Five steps to living your best life during Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has left no area of life untouched. From your work life to your family life and your health to your social life, it’s likely you’ve experienced some major life changes over the past year.

Most people have simply been living in survival mode, doing whatever it takes to get through daily life. However, for some people, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused them to take a step back and reassess their lives, making long-term changes which will last long beyond the pandemic.

Whether you’re run off your feet as a key worker or struggling with isolation, here are five ways that you can take control of your life and thrive during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Focus on what you can control 

It’s easy to feel out of control when so many areas of your life are restricted and you’re facing high levels of stress. But try to focus on the things that you can control. Set yourself small goals, whether that be starting to plan the book you’ve always dreamed of writing or taking up running. Focusing on specific goals can help you to take back control of your life.

Connect with nature

Spending time outdoors can help you to feel grounded when things are out of your control. Try going for a walk and really focusing on what you can see, hear and smell. You could also have a go at growing your own fruit or vegetables – there’s nothing more satisfying than eating food that you’ve grown yourself.

Maintain a routine

It’s easy to forget about self-care if you aren’t leaving the house as much as usual, but self-care translates to positive mental wellbeing. Try setting your alarm for the same time every morning to get up, take a shower and brush your teeth. A consistent morning routine helps to set you up for a good day, leaving you ready to achieve your goals.

Keep talking 

It can be easy to feel isolated when you can’t see your friends and family as much as usual. That’s why it’s important to find new ways to stay connected during the coronavirus pandemic. Take the time to contact your friends and family by text, phone call, or even video call as regularly as possible. As well as supporting your own mental health, it could benefit the people you reach out to as well.

Hire a life coach 

If this period of reflection has made you reconsider your priorities or empowered you to make a big change to your life, it’s worth considering hiring a life coach.

You may be wondering “what is a life coach?” A life coach can help you to make the changes you desire, whether that’s in your career, your relationships or your day-to-day life. They’re there to help you to set realistic and achievable goals and to empower and motivate you to achieve those goals.

Best of all – life coaching can be done virtually, so there’s no need to wait until the pandemic is over to get started. Your online life coach can support and empower you through video calls and over the phone, allowing you to make changes towards a positive mental wellbeing and a successful future.  

If you’re thinking of hiring a life coach to help you to improve your life, you can find a life coach on Bark.


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