Meet Dan – Owner and Founder of dogHEART

This week we’re heading to Richmond California to chat with Dan, owner and founder of dog training company dogHEART.

Let’s hear Dan’s story about building a successful career on Bark.

Can you tell us a little bit about you and your company? 

dogHEART is a behavior training business for Service Dogs and Pet dogs that started in 2017.

We strengthen the human-canine trust by showing humans how to bring out the best value in their dog so their dog will be safe, and owners will have confidence and peace of mind in public.

What were you doing before you launched your business? 

I was in business development, helping failing non-profits become sustainable.

What made you want to start your company?

I enjoyed helping non-profits continue their mission with underserved communities. But it was time for me to follow my dream to help people find comfort and strength in life and trauma through dogs.

Well-behaved dogs are powerful healers just by their presence and unconditional love. My dream is to start an Integrative Wellness Center, utilizing Service Dogs in a holistic approach to heal trauma.

When did you join Bark? What made you join? 

I decided to join Bark in November 2020 because I had to rethink how to continue business due to the Covid-19 pandemic locking everything down. I posted ads on Google Search and YouTube, which yielded minimal results. Bark was my only viable option.

Can you tell us about your experiences on Bark? 

I began to receive more results in two weeks than I did in two months with my other ads! By my third week, I had three clients. I cancelled my other ads, and I am staying with Bark.

What’s the best thing about Bark? 

There are so many great things I have found with Bark. Probably the best for me is their business model. I am no longer sending out ads, supposedly focused on my demographic, and waiting for clicks.

Bark reversed the current marketing model by allowing my business a space to be visible to the people seeking out my specific service, and I find that this model yields high returns on investment.

Any top tips for success on Bark?

Show your passion. Follow the profile template the Bark professional marketers set up. Contact your leads as soon as possible. Utilize the professional help that Bark provides.

What do you think of the Customer Success team at Bark? 

I have reached out to Bark’s Customer Success Team several times as I was getting started. I am continually impressed at how quickly I can get a real person who is courteous, professional, and who expedites solutions. 

How has Bark helped you during Covid-19?

I am thankful that I found and joined Bark. We all have to get through life during this difficult time. I find Bark to be the link between me and clients who need my services.

Anything else you’d like us to include? 

I am amazed at how much Bark wants business people like me to succeed by offering to reapply credits if you do not receive any clients from your first credit pack. I love that credits do not expire!

We’ve loved chatting with Dan today – it’s great to hear how he’s used Bark to follow his passion (and we didn’t mind the adorably cute pics of the dogs either!). If you’re looking for a dog trainer, then head over to Dan’s Bark profile. You can find more information about dogHEART, check out his reviews and make an enquiry – all from one place! Stuck at home? Dan also offers puppy training online (for puppies 2 months to 5 months of age).

16 things to do during lockdown

Life is on hold, but you don’t have to be 


Stuck indoors and looking to relieve the lockdown boredom? If you’re struggling to find a series on Netflix you haven’t watched, it’s time to think outside the box. Staying in doesn’t have to be a waste of time – why not discover a new skill or hobby? Not only will lockdown fly by, but you’ll come out of it as a new and improved version of yourself – win, win! 

Train your pooch! 

Give your pup some love this lockdown by giving them some behaviour training. Whether it’s combatting aggressive behaviour or teaching them basic obedience commands, dog training can lead to your pup living a longer and happier life. If you’re not sure, hire an online dog trainer and learn the most effective tips and tricks.

Learn a new language

Being stuck indoors is the perfect opportunity to brush up on your language skills. Long gone are the days of dusty old language books – there are now endless ways to learn a language online. Whether it’s watching foreign language shows on Netflix (with subtitles, of course!) or listening to podcasts, language learning doesn’t have to be boring anymore. 

If you’re serious about improving your language skills, hiring an online tutor is a perfect way to add some structure to your learning. They’ll also hold you accountable on the days where vegging out on the sofa is much more tempting! 

Set goals

If you enjoy living life in the fast-lane, lockdown might feel like it’s been put on pause. But having the time to slow down and reflect can be really helpful when it comes to understanding where you are in life and where you want to be. 

Whether it’s working towards financial independence or trying to live a healthier lifestyle, setting goals and breaking them into small daily tasks will help you to feel focused and productive. If your goals seem unattainable or you don’t know where to begin, why not hire an online life coach? As long as you’ve got a strong internet connection you can have consultations via video call, or over the telephone. 

Try a healthy new diet

One of the upsides of lockdown is that you can spend more time in the kitchen, try out new recipes, and kick-start healthy eating habits. If you have difficult dietary requirements or need help controlling your calorie intake, start your journey the right way by getting a nutritionist or dietitian.

Balance the books 

Okay, so not very exciting – but hear us out! Lockdown is the perfect time to get on top of those boring financial tasks. If your business has been affected by Covid-19, it might be time to reassess your financial situation. If you need some help getting your affairs in order, an online financial advisor will be able to help you manage a number of tasks, including cash-flows and reassessing your budget. 

Get the boring stuff out of the way so you can free up time for what’s important when lockdown ends! 

Kick bad habits 

Did you know it takes 21 days to break a bad habit? Lockdown is an ideal time to say goodbye to bad habits and form some healthy ones! The first step is identifying what you want to change and what your triggers are. 

Once you’ve figured that out, there are lots of exercises to help you combat a bad habit. A tried and tested one is replacing a bad behaviour with a good one – if you find yourself regularly reaching for the cookie jar, why not replace it with some dried fruit? Alternatively, you could hire an online hypnotherapist to help you with the legwork. 

Learn to code 

Coding is an incredibly sought after skill in our digital world, so why not give yourself a head start and give it a go? There are tonnes of online coding courses out there, or if you’re looking for more personal support, you can find an online coding tutor. 

Learn a new instrument 

Ever committed to taking up piano or the guitar only to find that you simply don’t have the time to practice every day? With so much time on your hands, lockdown is the ideal opportunity to get your daily practice in. Struggling to find your inner Beethoven? Find an online music tutor. 

Revamp your living space 

If you’re sick and tired of being stuck at home, maybe all you need is to give it a new look! Interior designers are now providing their services online – designing a ‘virtual’ room and filling it with real-life items available to purchase – pretty cool right?

Learn to draw 

Okay, so you may not be the next Picasso, but drawing is a great way to pass the time, and has been proven to help with anxiety and stress. If you’re serious about improving your sketching skills, it’s worth hiring an online drawing tutor to help you hone your craft. 

Give your website a face lift 

If your business has had to come up with new ways to connect with customers remotely this year, then having a great website should be at the top of your priorities. Whether it’s improving user experience (UX) or refreshing your content, investing time into your website will help to attract and retain new customers. But it can be a tricky task – especially if you don’t know the basics of web design. Hire a web designer to ensure your website gets the high-quality finish it deserves. 

Get fit 

With an abundance of online fitness classes to choose from, there’s no reason you can’t get fit from the comfort of your own home! Grab some household objects as weights and get moving! Getting an online personal trainer is a great way to add structure to your workouts and help you to achieve your fitness goals. 

Get party planning! 

Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or anniversary, lockdown is a perfect time to start planning your next event. Yes, the world seems uncertain, but there’s no harm in giving yourself a headstart for when normality resumes. If you need a helping hand, why not hire an online event and party plannerFrom scoping out the best venue to finding decorations, it’s easy for them to tick off their to-do list from home. 

Update your CV 

Smash the job market as soon as you get out of lockdown by updating and refreshing your CV. Not sure how to make the most of your CV? Online CV writers are on hand to ensure your CV is perfected and polished – highlighting your best bits!

Write a novel (or a blog) 

There’s no better time than during lockdown to get those creative juices flowing. Pick up a piece of paper and a pen (or your laptop) and start working on that novel you’ve been meaning to write for the last five years. Or if you don’t fancy yourself as the next William Shakespeare just yet, maybe ease yourself in with a blog post. 500 words are very different from 500 pages, after all! If you need a polished blog for your business, you can find online blog writers to do the hard work for you. 

Try out yoga 

Lockdown is the ideal opportunity to find your inner zen. Whether you’re an experienced yoga-lover or a complete beginner, there will be something online for your age and capability. All it takes is a quick two minute Google search. Alternatively, you could hire an online yoga instructor – they’ll be able to ensure your form and techniques are spot on, saving you nasty injuries later down the line. 

Government financial support for businesses during Covid-19

It’s safe to say Covid-19 has caused significant challenges for businesses big and small.

Thankfully, governments are stepping in at a time when businesses need them the most, to provide vital financial relief.

To save you some time, we’ve put together a list of the financial support that governments are providing for businesses in the eight countries we operate in – as we could all do with a little bit of help.

United Kingdom 

You can find the full list of UK government funding schemes, as well as information on how to access them, here. Here’s a quick summary of what’s available:

  • Coronavirus job retention scheme
  • Self-Employment Income Support Scheme
  • Business rates relief


Find everything you need to know about funding options for small businesses and individuals in Ireland here. Here’s a few examples of some of the options available:

  • Employment wage subsidy scheme
  • Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
  • Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme
  • Covid-19 business loans

United States

Government funding options for businesses affected by Covid-19 in the US are listed here. A few of the funding options are listed below:

  • SBA debt relief
  • SBA Express Bridge loans


Find all the information you need to know about financial support for individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic here, with some examples listed below:

  • Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
  • Loan Guarantee for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


Information on Coronavirus-related financial support in Australia, as well as how to access it, can be found here.

Sole Trader financial support can be found here.

South Africa

Keep up to date with Covid-19 business support options for individuals and businesses South Africa here. 

New Zealand

Read information on financial support schemes in New Zealand here. Some of the options include:

  • Covid-19 Leave Support Scheme
  • Wage Subsidy Schemes
  • Business Finance Guarantee Schemes


Remember, the availability of the above funding options in each country is likely to change as the coronavirus situation changes, so it’s worth keeping a regular eye out for any updates on government websites.

We hope this information has been useful. If there’s anything else we can do to support your business during these uncertain times, please let us know. Our Customer Success team is open 24/7 – give them a call at a time that suits you (phone number available on our website), or drop them a line at

Let’s get through this together.

How to protect your business during Covid-19

With a global pandemic sweeping the world, national lockdowns, and businesses big and small having to close their doors for extended periods, it’s been a turbulent year, to say the least. But despite the extreme uncertainty and challenges the coronavirus pandemic has caused, small businesses have shown incredible resilience and strength in the face of adversity. 

As we continue to adapt to the reality of living with Covid-19, we’ve put some tips together to help you protect your business during these uncertain times. 

Government funding 

It’s important to know what financial support you’re entitled to as this could make a real difference to the stability of your business during a rocky period. 

Here’s where you can find out more information about the government funding schemes for individuals and small businesses affected by the pandemic: 

Make the move online 

Having an online presence is crucial for connecting with customers remotely. After all, the internet is the number one tool for people searching for what they need, especially when they’re confined to their homes. 

Providing your services online is key to retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. From dog training to personal training and everything in between, you’d be surprised at how many services can be provided remotely. 


Refresh your website 

Following on from the above, if you want to build a successful online presence, then you need to have a great website – it will help you to connect with customers far and wide but it won’t attract and retain new clients if it isn’t attractive, user-friendly, or relevant to their requirements. 

If your website is in need of a revamp, now’s the perfect time to do it – and if you don’t know the first thing about web design, why not hire a web designer to take the pain out of the process? Many web designers provide this service remotely too! 


With changes happening daily, it’s critical to maintain strong communication with your clients, to keep them up to date with any last-minute changes in your business operations as a result of new government restrictions. A great way to do this is via social media, regular email communications, or updates on your Bark profile and/or company website. 

Manage your cash flow  

During such uncertain and volatile times, it’s vital to monitor your cash flow closely, as this could be impacted significantly by the changes in work circumstances as a result of the pandemic. 

If you haven’t already done so, create a short term cash-flow forecast for the next few months, taking into account various scenarios that could affect it, such as late payments from customers. 

Employing an accountant is an efficient way to get to grips with the figures so that you can effectively prepare your business for the uncertainty of the next few months. Many accountants also provide their services online. 

Expand your social media presence 

Social media is an effective (and free!) tool that all businesses can harness to expand their customer base during a pandemic.

By expanding your social media presence, you can engage with more customers, remind them that you’re there, and come up with creative solutions to serving them remotely. 

We’ve put together a handy beginners guide for creating a social media strategy for small businesses, which you can read here.

Address your budget 

It’s a fact of coronavirus life that many small businesses will have to rethink and adapt their budget as a result of the pandemic. 

If like many businesses, you’re experiencing a decrease in cash-flow, it’s vital that you adapt your budget accordingly. Here are a few considerations: 

  • Monitor your cash-flow – It’s likely your cash-flow has changed a lot throughout the last few months, and it will probably continue to do so. Make sure you monitor this closely to be aware of any changes that need to be made in your budget i.e. in terms of cutting unnecessary expenses. 
  • Be proactive with payments – Managing your payments during a pandemic is a balancing act between ensuring you receive your payments on time and being mindful of issues your client may be facing in managing their own finances. It’s always a good idea to touch base with your client before the payment is due so that you can identify any issues early on and come to an agreement. 
  • Manage your personal finance – Many personal finance providers are offering flexibility to their clients during times of crisis, so it’s worth having a discussion with your mortgage lender, energy supplier, etc. to see whether they can provide you with any financial support. Having more personal income means that you could invest this into your business at a time when it needs it most. 

Promote workplace safety  

It’s vital that your workplace practices and environments are Covid-19 secure so that you can continue to serve your customers safely. To put your customers’ minds at ease, make sure you clearly state which measures you’ve taken to protect your staff and customers from Covid-19 infection.

Small steps such as displaying health and safety checklists on your office, website, etc. (which are often free to download) and sharing the steps you’ve taken on your social media channels is a great way to reassure customers. 


We hope this guide has been useful. If there’s anything else we can help you with or anything that we didn’t cover in this article that you think is important to share within the professional community, please do get in touch via telephone or email – find our telephone numbers on our website or email 

We’re always looking for ways to support you during these difficult times.

How to create a social media strategy for your business

This year, it’s never been more vital to grow awareness of your business online, and having a social media presence is a great way to do that. If you provide engaging content to your customers through social media, they’ll be more likely to feel connected to your business.

If you’re stuck indoors and wondering what you can do to grow your business during a pandemic, then it’s a great time to get started on your social media strategy. For the social media newbies reading this, we know it can be daunting, so we’ve created a step-by-step guide to setting yourself up online.

1. Create a social media marketing plan 

Like most things, you need to be clear on your goals and objectives before rushing into anything with social media – this also makes it easier to measure results. Ask yourself what you want to achieve through your social media marketing so you can tailor your approach to these goals. While it can be tempting to fire off post after post with no consistency, planning ahead is much more effective for long-term goals. Here are some sample templates to help you get going.

2. Scope out the competition 

A good way to determine what works and what doesn’t is by checking out your competitors’ social media channels. By analysing the success of your competitors’ posts, you’ll get a clearer picture of what customers want to see. It also gives you an opportunity to create something entirely new, helping you to stand out from the crowd.

3. Choose the right platform for your business. 

While social media is a powerful tool to connect with your audience, it’s vital that you know who your audience is and which platform they use. Different platforms are better catered to different age groups, so it’s essential to understand the demographics of your audience to gauge the best platform to reach them on. If you’re trying to reach a younger audience, then Instagram is your best bet, whereas Facebook is popular with the over 35s.

4. Value quality over quantity 

When it comes to content, it should be quality over quantity every time. If you’re wondering what quality content is, the easiest way to measure it is how your audience engages with it, i.e. how many times it is shared and commented on. There’s no use uploading three posts a day if no one interacts with them. By creating quality content, your users are much more likely to remember your brand. The key to quality content is strong formatting – making sure text is broken up into readable chunks with images and bullet points to help readers digest it, talking about relevant topics that people care about, and using humour to engage audiences.

And there we have it, a step-by-step guide to kick-starting your social media journey! If there’s anything else we can support you with, feel free to call our friendly Customer Success team – we’re open 24/7! You can find our telephone numbers on our website, or alternatively, email

Why SEO is important for your online success

This year, Covid-19 forced businesses big and small to close their doors, some for a few months, others for the foreseeable future. As brick and mortar stores are adapting to this strange new world of remote working, it’s never been more important to build a strong digital presence to attract new customers. 

If you’re wondering how to make your business successful online, one tactic that can’t be ignored is SEO. Let’s have a look into what SEO is, how it works, and how it can help your business. 

What does SEO stand for? 

If you’re wondering what on earth SEO is, then you’re not alone. Short for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’, it’s basically the art of increasing traffic to your website through organic search results. 

Still confused? Let’s dive into it a bit more and see what we mean by ‘traffic’ and ‘organic search’. 

Key terms: 

  • Traffic – refers to the visitors coming to your site. 
  • Organic search – refers to the search results of a search engine (like Google) that don’t appear as a result of paid advertising. They are ranked according to their relevance to a search term. So, if someone types into Google ‘what is SEO?’ The top results that will appear will be websites with information that most closely matches that search query. 

So, why is organic traffic important? 

Organic traffic is important because it is relevant. Visitors that land on your site from a search engine’s organic results are looking for specific products and services you offer. This means that they are more likely to convert. 

SEO uses a number of tactics to influence the position of your website in the search engine results pages to drive more conversions. And SEO works because lots and lots of people search for things on the internet.

How does SEO work? 

Google’s algorithm determines which websites are the most relevant and should appear at the top of search results. It looks for high-quality information that is relevant to the searcher’s query. 

Google looks at your website’s content to evaluate how useful it is in answering what the searcher is looking for. 

The simple basis is that Google provides the most relevant and useful information based on the search query. 


How can SEO help your business? 

SEO is one of the most popular digital marketing tools out there, and for good reason. Here’s how SEO can help your business succeed online: 

  • Relevant traffic – SEO puts your business in front of people who are looking for the services you provide, which means they are more likely to convert. 
  • Increases profit  – With organic search traffic driving conversions, your profit will increase and you won’t need to pay as much on paid advertising – win, win! 
  • Long-term gain Organic traffic doesn’t just come all at once and then stop – if done properly, SEO will bring you a steady stream of traffic for months (and even years!) to come.
  • Bypasses competitors – If you’ve ever searched for something on Google yourself (which you probably have), then you’ll know first-hand that most of us only click on the first search result. If there are two businesses in the same industry, selling similar products or services, then which one are you likely to go for, the first search result or the second? We know what our answer would be…
  • Brand awareness – Last but not least, increasing your search rankings is a great way to build your brand awareness amongst consumers. If your website appears at the top of Google or Bing, then customers will be more likely to trust your business – simple.

All this talk of SEO getting you in a wobble? You can hire an SEO specialist on Bark – they’ll be highly skilled in building your brand awareness and driving the quantity and quality of traffic to your site.

Meet Simon – Graphic Designer at Media Monkey

This week we’re off to Devon in the UK to chat with Simon, Graphic Designer and Animator (or as he calls it ‘Designamator’) at Media Monkey, a creative design agency.

Let’s hear how Simon has grown a successful business over the years with Bark.

Tell us a bit about your background

I’ve lived and breathed design for over 20 years, working at various creative agencies in my twenties and finally setting up my first company in 2011, called ‘Ramsey’s Design.’ 

Over time, the marketplace I was working in demanded a lot more attention in motion graphics. Video was becoming more popular and engagement was through the roof on social platforms. 

I only had a small understanding of animation, but I learnt on the fly by watching as much training as I could. In 2018 I rebranded Ramsey’s Design Lab to Media Monkey – really to focus more on video and animation. 

When did you join Bark? 

VERY VERY early days – 2015/2016!

Tell us about your experiences on Bark…

From day one it always looked and felt like a great site. Huge attention to user journey and packed full of leads for all sorts of different service areas. Bark was a huge change for me to now ‘close’ my own customers. Yikes! 

Since the early days, Bark has continually listened and updated the system and it has progressed beautifully over the years. Any issues I had have been ironed out and we are always very excited to see new updates that make things easier for us to use Bark and importantly, make money from it. We now have verified phone numbers!! and each lead shows how many people have responded to it.

These may sound like small changes. But they have made a HUGE impact and created more trust in the whole system. 

Over time Bark has become the sole source of my work. It accounts for over 95% of my revenue yearly, in both new projects and repeat business from those valuable relationships I have made.

If it wasn’t for Bark I wouldn’t have a business. 

How has Bark helped you fight the coronavirus pandemic? 

When the pandemic hit in March 2020 I lost over £250,000 in estimates, proposals and retained business which happened pretty much overnight. I had two weeks of pacing up and down the garden wondering how on earth we are going to manage. 

I spent my last £60 on Bark credits which landed me with a handful of incredible clients. I was so happy to be back doing what I know best. Business is very much booming thanks to this wonderful system, with June and July 2020 being the busiest months on record.

What’s the best thing about Bark?

There are lots of GREAT things about Bark. 

Active development team – It feels like we are being listened to. Updates and new features are rolling out all the time. 

The ease of use – The whole platform is just great to use. And from a design point of view, looks great. Can’t wait to finally see the new portfolio rollout. 

But the BEST thing about Bark? Always knowing you have a place to go and find work if there is nothing coming in. There are hundreds of new leads posted every day. You can always seem to get something – that hopefully leads to more. 

What are your top tips for success on Bark?

Reviews, get reviews. I know I read them. Especially if I’m about to spend some serious money or I’m looking to form a working relationship. 

ALWAYS respond immediately to anyone that has sent you a personal message. Clients won’t do that unless they are very very keen. 

ALWAYS where possible respond to emailed leads (Elite Pro only) again if they have reached out to you. That is already your foot in the door. The likelihood of closing a deal with someone who has reached out to you is much much higher. At that point is just a price negotiation issue. 

Remember that most of the people you’ll deal with – WILL COME BACK! it will all be repeat business if you deliver what you promise – and a little extra.

How helpful have you found our Customer Success team?

Great customer service team. If you ever ring them it’s a pleasure to speak with them. Every single team member I’ve spoken to in 5 years has been wonderful.

And that’s Simon, Media Monkey’s very own ‘Designamator’, disrupting the design world one motion reel at a time. If you’re looking to bring a new lease of life to your next digital project, head over to Media Monkey’s Bark profile to make an enquiry – check out its stunning 3D animation, read reviews and request a quote, all on Bark today!

You can find Media Monkey on social media too! Search mediamonkeybusiness on Facebook for more examples of its brilliant work.








The biggest remote services on Bark – 2021

Who would’ve guessed that more people would be working from home than from the office in 2021? With Covid-19 forcing businesses big and small to close their doors for months on end, many companies have had no other option but to shift their services online. 

With Covid-19 fast-tracking the movement to remote working, we’ve seen a huge number of services transitioning online on Bark, from counselling to personal training and even hypnotherapy. 

If you’re wondering which remote services are leading the way in the current Covid-19 crisis, here’s the lowdown on the biggest remote services that aren’t just surviving, but thriving on Bark. 

Dog Training 

With lockdown leaving us with more time to care for our canine friends, the demand for online dog training services has skyrocketed. Whether it’s Zoom-led group classes or individual sessions, online dog training services cover everything from behaviour and positive reinforcement to health and fitness – all you need is a strong internet connection and you’re good to go! 

Many customers are even finding that online dog training is preferable for all sorts of reasons, especially for those of us with busy schedules or furry-friends with a serious case of car travel sickness! 

If you’re in need of some new training techniques for your furry friend, find a local Dog Trainer on Bark.

Personal Training 

With gyms being amongst the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic, personal trainers have had to come up with creative new ways to work online. And with exercise being the number one means to fight the boredom of lockdown for so many of us, there’s been no shortage of demand for remote personal training services – we’ve seen online PT requests skyrocket since the pandemic emerged earlier this year. 

Many fitness professionals have seen huge success in operating their business remotely through Bark. So much so, that some have decided to move their services entirely online. The beauty of remote personal training is the convenience – with just the aid of a tablet or laptop, you can pretty much hold a training session from your living room, garden, or wherever you like!

Boost your fitness from home with a Personal Trainer on Bark.

Counselling and Therapy 

It’s no surprise that coronavirus has impacted our mental wellbeing in lots of ways. Everything from supermarkets, to social gatherings and education have been affected by the pandemic, leaving many of us feeling a little unbalanced, to say the least. In a year that’s been like no other, counsellors and therapists have been able to provide vital support from afar while keeping their business afloat through remote services. 

Online counselling and therapy are becoming increasingly popular, as it gives people the option to carry out the session from the comfort of their own home if they’d prefer. Being able to speak to someone without having to meet them in person has also been incredibly helpful during times of lockdown and social distancing. 

To get the support you need regardless of your location, search for online Health and Wellness professionals on Bark.


The flexibility of online tutoring makes it ideal for those of us who are stuck inside and looking to learn a new skill. From business and career coaching to maths tutoring and guitar lessons, when it comes to the options available for online tutoring the sky really is the limit! 

If you’re asking yourself whether online tutoring is worth it in comparison to in-person tutoring, the answer is absolutely! As long as you have a strong internet connection, it’s just as effective as in-person tutoring, and can even be better as many students feel more confident carrying out the session from the comfort of their own home. 

Online tutoring also means that professionals are able to teach twice as many students, as they don’t have to worry about travel time cutting into their precious teaching hours! 

We’ve got hundreds of professionals providing their services online. So whether it’s learning guitar or turning your living room into your very own fitness studio, if you’re looking to make the most out of your time at home, find what you’re looking for on Bark. 

And if you’re thinking of moving your business from the physical to the digital, we can help. With the demand for remote services soaring on Bark, there’s plenty of customers to connect you with. But don’t just take our word for it – sign up as a professional today. 

Meet Quwanie – Owner of Cleaning Go LTD

This week we’re heading to Surrey in the UK to speak with Quwanie – proud owner of Cleaning Go LTD, a 5 star rated domestic and commercial cleaning company. 

Hear Quwanie’s story about growing and scaling his cleaning business with Bark. 

How long has your business been around for? 

I launched Cleaning Go July 2020 on a budget of £405. Due to Covid-19, most commercial premises couldn’t reopen until a professional cleaning company disinfected their property. Businesses had no choice but to remain closed until further notice. 

Cleaning Go was launched with the sole purpose of creating a safe, secure environment for businesses and the public. I understand the cleaning sector because I spent at least 10 years in the industry before launching my cleaning company.

What were you doing before you launched your company? 

Before launching Cleaning Go I joined the retail industry early January 2020 where I was working as a Kitchen Sales Designer for Magnet Kitchens in Sutton, Surrey.  Unfortunately due to the pandemic Magnet Kitchens had no choice but to let me go.

Tell us about your experiences on Bark… has been fantastic so far, I have had a positive experience in such a short time. I had fifteen bookings in one month! Out of those, I was able to secure two commercial cleaning contracts, one in South Kensington and the other in Westminster, worth approximately £24,882 annually. I also secured at least twelve end-of-tenancy domestic cleaning contracts that grossed over £5,000. The leads were coming in like wildfire – at one point I was struggling to manage everything. Most of the inquiries converted into business.

What’s the best thing about Bark? is user friendly and easy to use. I tried a few different platforms like Checkatrade, Bidvine,Tradespeople, and to be honest, there wasn’t any comparison to in my opinion. is in a league of its own – where else do you find a 24/7 customer service team where you can talk to real humans, not just chatbots? The customer service team is helpful and friendly, too. is the Apple of the services marketplace!

What are your top tips for success on Bark?

1. Be coachable and willing to put in the work.
2. Social media is free so use it to your advantage.
3. Read. Every single day I read something from Bloomberg, Financial Times, Market Watch, CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Money, Wired, Forbes Business, UK Businesses, and UK Parliament.
4. Be willing to work hard. One of my favourite quotes is from Elon Musk, he said “starting a company is like eating broken glass and staring into the abyss.”

And there you have it – the low down on one man’s mission to make workplaces safer during Covid-19. If that doesn’t inspire you, we don’t know what will!

We loved catching up with Quwanie. If you’re in need of a top-rated cleaning service based in London and the South East, head over to the Cleaning Go Bark profile page – you can check out its reviews, request a quote, and see some great examples of past work.

Cleaning Go is also on social media! Find them on Instagram at @cleaninggouk, search them on Facebook at @cleaningouk, or find them on Twitter at @Cleaninggouk

We’re committed to helping professionals like Quwanie find new opportunities to help grow their business, especially in times of such uncertainty.

Want the next success story to be yours? Sign up as a professional on Bark today.








How to create the perfect work from home setup

Whether you like it or not, working from home is here to stay. With the world fighting to curb the spread of coronavirus, more and more offices are closing for the foreseeable future. Where does that leave employees? Creating a makeshift office overnight! Whether it’s transforming your kitchen into a boardroom or making an office out of your dining room table, working from home is the new norm. 

If you’re struggling to feel as productive working from home, you’re not alone! Separating work and leisure can be tough, which is why it’s important to put together a work from home setup that helps you to feel like you’re actually in an office. Here are four ways to transform your home into the perfect office setup. 

Separating your space 

This is one of the most important aspects of creating an effective work from home space. Not having a dedicated space to work makes it much more difficult to focus, especially if you’re working from the same sofa spot where your nightly Netflix binge takes place!

Zoning your space, so that you have one room dedicated to your work and one dedicated to downtime, is the best way to stay focused while working at home. Blurring the boundaries is no good for our mental health, too, as it makes it more difficult to switch off when we need to. So, separating work and leisure is important for your mental health as well as your productivity. Why not try adding some notice boards to your designated office space to recreate the feeling of being in an office? 

A good chair 

This is such a simple one, but so important! If you’re planning on working from your sofa or even your bed, that’s just not going to cut the mustard. Not only does it look very unprofessional to have Zoom and Skype meetings from such a setup, but it’s also no good for your productivity. While dining chairs and home chairs are good for the short term, they’ll be damaging to your posture over a longer period.

Speak to your employers about the potential of sourcing a decent office chair. If that’s not possible, browse your options online. There are lots of affordable office chairs that are easy to assemble. But if you’re a bit of a DIY rookie, why not hire someone to assemble your flat pack furniture for you? You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference having a decent chair can make. 

Strong internet connection 

There’s nothing more frustrating than a poor internet connection while you’re trying to work, especially when working from home requires so many zoom calls and virtual meetings to stay connected with colleagues. It’s so important to ensure that you have a strong internet connection in your home. If your internet is only powerful in certain areas of your home, why not consider getting a wifi booster? It’s affordable, easy to install, and optimises your wifi so that the internet reaches every corner of your house – win, win. 

Opt for optimal lighting 

This is a big one, not only for your productivity but for your mental health too. Investing in a simple desk lamp with soft lighting is a great way to give your work environment that calm, relaxing feeling, removing any harsh light that decreases productivity. Natural light can also have a positive impact on your mental health, so don’t forget to crack open those windows and let the light shine in!

From flat-pack furniture assembly to interior design, connect with a House and Home expert on Bark. They’ll be able to transform your living space into the most productive of office environments. After all, working from home is now a thing, so let’s do it right.