5 home improvements to make after lockdown

After months cooped up at home during lockdown, you are probably fed up of staring at the same walls. If your property is cramped or if it’s been some time since you decorated, you might even be thinking of moving. 

But, with the right approach, you can completely redesign your existing space. Home improvements also give you something to look forward to, especially as they will allow you to fix what you’re unhappy with about your property. Here are some ideas to inspire you. 

Garage conversion

Having a garage seems like a real asset at first, until you realise you never actually use it for parking your car in. Instead, it’s become a glorified cupboard which ironically, you probably spend most of lockdown trying to declutter. 

That’s why it’s worth converting your garage to usable living space instead. This could include extending your living room or even adding a downstairs bedroom or office space to your home. Whatsmore, a garage conversion could add up to 20% onto the value of your home, meaning a tidy profit if you do decide to sell.

Find a specialist to get the ball rolling with your garage conversion!  

Window upgrade

Windows take up 25% of the average wall space. As well as letting in light, windows are designed to keep your home thermally efficient. But if it’s been a while since your windows were installed, this may no longer be the case. Plus, older windows can lack basic security features and look dated too.

These days, there are many different styles of windows to choose from including aluminium and triple glazed windows. New windows will reduce your energy bills and make your home look stylish inside and out. You can also have the frames sprayed a different colour to match the rest of your home. 

Loft conversion

In need of some extra space to live, work or exercise in? Loft conversions are ideal for creating extra rooms and come in all shapes and sizes. They can involve changing your roof shape to maximise the space created, which is ideal if you want to add a bedroom and a bathroom. Though they can also be performed on a basic level too depending on your budget. 

When you think about it, loft conversions make sense because otherwise, space is going to waste. It’s also much cheaper than moving, especially if you have a growing family and your current home isn’t big enough. Alternatively, if you’re a landlord, it may be possible to add another flat onto the property in the roof depending on its configuration. A loft conversion specialist will make light work of getting your conversion done and dusted! 

Bathroom renovation

Bathrooms that are tired not only show their age but can mean you aren’t getting the most out of the space. Even small bathrooms can benefit from a modern L-shaped bath that allows for the installation of a shower over the widest part of the tub. Sleek metro tiles and a floating sink will also add a modern touch.

Self-care has never been more important, especially with the demands on our mental health during the pandemic. What better way to relax than a jacuzzi style bath or a rainwater shower? Even on a tight budget, there are plenty of ways you can improve your bathroom. You could also add in a bathroom downstairs if you have the room too. 


With so much attention spent on the inside of your home, don’t forget the outside too. Rendering can make your home look incredibly stylish, and makes a great first impression on visitors or potential buyers alike.

It’s possible to get rendering done in a multitude of styles and finishes. An added benefit is that it will make your home warmer, especially if you don’t already have cavity wall insulation. Any damp or mould problems could also be resolved if the issue has been caused by a lack of external rendering.

To sum up

Coming out of lockdown is a great opportunity to fix things in your home that are preventing you from enjoying the property to its potential. Whether you need extra space to work from home or want to make improvements so that you can achieve a higher sale price, anything is possible with a little imagination and of course, the right tradespeople!

Services to keep your home clean through Covid-19 and beyond

Having a clean and tidy home has always been important for our health. But the coronavirus pandemic has shined a real light on how easy bacteria can spread, especially when it’s invisible. 

Even with the best intentions, it’s not always possible to keep up with the cleaning, especially if you have a busy career or children to take care of. You might not even be able to clean due to a disability or simply find you’re not good at it.

Whether you’re reading this during the covid-19 pandemic or beyond, there are plenty of services that can help keep your home clean.  

Upholstery and furniture cleaning

We spend a lot of time sitting on our sofas, and so do our pets too. Research suggests more bacteria can be found on a sofa than on a toilet seat. Given upholstery isn’t as easy to disinfect as our bathroom surfaces, this probably isn’t a surprise. But when it comes to keeping your home clean it’s impossible to remove dirt, stains and hidden bacteria from soft furnishings with vacuuming alone. 

That’s why it’s time to call in an upholstery and furniture cleaner. Using steam cleaning and professional-grade cleaning solutions, the team will make light work of even the most stubborn stains. But it will also give you peace of mind that your upholstery and furniture is clean, especially when it comes to the areas we interact with most.

Deep cleaning

Cleaning a home thoroughly is a difficult task, especially if you lack the time, skills or inclination to do it. But, it will make light cleaning much easier and benefit your health by removing dust, allergens and areas of dirt from your home. Deep cleaning services are incredibly popular for this reason and can be scheduled as a general clean or to disinfect depending on the contractor’s specialism. 

Either way, knowing your home is absolutely spotless will make a huge difference to all those who use it. The service can involve mopping, vacuuming, dusting, steam cleaning, window cleaning, upholstery cleaning and much more. Every surface will be left clean and sanitised, which is important for our health during Covid-19 and beyond. 

Carpet cleaning

When was the last time your carpets were deep cleaned? Probably never, right? Experts recommend having your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year. If your carpets are in a high-traffic area of your home, or if they have visible stains on them, then it’s time to call in the experts.

Carpet cleaning professionals will use steam extraction tools to get deep down into your carpet fibres. This will agitate the dirt and allow it to be removed. It can completely transform even the dirtiest of carpets and save you from the cost of having to purchase a new one. Best of all? You’ll be safe in the knowledge your floors are hygienically clean.

Oven cleaning

Our ovens get a lot of action, and if you’ve been working from home they’ve probably been doing overtime. While on the one hand, the extreme temperatures of ovens get our food cooked, it can also encourage grease and food particles to become burnt onto the inside of the oven itself and across your trays.

Professional oven cleaning will remove all traces of debris, without having to spend hours scrubbing it yourself. This includes cleaning the exterior touchpoints, which are commonly interacted with yet we all forget to clean them. 

Gutter cleaning

Gutters are one of the top areas homeowners forget to clean, mostly because they are out of sight and so the dirt is not as visible. But what most people don’t realise is that the state of your gutters can impact your health. That’s because, over time, leaves, twigs and other debris build up in your gutters causing them to become blocked. If rainwater can’t drain away from your home properly, it can lead to damp and mould issues

This in turn can cause respiratory problems due to the mould that has formed on internal walls and ceilings. But it’s so easy to avoid this from happening in the first place. Having your gutters cleaned is a simple process, and the contractor may even use a video camera attached to the equipment to ensure the blockage has been removed. So if you’ve noticed a damp or mould problem in your home, don’t delay in having your gutters checked over by a professional to locate the root cause. 

To sum up

Regular cleaning is one of the best ways to protect your health. Covid-19 aside, many illnesses can occur if dirt is left to build up, even if it’s on the outside of your home such as in the gutters. The good news is that with so many professional cleaning services out there, you don’t have to tackle your cleaning alone. Hiring a professional for your cleaning will not only give you a better result, but it will free up more time for what’s important too.


Lockdown and home improvement – who can I have in my house?

As we plunge into another lockdown, you might be wondering what this means for who is now allowed to enter your home. While mixing might be strictly banned, what about key services you may require? 

Here’s the lowdown about who you can and can’t have in your house during lockdown to tell you more. 


Beauticians and hairdressers have been forced to close their doors once again during this lockdown. As the service is not considered essential, they are not permitted to work in your home. 


Cleaners cannot work remotely, which means they are permitted to continue working as normal throughout lockdown. If your property is on the smaller size, you may need to stay in one room while the cleaner works to avoid contact as social distancing measures still need to be adhered to. 


Locksmiths are an essential service, so they will continue to operate during lockdown. This includes retail outlets relating to the trade. They will only be responding to essential call outs such as owners locked out of the house or emergency key cutting. 


Those who provide childcare can travel to their place of work as they cannot work remotely, and this includes nannies and babysitters. If your nanny would normally look after your children at your home, they can continue to do so. 

Personal Trainers

Gyms are closed during the lockdown, but you are permitted to leave your home to exercise once per day, as long as it’s within your local area.

You are also allowed to exercise in a public outdoor space with 1 person from another household when on your own, which includes a personal trainer. However, you can’t invite a personal trainer over to your house or any other indoor environment. Luckily, many personal trainers are conducting classes over Zoom, which is ideal while you wait for gyms to reopen. 


If roofers can maintain social distancing, then they can continue to work during the lockdown. Though, consultations will need to be done over the phone rather than in person. If you have a problem with your roof, it is better to get it fixed sooner rather than later, due to other severe problems such as water damage and mould it can cause if not. 


The likes of plumbers, electricians, and builders are permitted to work in your home during the lockdown. Though, they aren’t allowed to work if they are showing any symptoms of Covid-19. Some tradespeople are limiting the jobs they take on to cover urgent callouts only.

If the job isn’t urgent, it’s certainly worth waiting until lockdown is over to have any work done to your home. This is especially the case if you live in an area of the UK that is experiencing a high infection rate, as the least people you come into contact with the better. 

To sum up 

It’s good to note that rules are subject to change and that no work should be carried out on your home if you are self-isolating.

Check out the latest UK government guidelines here.

Lockdown survival guide – come out of lockdown as your best self

So here we are back in another lockdown. It’s so easy to focus on all the difficulties we are experiencing during this time. The reality is that there is a lot we cannot control about it, especially in the face of a pandemic. 

However, one way to use this time productivity is to work on issues that are preventing you from being your best self. Whether your sticking points are mental or physical, all of us have room for improvement. 

Here is our guide on how to come out of lockdown as your best self to guide you. 

Create some goals

Most of us have more time on our hands than we are used to at the minute. If you want to use the time productively so that you come out of lockdown in a better place, creating goals is the way to go. This can include working on yourself in the form of hiring a life coach. Compared with doing nothing, taking action by creating goals and an action plan to achieve them is much more likely to achieve success. 

Alternatively, if you own a business or have always wanted to start one, then why not give business coaching a try? Doing so can give you some valuable insight into whether your idea has legs or not. An expert opinion could also get you out of a jam if you are having problems with your business too. 

Seek counselling 

Lockdown offers a unique time of stillness in all our lives and is a great time for reflection. Counsellors are currently working virtually and can help you with any of the struggles you have been facing since the pandemic began. But, they can also help you process any long-standing issues to find a way forward. For example, dealing with anxiety, depression, phobias or self-esteem issues. 

Counsellors can work with you as a couple too. Lockdown has understandably put a strain on a lot of couples, and talking things through with a neutral party can be of huge benefit. Many counsellors specialise in relationships and compared with living in a home full of tension or unhappiness, it’s far better to talk things through. 

Revise your diet 

All of us are guilty of hitting the takeaway deliveries during lockdown. But, with the lesser distractions (seen as we can’t go anywhere), now is also a good time to fix your diet. Both dieticians and nutritionists can point you in the right direction, whether you simply want to lose some weight or have health conditions you’d like to combat through your diet. 

While you can’t visit a dietician or nutritionist in person, you can have a virtual consultation with them. By telling them your stats and issues you’d like to overcome, they can help devise a tailored plan for you. After all, if you want to emerge from this difficult time as your best self, you can’t do so if you are eating the wrong foods. 

Virtual personal training 

During lockdown, personal training is banned unless it’s carried out in an outdoor public place. But you can still work with a personal trainer virtually, at least until you can meet up in person. Exercising can offer a much-needed boost to both your mental and physical health and will put you in a much better frame of mind for the months ahead. 

Most people wait until January to start a new fitness regime, but if you think about it, that’s setting you up for a fall. After all, how easy is it to give up our New Year’s resolutions? Plus, most personal trainers get booked up during January. If you start during lockdown, you’ll be ahead of the game. 

To sum up 

Lockdown is a tough time that we all must go through. That said, there’s no reason why you can’t spend this time to improve aspects of yourself that are holding you back. From fixing your diet to seeking counselling, if you use this time to work on yourself, you will emerge from lockdown a much stronger person for it.

Home renovation during lockdown

Noticed a leak in your ceiling? Fed up of your dreary hallway? Lockdown gives you plenty of time to sort out your house woes. The tricky part is navigating work being done during said lockdown.

Even if you are reading this article long after lockdown has ended, many restrictions may still apply with regards to who you can have in your home and the rules tradespeople need to adhere to. 

Here is our guide on carrying out a home renovation during lockdown to tell you more. 

Are tradespeople still working in lockdown?

The UK government has stated that tradespeople can continue to work during lockdown, as their work cannot be done from home. Though, the work should only involve anything that’s absolutely necessary during the lockdown period.  

For example, fixing urgent problems with plumbing, electric or gas. Roofers and rendering teams are also still able to work as they can do so outside.

Many tradespeople are also operating a buddy system so that they only come into close contact with one person. They will all adhere to social distancing, wear masks inside and frequently wash their hands. 

Some tradespeople may decide to hold off on accepting new jobs until lockdown is over. If the tradesperson is currently self isolating, then they cannot work and any customer who is self isolating should not be inviting anyone into their home either. Though virtual consultations to discuss the work can still take place. 

What can you do while you wait?

If you’re apprehensive to have work done in your home during lockdown, or if the service provider isn’t working until after lockdown, there are some things you can be doing in the meantime. 

For example, researching the exact service you require by reading articles or researching reviews. Using rendering as an example, there are many different types of rendering from the material to the finish to consider. 

You can also hire a virtual interior designer to come up with some ideas for your renovation. It’s also handy to spend this time working out your budget and shopping for any supplies you can source at this time. 

Emergency repairs

If you have noticed a problem that warrants an emergency response (water coming through the ceiling, faulty gas supply, dangerous electrics etc), then you shouldn’t delay in contacting the appropriate help. 

Landlords also have a responsibility to maintain the safety of their properties, even during lockdown. Though if they do have to enter your property to check the problem, you’ll need to keep well away from them ideally staying in a different part of the house to avoid any possible contact.

Good points to note

Be aware that offering cups of tea or allowing people to use your bathroom or kitchen is strictly off limits whilst social distancing measures are still in place. Even when lockdown is lifted, the way home renovations are carried out will be subject to changes. This could include the likes of virtual consultations rather than home visits, less interaction with homeowners etc. 

To sum up

It’s not ideal to start renovations on your home during lockdown, but in many cases, it can still be done especially if the work is contained to the outside of your home. Tradespeople have been working hard behind the scenes to be able to still serve their customers, ensuring both your and their safety while the work is being completed.


How to keep the kids entertained at home

All of us are prone to getting a bit restless in lockdown, and kids are no exception. Unfortunately, during this time they cannot go to soft play or even attend birthday parties. Even their after-school activities are on hold.

However, with just a little imagination it’s easy to come up with plenty of ways to keep them entertained. They might just learn a thing or two while they are at it!

Here are our top ideas on what to do in lockdown for kids to tell you more. 


Crafts are amazing for kids because they cover lots of different ideas, and will keep them busy for hours. From papercraft to play-doh, anything goes! Crafting is also a constructive outlet that can benefit your child’s mental health in the long term. 

All you need is some paper, crayons, wool, stickers and paint and you have all the fun you need to last throughout lockdown and beyond. They could even make something for their grandparents who will no doubt be missing them during this time. 

Den building

Who doesn’t want a castle in their living room? Grab some bedsheets, cushions and set to work on constructing your fort. You can even decorate the outside with some fairy lights. Don’t forget a torch to be able to shine a light on any intruders. Some snacks will be appreciated too! 

Dens help to reimagine your living space, which during the cramped situation of lockdown will inject some enthusiasm into your home. It’s also easy to put everything away once you’ve finished, making this idea very low on effort but brilliant in the amount of enjoyment it will generate. 

Cooking lessons

Your kids might think dinner comes from the oven, but as you well know the reality is a little different! If you teach your children to cook while they are young, it’s a skill that will stay with them for life. Lockdown couldn’t be a better time to get a head start on this. 

The dishes you make are up to you, but a pastry-based pie is a great one. They will enjoy rolling out the pastry, and they can even write their name on the top! If you are looking to improve their nutrition, you can take the time to explain the benefits of each vegetable as they peel them. 


While your kids no doubt have plenty of board games (and screen-based games) to choose from, you can’t beat a classic game of Scrabble. In the age of texting, spelling is sadly becoming a skill that not all children are mastering anymore. 

With the disruption to their education due to the last lockdown, incorporating learning through games can make it a much more enjoyable experience. Scrabble Junior is ideal for younger kids, and also has a reversible board meaning they can grow with it as their skills improve. 

Decorate their bedrooms

If your kids have reached the stage of feeling utterly fed up, then switching up their bedrooms will give them a change of scenery. It can also help them transition to the next stage of their development, especially if their current bedroom feels a little babyish.

There’s no need to go wild on the budget either. Even a simple lick of paint can make a huge difference. Be sure to browse Pinterest to get some ideas. Creating a welcoming, calming space will help your child relax, especially after such a challenging year. They can also look forward to inviting their friends over to see their new room once things are back to normal.

To sum up

Sometimes when you are trying to keep kids entertained, you just have to go back to the drawing board. It’s not always about sticking them in front of a screen, rather spending quality time together. 

With the right approach, you could even use lockdown to make happy memories that they will remember in years to come, rather than the difficulties we are all facing right now.


What support can I get during lockdown if I’m self employed?

Article updated: 3 February 2021

Covid-19 has been a difficult time for those who are self-employed. Many have seen huge losses to their income or have been forced to close their business altogether. 

If you are currently self-employed in one of the eight countries we work with here at Bark, here is the latest information on support available to you at the time of writing. 


Australia is running the JobKeeper payment for business owners to be able to continue to pay their employees. The self-employed can also claim if they have seen their income negatively affected due to the pandemic. 

The JobKeeper Payment will be available until 28 March 2021. Payments range between $650 and $1,200 per fortnight before tax. 

The Australian government have devised a tier system for the JobKeeper payment which is as follows:

Tier 1:

Eligible employees who have worked 80 hours or more in the four weeks of pay periods before either 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020.

Eligible business participants who were actively engaged in the business for 80 hours or more in February and provide a declaration to that effect.

Tier 2:

Any other eligible employees and eligible business participants. 


Those who are self-employed in Canada can benefit from EI Benefits, though you need to have been registered for at least 12 months to qualify. As of September 27, 2020, changes were made to the EI Benefits scheme to make it more accessible in light of the pandemic.

Payments start at $300 per week before taxes for extended parental benefits, though the figure starts at $500 for everyone else. If you don’t qualify for EI benefits, then there are other benefit schemes you may be eligible to claim from. 


The COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment is a welfare payment that covers both employees and the self-employed in Ireland. 

PUP payments range from €200 to €350 depending on your usual rate of earnings.  To qualify, your trading income needs to have ceased or at least reduced due to the pandemic. You must not receive any income from an employer and must also be seeking work. Only those who are aged between 18 and 66 can apply. 

New PUP applications will be accepted until 31st March 2021. 

New Zealand

The New Zealand government will make one-off payments to small businesses (including the self-employed and sole traders), as part of the Small Business Cash Flow Loan Scheme

The amount of the loan is up to $10,000 and includes an additional $1,800 per equivalent full-time employee. Applications have been extended until 31st December 2023. 


Singapore has introduced a Covid-19 Recovery Grant to provide temporary financial relief to workers in low or middle-income households who have experienced involuntary job loss, income loss or no-pay leave as a result of Covid-19.

Applications for the Covid-19 Recovery Grant will close on December 31st 2021.

South Africa

The South African government has a range of measures in place to help businesses who have been affected by Covid-19. 

United Kingdom

The UK government is extending the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, which was first rolled out back in March 2020. 

The taxable grant will cover 80% of your average trading profits over a 3 month period. The amount is paid in a single instalment and is capped at £7,500.

The last date for making a claim for the third grant was 29 January 2021.

Details about the fourth grant will be announced on 3 March 2021.

United States

The US government passed a stimulus bill worth $2 trillion to help those affected by the pandemic, called Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). 

If your employment is related to the pandemic, you are eligible to claim half your state’s average weekly unemployment benefit plus an additional $600 a week. It can be claimed for up to 4 months, though if you do claim, it will extend your state benefits for up to 13 weeks.

If you are still self-employed, you can claim $1,200 each or $2,400 per couple and $500 for every child you have under the age of 18. Anyone who earns $75,000 or more will receive a reduced amount.

To claim, you need to visit your local state’s website for further information. Some other schemes are running in light of the pandemic that you may also qualify for when you do so.

To sum up

Remember, the availability of the above funding options in each country is subject to change as the external situation unfolds, so always keep an eye out for updates on official government websites.

If you need expert advice on how to grow your business during these difficult times, please get in touch at team@bark.com. Or you can call us at a time that suits you – we’re open 24/7. Find your local website on www.bark.com.

Lockdown Challenges – which one will you choose?

As we get to grips with yet another lockdown, it’s back to staying indoors and finding ways to pass the time. If you spent the last lockdown organising your closet, and there are no more walls left to paint or jigsaws to complete, you’ll be in need of some new ideas. 

We’ve scoured the internet to find some of the best lockdown challenges to complete. The question is, which one will you choose? 

Toilet roll challenge

The toilet roll hoarding situation of 2020 became so extreme, that one guy even checked in a 24 pack on a flight to Sydney. With the toilet roll aisles of Asda and Tesco once again becoming barren deserts, the chances are you have a few stacks of the good stuff lying around once more. Hence, it’s time for the toilet roll challenge. Essentially, it involves playing ‘keepie uppie’ but with toilet rolls. 

Everyone from Rio Ferdinand to Lionel Messi has given it a go. The idea is to challenge each member of your household to see who can get the most kicks in without dropping it. As the lockdown drags on, you can also look to improve your score each day. One plus of this challenge? It defies the ‘no ball games in the house’ rule. Your crockery will breathe a sigh of relief, no doubt. 

Plank challenge

Everyone thinks planking looks easy until they try it for themselves. The plank challenge will test your ability (not to mention your abs) to the absolute limit, as you try to out-plank those you live with. Some have even gone the extra mile by choreographing a dance routine in pairs that are centred around planking. Get ready for the high fives and leg kicks! 

Given gyms are closed during lockdown, it’s definitely one way to help strengthen your core. To keep a good form while you plank, extend your arms and keep your back straight. Be sure to record how long you can last before crashing to the ground and try to extend it by a few seconds each day. You’ll have abs of steel by the end of lockdown!

The spartan challenge

If you’re ready to create a potential ‘You’ve Been Framed’ moment, then the spartan challenge is it. In pairs, your challenge is to attempt to climb over the other person’s head and return back to the ground. Celebrities such as Leigh Anne Pinnock have tried it, and it is currently doing the rounds on Instagram and Tik Tok. 

Have your partner get into a squat position. Use their knees as a stepping stone to get above their shoulders. Wrap your arm around their waist and flip yourself over as you come down so that you land gently with your back on the ground. The aim is for your partner to not have to help you. It’s probably best to try this one where there will be a soft landing underneath! 

The gesture challenge

For something a little more gentile, try the gesture challenge. This one requires excellent teamwork not to mention symmetry. Working to the beat of a song you like, you need to both signal the same gesture at the same time. This can include a thumbs up or ok symbol, for example.

When you hit record on your video, you need to both sync up perfectly with each gesture. See how challenging you can make your routine, especially if you are trying to remember 20+ gestures in a row! Remember to keep it clean if your grandmother follows you. 

To sum up

We hope the above has given you some fun ways to entertain yourself during lockdown. Although it’s not easy, keeping busy and interacting with those you live with is one of the easiest ways to get through it. Plus, the challenges will keep your mind off of the situation while you complete them. Best of luck!


How to have a party remotely

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or ringing in the New Year, it’s not always possible to do things in person. Being separated from family, friends and colleagues can be tough, especially during special occasions. 

But, with technology, it is possible to share the good times together remotely, which has to be better than missing out completely! 

Here are our top ideas on how to have a party remotely to inspire you for your next bash. 

Send a care package

One of the best ways to let others know you’re thinking about them is to send a care package. When it comes to parties, there’s no reason why your parcel couldn’t include a tipple or two. You could even mix things up and nominate your friends to send each other a box to open on Zoom. From cocktails to fancy dress, you can have a lot of fun with this idea. Be sure to get plenty of screenshots!

Gaming tournament 

While you can’t challenge your pals to a quick go on the Xbox, you can set up a remote tournament. There’s everything from Animal Crossing to Mario Kart and even old school classics like Monopoly that you can play remotely as a team. Grab a takeaway and some beers and your celebration is sorted. If you vote on your favourite games then it’s an ideal replacement for an office Christmas party too. You don’t even have to get dressed up!

Quiz night

Who doesn’t love a good quiz night? Nominate a host and invite as many people as you can. Make things interesting by asking each player to give £1 to the prize pot for the winner. You could even throw in some entertainment or a bit of TikTok dancing. We guarantee everyone will have a great laugh even if they lose! 

Teleparty (Netflix Party)

Grab the popcorn as your trip to the cinema is now a Teleparty. Formally known as a Netflix party, it allows you to sync your movie streaming with your friends, and gives you the option to chat too. From old classics to the latest releases, it will help you keep in contact with loved ones even when miles apart. Don’t forget to order some cake for the celebration part! 


Whether you’re a dancing queen or a single lady, put your hands up for some virtual karaoke. Lucky Voice Karaoke is offering a 14 day free trial of their software, which is more than enough for your party and several replays after that. Your next door neighbours in lockdown might not thank you for it, but you can be sure the evening will be a real success. Complete the party atmosphere with some crazy props and plenty of balloons in the background. 

To sum up

Just because you aren’t able to be with everyone this year, it doesn’t mean to say you can’t have a great time. Whether you’re in lockdown or separated due to work, by trying one of the above ideas you can keep both the sense of togetherness and the party spirit going.


How to manage your business during a pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has proved to be a difficult experience for business owners across the globe. Lockdowns, restrictions and economic uncertainty have changed the way we do business beyond all recognition. 

While there is so much about the situation we cannot control, something you can do is get organised about your next steps. Here are our top tips on how to manage your business during a pandemic to guide you. 

Make sure everyone is on the same page

With so many restrictions in and outside of work, it can be tricky to keep up. Your employees are going to need clear guidance on whether they can continue working or not. This includes telling them everything they need to adhere to when at work such as social distancing guidelines. Or when they are expected to be brought back if on furlough. 

Depending on the nature of your business, your employees may also be working from home at the moment. It can be quite confronting to adapt to a new way of working. Some employees may also have accessibility or childcare requirements to deal with too, so it’s good to ensure that everyone has what they need. That way, your business can continue to run as best as possible given the circumstances. 

Have regular check-ins

Stress, not to mention the isolation, is a problem that all of us are facing to some degree. Especially as the pandemic has been dragging on for months now. Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, we all need to let off some steam. That’s why regular check-ins are essential to maintain mental health and strengthen workplace relationships.

Zoom and regular phone calls are a great outlet for this, as the conversation doesn’t always have to be about work. Even a quick 5-minute chat with your employees can make the world of difference, and you should encourage them to do the same with each other too. You’re not the only one feeling frustrated or anxious about the next few months, so don’t keep things to yourself. As a team, you are there to support each other. 

Prepared to get flexible

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the approach to how we do business is crucial as to whether it can survive or not. For example, how restaurants have turned to serving take out food to generate a profit during the lockdown, as otherwise, they wouldn’t be bringing in any income. While it may not replace your regular earnings, being flexible is worth a shot especially as we don’t know how long the pandemic will last for. 

Even though you may be entering into the unknown, it pays to get creative with your business offering, especially as it could avoid you having to let employees go or closing altogether. A top tip is to ensure your website design facilitates a way for your business to make money, such as an online store or the ability to purchase vouchers for when you reopen.  

Refine your marketing

If your business has experienced disruption, now is the perfect opportunity to make the most of the downtime by refining your marketing strategy. Social media marketing is a huge part of this, especially as it’s one of the best ways to communicate with your customers about what’s happening with your business during the pandemic and beyond. 

SEO has always been an integral part of marketing, and now more than ever, people are making Google searches to find out which services they can still access. Relevant keywords about your service and location should be displayed throughout your website and on your social media posts. There’s no reason why you can’t build your audience and adapt your business model to profit from it, even during these difficult times. 

To sum up

As we continue to navigate the pandemic, it’s clear that communication and an element of flexibility are what’s needed most. All of us are trying to find a way through, so it’s imperative that as a business, you remain top of everything that needs to be done. 

By giving your customers new ways to shop with you, and fine-tuning your digital marketing, you will give your business the best chance of success during these turbulent times.