enlisting the help of an expert can make all the difference. 

Investing in SEO isn't just about spending money. It's about dedicating time and building a relationship based on trust, aiming for the sweet spot of increased traffic and conversions. Remember, the true value of SEO stretches far beyond the initial cost, shaping a future where your website stands out in the crowded online space.

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