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Kirsty Kamarauskas

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Hello beautiful! Welcome to my page. I'm Kirsty and I'm an empowerment & success coach. I 'm obsessed with helping other women breakthrough their limitations, unlock their hidden potential and create a life they love. We're here to thrive, not just survive.

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I have committed the rest of my life to serving people all over the world, to help them unlock the power of their mind and their infinite potential so they can create ANY life they desire. YES this includes more love, more prosperity and abundance, more success, more joy, more adventure, more fun, more impact, more fulfilment. I'm here to help you create a life by design and a life you LOVE. And nothing makes me happier or more fulfilled than the honour of being witness to these transformations. Your success is my success and watching you thrive is the ultimate fulfilment!

I spent so many years reacting to life and feeling a victim to circumstances. I always relied on 'having' something or a condition or person in order to feel happy. I didn't realise that everything and I mean EVERYTHING has to start within. And the key to unlocking an incredible life comes from making changes within. A few years ago I was trying to grow my business and kept hitting roadblocks. Not matter what I did nothing worked. I worked harder and harder and got stressed. I was miserable and felt like a failure. This is when I stumbled into working with the power of the mind. I came across Law of attraction and went deep into understanding how the subconscious mind worked (and how it literally controls everything in our lives). After this I was able to take my business from failing to hitting £1m sales in a year, discover my purpose and start my coaching business. Coaching was absolutely fundamental in this process and without it I would never have achieved what I did.

I am absolutely committed to my clients growth and transformation. While I obviously can't make the changes for you (like a personal trainer can't actually do their clients reps!) I will give you everything you need to make your transformation. And can also include energy healing where required, to help you clear your resistance, your blocks and heal old wounds. I will keep you accountable, challenge your old beliefs actions and behaviours (so you can create new ones that move you towards your goals) and help you move towards your goals with confidence and clarity. I am an expert in the power of the mind and subconscious, I have studied with some of the biggest leaders in the World when it comes to human potential and manifestation (e.g. Bob Proctor from The Secret) I am a certified coach, energy healer and NLP practitioner. I have over 15 years of experience in business including over 5 years in the personal development space.

All my services are provide online and remotely. Via Zoom video call. So you can relax in the comfort of your own home while you have your session.


REMOTE Sessions Only on Zoom. October Offer 50% OFF.
I help clients release the stuck, stagnant, low vibrational & disempowering energy that’s causing resistance (or energetic ‘friction) between them and their goals, desires and dream life. By helping them release and heal: hidden blocks, stubborn unhelpful beliefs, thought patterns, emotions, habits, old wounds, past trauma, actions and behaviours and even parts of their identity - which have been holding them back from what they want and their full potential.

Energy healing can be used for absolutely any unwonted condition in your life. Whether you're struggling with health issues, financial problems, lack of clients, deep-seated feeling of not being worthy, lack of belief in yourself, not feeling good enough, relationships etc.

Whatever your intention, energy healing can absolutely help. This session incorporates coaching so we can get to the root of the issue and give you practical action steps to integrate the healing, after the session.

You can either purchase one session at £222 or a bundle of 4x session for £777

REMOTE Sessions Only on Zoom. October Offer 50% OFF => Single Session £111.
I help clients unleash their hidden potential, activate their inner power and accelerate their success. So they can intentionally create a life they LOVE. Many clients come to me feeling stuck in a rut or at a plateau in their business, work, income or personal life. They are looking for more success, income, meaning, joy and fulfilment. I help them assess their biggest goals and move towards them with more confidence and less resistance. I do this by helping them release self sabotaging behaviours, reprorgamming limiting beliefs and stepping into the Identity of the version of them they aspire to be. I take a holistic approach to coaching working with you at a Mind Body and Soul level. You have deep levels of power and wisdom already within you waiting to be unlocked. I can help you gain more clarity, move confidently and boldy towards your goals, heal, expand, grow and become the person you've always wanted to be (but perhaps never believed you could be).

If you're ready for life-changing transformations - get in touch and let's start this wild ride :)

You can either purchase one session at £299 or a bundle of 4x session for £999