Electricians revealed as the highest-earning self-employed pros in the UK

There are pros and cons to going solo, however over the last few years more and more people have made the switch to self-employed work.

With hundreds of thousands of self-employed pros using Bark.com, we’re in a unique position to find out which professional is the highest paid in the UK, when self-employed, and how it compares to their employed counterpart’s salary.

Surveying 20,000 professionals across 11 key sectors from our platform, we asked service providers about their earnings to find out the UK salary average for each service. In addition to information on their earnings, self-employed professionals were asked about their lifestyle and work-homelife balance. The research took a few months to collect due to the magnitude of the project. but allowed for a wealth of data for us to draw our conclusions from.

When results were processed it was obvious across all sectors that those who are self-employed have the potential to earn far more than their employed counterparts, and in some cases more than double.

Interestingly, electricians top the list of the highest earning self-employed pros, and independent cleaners can earn close to £30k a year, three times the amount of employed cleaners!

Here are the highest paid self-employed service providers in the UK:

1. Electricians £51,200

Employed salary £27,287

2. Counsellors £45,111

Employed salary £24,544

3. Landscape gardeners £40,140

Employed salary £19,143

4. Make-up artists £38,918

Employed salary £20,952

5. Graphic designers £38,760

Employed salary £22,012

6. Photographers £36,823

Employed salary £20,812

7. Plumbers £36,359

Employed salary £23,788

8. Tutors £34,147

Employed salary £22,630

9. Painter and decorators £33,075

Employed salary £21,405

10. Personal trainers £33,029

Employed salary £19,494

11. Cleaners £29,584

Employed salary £10,573

Despite a massive 90% of respondents stating that their workload is much more now that they are self-employed, more than two-thirds (68%) of professionals stated that they have been far more successful in keeping a healthy home and work balance. Nearly three quarters (73%) of respondents felt that their increased stress levels are worth it for the monetary increase.

Kai Feller, Bark.com co-founder, said,

“At Bark we work with thousands of self-employed sole traders, and thought it would be interesting to see how much they earn a year. We picked the top 11 most popular self-employed sectors in the UK, and you can see why so many people decide to go self-employed – a good living can be made from all of the professions.

“The survey took a good couple of months, but was well worth the wait, because the results speak for themselves – being self-employed results in a much higher income. We were expecting them to earn more, but almost double on average is a huge increase. That being said being self-employed comes with a lot more work, responsibility and pressure more often than not, it’s definitely not a career choice to be taken lightly.”

Turns out that going self-employed might be more beneficial than you thought!


7 quirky ways to keep the kids entertained this summer

The school summer holidays are upon us – but while for some they spell a moment of blissful rest and relief, for those with young children, the very concept can seem daunting. After all, finding enough fun and exciting to activities to fill six weeks isn’t easy.

So what do you do when you’ve exhausted the obvious options – you’ve taken them to the beach, the swimming pool, you’ve tried clowns and magic shows and you can’t quite take any more Peppa Pig on repeat? Here are seven of our favourite, more unusual recommendations to make planning the summer holidays a breeze.

1. Build a tree house – have a lonely tree in your back garden? How about giving your children the chance to really go ape by building a tree house and letting their imaginations run wild. If you’re not quite as DIY-savvy as you’d like to be, there’s plenty a carpenter available on Bark.com to help turn your shrubs into a palace.

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2. Watermelon smashing – the Japanese version of a piñata – but instead of whacking a donkey full of sweets, players are challenged to hit a watermelon while blindfolded until it explodes.A great, healthy summer treat with a dollop of messy fun for good measure.

Watermelon Smash

3. Arts and crafts with a difference – we’re used to picture collages and tissue paper flowers, but how about going a step further and trying out pottery classes or sewing lessons, allowing your children to create things that are more lasting and stand up to the wear and tear of use? We have some fantastic professionals listed on Bark.com, so check out who’s around in your local area.

4. Make snow ice creams – grated ice with a bit of syrup on top? So simple and easy to make, but perfect for joint-kitchen fun without the mess and stress – just watch your fingertips!

5. Hire a bouncy castle – kids and grown-ups love them too! Share the cost between friend and make a day of it – a couple of hours of bouncing and your children will be tuckered out and ready for a long nap, leaving the big kids free to open the wine and relax!

Bouncy Castle

6. Learn a language – the more exotic, the better, though if you’re planning any trips abroad in the near future, perhaps a language that coincides with the destination, allowing your children to take control of communication and show off their newly-developed skills.

7. Take on an international student during the summer months, international students flock to the UK for short summer courses in English, and local schools and colleges look to house them with local families. Why not give your kids someone new to get to know over the summer (and someone to help entertain them!). You can find loads of information over at UK Guests.

For more Bark.com top tips, why not check out our other blogs?

Like our suggestions? Have some of your own? Let us know if you have any unusual methods for keeping your children entertained during the long break!