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How much do Wedding Flowers cost on average in Canada?

Average Price
$600 – $2,300

How much will I pay for Wedding Flowers?

Looking for a florist to create the wedding bouquet of your dreams but unsure how much it’ll set you back? Read on to find out how much you can expect to pay for wedding flowers in Canada.

Why are Wedding Flowers important?

One of the first things that spring to mind when we imagine a wedding is the flowers. Whether it’s soft peonies or symbolic roses, a lavish cascade bouquet, or a more delicate, hand-tied arrangement, there is a wedding bouquet option to suit everyone - all it takes is the right florist to bring your vision to life!

How much do Wedding Flowers cost in Canada?

The cost of wedding flowers can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the type and number of flowers, and the location. To give you a ballpark figure, we've calculated the average cost of wedding flowers across Canada, based on the prices of local professionals:

Average cost of Wedding Flowers -
Package type Average costWhat you get
Tier 1$150 - $300Bridal bouquet, bridesmaids bouquets, corsages
Tier 2$300 - $600Tier 1 + table centrepieces
Tier 3$600 - $1,200Tier 1 & 2 + a large statement piece
Tier 4$1,200 - $2,300Tier 1, 2, & 3 + venue decor and bridal party accessories
Tier 5$2,300 - $3,000+Tier 1, 2, 3 & 4 + chandeliers, flower balls, garlands, archways, etc.

What affects the price of Wedding Flowers in Canada?

The cost of your wedding bouquet will depend on a few factors including:

  • Size of your order

  • Order complexity 

  • Type of flowers

  • Location

  • Wedding date 

Size of your order

The size of your order will be the biggest cost driver when it comes to your wedding bouquet. Huge wedding arrangements including centrepieces and archways will cost a lot more than a simple wedding with a subtle arrangement of a few bouquets. 

Order complexity 

Other than the size of the order, the complexity of the order also affects the price of the wedding flowers arrangements. Prices will inevitably creep up for more intricate colour combinations, scents, and designs.

Type of flowers

Another factor influencing costs is the type of flowers that you opt for. You’ll end up paying more for flowers that need to be imported compared to something local. Remember that flowers that are difficult to grow and hold distinct characteristics will also be more expensive.

Average cost of a Wedding Florist based on the type of flowers
Type of flowerScentMeaningAverage cost
Calla LilyNoneModestyLow
CameliaMild and sweetBeauty, contentment, excellenceMedium
Grape hyacinth Sweet UsefulnessMedium
ChrysanthemumStrong, muskyCheerfulness, optimism, long lifeLow


The distance between the florist and the wedding location will have a big part to play in the cost, as the delicacy of flowers means they are difficult to transport. If the florist is far from the venue then be prepared to pay for the cost of transportation. 

Wedding date 

Like most wedding services, the cost of wedding flowers typically rises in the wedding season, which begins in April and peaks in August. Sticking to seasonal blooms can help bring down costs as it is easier to obtain flowers that are blooming at that time of the year.

Is hiring a Wedding Florist worth the cost?

Absolutely! Flowers are a must-have for any wedding - they bring colour, style, and sentiment to your special day - not to mention perfectly complimenting the bridal party in photos! But it's not as easy as it looks to create a beautiful arrangement of flowers to enhance the theme of your wedding. When it comes to creating your dream wedding bouquet, a little expertise goes a long way.

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