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How much does a Gardener cost on average?

Average Price
$20 - $30 per hour

How much do Gardeners charge?

Want to take care of your garden but don’t have time to do it yourself? It’s time to call in an expert! Read on to find out how much you’ll pay for a gardener based on your garden size, the type of job and your location.

Do I need a Gardener? 

Whether you’re a city dweller or a country lover, everyone can benefit from a beautiful garden. But with life getting in the way, it’s not always easy to keep our green spaces up to scratch. 

Why not put the trowel down and call in a gardener instead? They’ll have the expertise to create a stunning green space that you can enjoy without having to lift a finger!

Whether you’re looking to increase the potential of your current space or get to the bottom of some much-needed weeding, a professional gardener will be able to get the job done quickly and to a high standard. 

How much does a Gardener charge?

Gardens come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s impossible to give an exact figure when it comes to pricing. To make life a little easier, we’ve done a bit of research on how much a gardener charges on average, which is detailed below: 

Average cost (per hour) $20 - $30
Minimum cost (per hour) $14
Maximum cost (per hour) $50

What changes the cost of a gardener? 

The main factors influencing the price of a gardener are: 

  • Garden size 

  • Type of work 

  • Location 

Garden size 

The size of your garden will have the biggest impact on how much you end up paying. A larger garden requires more labour time, as well as more materials, which will inevitably increase costs. But it’s not all doom and gloom if you have a big garden! Many gardeners will charge less per square metre for a bigger garden. 

Type of work 

The number of gardening jobs out there seems to be never-ending! From hedge trimming, patio or decking washing, landscaping, clearance, the list goes on. Depending on the level of complexity and the time it takes to complete each job, the price can vary considerably based on what you need to do. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular gardening services and the costs you can expect: 

Gardening serviceAverage cost (per hour)
Hedging $57.50
General maintenance $25
Weed removal $30
Mowing $60


Gardeners will also set different rates depending on where you live. Here’s a rough overview of how much you can expect to pay for a gardener across different locations in Canada: 

LocationAverage price (per hour)
Calgary $18.50

How to save money on Gardening Services: 

You don’t need an endless budget to enjoy having a gardener! There are ways to make it affordable if you’re on a budget. Read on to find out more: 

  • Use recycled materials - Some professionals source the materials for you, some don’t. If you want to save money, sourcing your own recycled materials could be a cheaper option than getting them from a garden centre or asking your professional to get them for you. Keep an eye out for garage sales, charity shops, and online ads to find garden materials including anything from plant pots to old tools. Getting creative means you can use a lot of old materials in a new way!

  • Be clear about hidden costs – Don’t shy away from asking about hidden costs. A lot of gardeners charge an additional price for services that you may think are included in the general price. For example, waste disposal often isn’t included in the general fee. A cheaper option could be to remove the waste yourself using a local waste collection service.

  • Think about long-term maintenance - If you want to avoid paying for a regular gardening service, ask your gardener to advise you on the best options for a low-maintenance garden. For instance, a lot of homes now have artificial grass installed to avoid regular mowing services.

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