Survival support service launched for new students living away from home

We have launched a service for new students to help them with their new found independence. 

If you’re worried about your young adult heading off to start their new life, the new service is offering structured tutorial sessions for students to become ‘certified’ in life skills.

Our professionals are offering tutorials in life skills such as kitchen cleaning, how to repair clothes and other domestic tasks.

Sessions can be booked for groups of up to six flatmates or friends. Costs are estimated to be around £150 per session, but as with all service providers, support tutors can set their own rates.

If you or a young adult you know needs ‘survival support’ then please click on the service required below for more information on how to book:



Clothing repairs


Oven cleaners

Financial advisors

Kai Feller, co-founder of, said,

“Going to university can be such an exciting yet worrying time for both the student and their parents. A lot of young adults are starting on their journey of independence lacking in skills outside of their subject knowledge and these skill gaps are ones that we feel, can be easily addressed.

“We believe that providing young people with these skills will not only grow their confidence but give them the opportunity to thrive independently, which is exactly what we want and need from our young professionals.”

Not looking in mirrors enough revealed as the number one reason learner drivers are failing

Every year in the UK thousands of people learn to drive, and as resources continue to be stretched, the waiting list for learner drivers to take their test is forever-growing. So, making sure you’re as prepared as possible is important, otherwise you might end up wasting money and time should you fail.

So, we decided to survey our driving instructors to see what the most common mistakes are that learner drivers make which result in them failing. 

We asked 2,000 of our driving instructors which minors and/or majors their clients fail their test on the most and found that ‘a lack of mirror observations’ is the most common cause for a fail, followed by ‘poor road positioning’ and ‘frequent hesitation’. Failing to appropriately apply the handbrake and interpret road markings and signs were also common mistakes. 

We used the results to create a ‘top 15’ list of the most common reasons:

1)  A lack of mirror observations

2)  Poor road positioning 

3)  Frequent hesitation

4)  Failing to appropriately apply the handbrake 

5)  Failing to interpret road markings and signs  

6)  Moving away from a position when it isn’t safe   

7)  Failing to use the controls appropriately (headlights, wipers, indicators)

8)  Mounting the curb  

9)  Failing to safely stop at a junction  

10) Frequently stalling the car 

11) Pulling out from a side road when it’s unsafe

12) Lack of observations when moving across lanes

13) Pulling out unsafely at a junction

14) Being unable to follow a sat-nav/directional instructions

15) Lack of understanding of the components underneath the bonnet

As well as the list, we asked our driving instructors to put together a few top tips on how to ace a practical driving test – here’s what they said:

1) Always check your mirrors.

“Even if you’re driving in a straight line, it never hurts to continually check your mirrors. Not only does it show the instructor that you are constantly aware of what’s going on around you, it also makes driving much easier if you know where each car is placed around you. This becomes even more important when you’re moving lanes or coming up to a junction, and should be an ingrained habit by the time you come to do your test.”

2) Be aware of the other exits at junctions and roundabouts

“One of the biggest reasons people fail is because of repeated hesitation, and one of the best ways to combat this is to keep an eye on where each car enters the roundabout, and which direction they’re indicating to go. Obviously hesitating relates to confidence, however if you’re aware of where each car on the roundabout/junction is, you’ll feel much better about pulling out, and will likely find it much easier to pick your moment.”

3) Make sure you take it as easy and slow as you need

“Even though you can be penalised for going too slow, if the driving is starting to feel a bit too fast, or you don’t feel fully in control, never be afraid to slow down. The instructor would much rather you take it slightly slower and drive more safely, than to keep up with the traffic and drive in an unsafe fashion. Remember the basics your instructor taught you, don’t panic, and concentrate on driving safely at all times – it’s all about finding a balance between concentration and being relaxed.”

When asked ‘what should learner drivers focus on the most during their test’, the majority (88%) of driving instructors said ‘being aware of their surroundings’. 

More than two thirds (64%) also said examiners are looking for ‘confidence’ when marking a practical driving test.    

On top of this, more than three fifths (61%) said they regularly feel unsafe whilst instructing a lesson. co-founder, Kai Feller, said,

“Learning to drive is something which thousands of people go through every year, so we decided to see what the most common reasons for them failing are – and the results were insightful. Not using the mirrors properly might seem like a minor thing to fail a test on, but it’s crucial for safety and is monitored closely by examiners.

“Hopefully the guide we’ve put together with our driving instructors will shed some light on what learner drivers should focus on when preparing and taking their practical driving exam.”

Fear of knees and the wind amongst most unusual diagnosed phobias in the UK

Everyone has something they’re afraid of, whether common fears such as spiders, heights or something a little more unusual. However, there are people across the country who struggle with the most irrational fears and phobias.

Phobias are most commonly triggered by a particularly stressful or traumatic event, and can be linked to a certain place, situation or object. They can develop at any time, however simple or specific phobias, such as a fear of heights, usually develop during childhood. Phobias can also be caused by learnt behaviour or picked up from an early age. 

We have seen a 36% rise in demand for phobia therapists in the last three years, and a 2016 study by the Mental Health Foundation found that approximately 2% of the UK population will have a phobia, with women twice as likely as men to suffer*.

From a fear of knees to a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth, we asked surveyed more than 2,000 of our phobia therapists ‘What unusual phobias are you currently treating or have recently treated?’.  

The most unusual phobias which therapists are treating in the UK, along with how many clients are receiving treatment include:

  1. Arachibutyrophobia – the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth (1)
  2. Genuphobia – the fear of knees (1)
  3. Anemophobia – the fear of wind (1)
  4. Nomophobia – the fear of being without your mobile phone (2)
  5. Domatophobia – the fear of houses or being in a house (3)
  6. Omphalophobia – the fear of belly buttons (4)
  7. Allodoxaphobia – the fear of opinions (5)
  8. Venustraphobia – the fear of beautiful women (7)
  9. Linonophobia – the fear of string (9)
  10. Chorophobia – the fear of dancing (9) also worked with its therapists to put together a general guide on how to deal with a phobia. 

  1. Try exposure therapy – also known as flooding, this is a form of behavioural therapy and desensitisation that works by exposing you to your fear for an extended period of time. Once your immediate panic subsides, you can confront your fear directly.
  2. Learn and practice what calms you down – try different calming exercises and workout what helps to keep your calm. When you are feeling particularly scared or anxious, you can use these techniques to stop you from feeling overwhelmed. Taking slow, deep breaths is a tried and tested method.
  3. Exercise – a short walk, a run or a session at the gym can help to refocus your mind and keep you grounded.
  4. Find a support group – seek support from like-minded people who will listen to you and understand what you’re going through.
  5. Educate yourself – the vast majority of phobias are irrational, so making yourself more aware of your fear and reading up on it can help you understand more about the phobia, as well as reduce the amount of anxiety you feel.
  6. Meditation – mindfulness-based stress reduction, such as meditation, can help sufferers to soothe nerves and better regulate emotions, reducing the anxiety felt when facing a phobia.
  7. Seek help from a therapist –  if you decide that you need help from a professional, there are various forms of ‘talking treatments’, including cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy that can help you manage and lessen your symptoms.
  8. Consider medications – medication is usually only recommended for a short period of time, as it’s best to see if other forms of therapy will work in the long-term, but medicine such as antidepressants or beta-blockers can be used alongside these techniques to help treat phobias.

To find an experienced therapist near you, click here.

Kai Feller, co-founder of, commented,

“We all have our own anxieties, but there are a lot of people who suffer from irrational and often crippling fear. Some phobias may seem trivial, but they should be taken seriously, which is why we have partnered with our therapists to create this comprehensive guide. I’m sure many who read this will be amazed at what some people are scared of, we hope that these tips will be helpful to those suffering from even the most unusual of fears.”


Can you help this eco-conscious couple? Roadkill caterer/chef required for wedding breakfast

At, we like to ensure that we are providing the best service we can to customers via our marketplace, but sometimes some requests are little bit too niche, even for our big community of traders and service providers.

It isn’t a job for the squeamish and incredibly different to the usual types of requests that we receive, but a couple is hoping to find a chef who is willing to help them prepare a wedding breakfast made from roadkill to help offset their carbon footprint.

The request stated:

The environment is so important to us, and will continue to be as we settle down and start our family. Although money isn’t too much of an issue, weddings are resource heavy and result in so much waste that we don’t want to have any part in that.

We know that this isn’t something the ‘average’ chef would be happy in helping us with, but are hoping that someone with the right skills and our same passion for the environment can step forward and help us out. We have sourced the meat, so all they’d need to do is come up with some delicious recipes to put on a roadkill banquet for our 30 guests, we have approximately 20kg of roadkill meat in our freezer!

We have budgeted £5,000 for catering so we hope that this is enough to convince someone to help us with our unusual request. We need someone who obviously has experience in preparing wild meat and is able to skin, butcher and prepare the food beautifully. 

We personally have been eating roadkill meat for about three years now, neither of us wanted to go vegetarian but were becoming increasingly concerned about the state of the environment. That being said, not all of our friends and family agree with this lifestyle choice so we would need the chef to be able to ‘dress it up’ so that our guests are unaware of what they’re eating.

Hopefully we can sit down for a consultation with someone amazingly skilled soon where we can discuss this further. If you think you can help, or know anyone who can, please, please get in touch!

If you think you can help this couple out, please fill in this form: co-founder, Kai Feller said,

“One of the best things about weddings is being able to make it your own – whether that’s with the decor, venue, or the food. I guess in this instance, the couple really want to show their commitment to not only each other, but to their lifestyle.

“We pride ourselves on being able to connect customers with the perfect professional, no matter what the job is. Hopefully this couple can find the right person to help make their big day exactly how they want it.”

Your vacuum cleaner and dishcloth could be making you ill

Do you suffer from a runny nose even when you don’t have a cold? Do you get random bouts of sickness and ‘the runs’? Well if that’s the case it’s very likely that the cause of your ill health is a little closer to home than you’d expect…

According to research we conducted on British cleaning habits, as a nation we’re not changing or sterilising our cleaning materials anywhere near enough, and are really neglecting our bedroom hygiene. This is making us suffer with allergy symptoms, upset tummies and, in severe cases, food poisoning. 

We wanted to find out what the norm is when it comes to how Brits clean their homes, so we surveyed more than 3,000 members of the public on their cleaning habits. We then shared the results with professional cleaners to see if there were any glaring mistakes, and to say there were a few is an understatement!

The top ten most common cleaning mistakes identified by our cleaners show that members of the public aren’t:

Thoroughly cleaning the vacuum every few weeks

Only a tenth of Brits have cleaned their vacuum cleaner before and only 2% clean it every few weeks. A study published in the journal of Environmental Science & Technology in 2012 found that out of 21 vacuum cleaners, all different ages and brands, every single one polluted the air in the home with bacteria and dust, triggering allergies*! Considering how often a vacuum is used in the average household, that’s a lot of bacteria flying around the house on a regular basis.

Our pro-cleaners suggest cleaning the household vacuum every 2 weeks by using disinfectant spray and a cloth, paying particular attention to the foot and dust container. If the dust container can be separated, wash it in hot water and bleach, remembering to wear gloves. To clean the exterior of the vacuum use rubbing alcohol with a cloth then dry off with a clean cloth. 

Vacuuming the bed mattress once a month 

According to our survey, only 4% of the public have hoovered their mattress before, and unfortunately our cleaners say that mattresses accumulate masses of dead skin cells, which act as food for dust mites. If you regularly suffer with allergies like swollen eyes, a runny nose, skin rashes or worsening asthma, then you might have a dust mite infestation in your bed**!

The easiest way to get rid of dust mites is to clean your mattress once a month on both sides with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter, which is very important because a normal vacuum will just transfer the dust mites around. If you have a fabric mattress you can also sprinkle baking soda on to it, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then vacuum it up. If you have a humid bedroom, invest in a good dehumidifier because dust mites thrive in humid conditions. 

Replacing kitchen dishcloth/sponge every three days

Our research also highlighted how only 5% of homeowners change their kitchen dishcloth every few days, with almost a quarter (23%) admitting to replacing it just once a month. Our professional cleaners say that kitchen sponges and dishcloths are a breeding ground for bacteria, because they are usually used to clean everything in a kitchen, from surfaces where raw meat has been, to cooking and eating utensils. Consequently poor dishcloth hygiene can cause food poisoning through cross contamination. 

The best way of avoiding bacteria cross contamination is by replacing your dishcloth or sponge every three days. If you don’t want to change it that often, you can wash it in hot water with an anti-bacterial detergent, making sure to massage the dirt and grime out of it. Then let it sit in a sink full of very diluted hot bleach water (a gallon of water and a cap full of bleach) for an hour or so. Rinse it thoroughly with clean water. 

Washing bedding every week/10 days on 60 degree cycle

Our survey showed that just 15% of Brits wash their bedding weekly. Similar to vacuuming your mattress once a month, washing your bedding every week/10 days on a hot 60 degree cycle can ensure you’re keeping the dust mites at bay. 

Washing and disinfecting the kitchen bin weekly

It’s not hard to imagine just how much bacteria the kitchen bin has, with raw food and waste regularly contaminating it. Most kitchen bins get changed every couple of days, which means food is festering in it for a good while before it’s taken out and collected by your local council. However, only 16% of the public disinfect and clean their kitchen bin every week. 

Our professional cleaners say that bins should be washed with boiling hot water and bleach once a week, and then rinsed out with cold water. For a thorough clean, wipe the bin after it’s been rinsed out with an anti-bacterial spray and clean cloth, paying particular attention to the inside of the lid. 

Sterilising the mop head after every use

A fifth of respondents sterilise their mop head after using it, which isn’t anywhere near enough according to the professionals. Mop heads, like dish cloths, are a breeding ground for bacteria and mould because of the content they come into contact with – food and water. To ensure you’re not spreading these germs across your tiled or hardwood floors, machine wash your mop head on a gentle hot wash after every use, or if you can’t detach it, wash it in hot water mixed with 3 tablespoons of bleach and leave to soak for 20 minutes before rinsing with clean water. It’s imperative you let your mop head dry before storing it away in a cool dry place. 

Thoroughly washing chopping boards after every use

Chopping boards see the most action in a kitchen, especially when it comes to raw meat and fish. That being said, only a quarter of the public thoroughly wash their chopping boards after every use, with a third saying they simply wipe them down with a damp sponge! Raw meat and fish can spread harmful bacteria like salmonella and E.coli that can result in severe food poisoning, so even if you make sure you cook your food thoroughly, by not cleaning your chopping board properly you’re still at risk of cross contamination. 

Our cleaners say that you should wash chopping boards in hot soapy water after every use, making sure to wash the dishcloth or change it after it comes into contact with surfaces that have been in contact with raw food.  

Disinfecting door knobs and taps weekly

Just 6% of the public say they disinfect household door knobs and taps every week, and to be honest we don’t blame you, even our cleaners say it’s one of the least known hotbeds for germs. Regardless, they can still spread bacteria because of how frequently they are touched by members of the family. A quick spray of an anti-bacterial detergent and a wipe down with a clean cloth once a week is what our cleaners advise.  

Cleaning refrigerator shelves and drawers weekly  

Although more than 60% of Brits say they clean their refrigerator shelves and drawers ‘regularly’, just 19% say they do it weekly, which is what our cleaners suggest because of the risk of bacteria contamination that comes with storing raw food all in one place. Fridges regularly experience leaks and messes, but a simple wipe with a cloth isn’t enough to thoroughly clean the area of germs.

Our cleaners say to make sure you’re regularly purging the fridge of old foods, because mould spores can spread and contaminate otherwise fresh foods, and then give the fridge a thorough clean with a food-friendly anti-bacterial spray and clean cloth. Wipe up any leftover residue with a dry cloth or kitchen towel. If you don’t keep on top of your fridge hygiene, you’re just asking for a food-related illness! 

Cleaning windows with water and detergent every two weeks  

Windows can become damp and mouldy, especially in older houses that don’t have good ventilation, and in winter where the difference in temperature inside and outside is more extreme. Even drying wet clothes inside can result in mould along your windows. It’s mostly found in the rubber or silicone frame of a window and will appear black or dark grey in colour. Living with mouldy windows can have an impact on your health, including allergy symptoms such as airway inflammation, tight chest, sore throat and skin rashes.

That being said, just 14% of Brits clean their windows with water and detergent every two weeks, which cleaners recommend to keep mould at bay. They did say that in summer you can slack off a bit, and maybe do it once every 4 to 6 weeks, but in winter when more condensation is in the air, you should be cleaning them every 2 weeks. 



Are you a Love Island fan? Have you been questioning your own relationship since watching the show?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then don’t worry, you’re not alone. Since Love Island aired at the start of June we’ve seen a 41% spike in people requesting couple’s counselling. What’s more, our counsellors have reported a recent trend of more people seeking their help for unfaithfulness and feelings of insecurity and jealousy, or in Love Island terms a partner’s ‘head has been turned’. 

We doubt that this surge in demand, our counsellor’s feedback and Love Island being on air is a coincidence. In fact we think there’s a strong correlation between the three. 

According to one of our counsellors, it’s not unusual for viewers to draw parallels from a show they’re engaged with, and for it to spark some kind of action. Sometimes watching reality TV can initiate a ‘light bulb’ moment, where the viewer so strongly relates to what is happening in the show’s narrative, that they decide to seek help or do something about it themselves. 

One thing is for sure, love it or hate it, Love Island is very effective at highlighting the interpersonal relationships people experience. 

In response to this trend we’ve launched a specialist counselling category, where troubled couples can receive expert advice on how to work through the issues that arise when a partner’s ‘head has been turned’, or another Love Island-related relationship issue. 

The category is specifically aimed at fans of Love Island who can relate to issues the show’s couples face or have faced. This can include the ‘Molly-Mae, Tommy and Lucy’ love triangle, where a friend is overly familiar and expresses their feelings to someone in a committed relationship, the ‘Curtis epiphany’, where someone is attracted to someone they’re not in a relationship with and begins to question their feelings, or the ‘Michael facade’ where someone appears to be pretending to have feelings for their partner.

All of our Love Island counsellors have prior knowledge of the show, and the various narratives, so they can easily dissect your love woes depending on which scenario you most relate to. The sessions can be delivered either in person or remotely, and will cost around £50 an hour.

You can hire a Love Island counsellor by clicking here, and can select any of the following:

  • Love triangle
  • Feelings epiphany
  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Gaslighting
  • Rejection
  • Feelings Facade
  • Other

If none of the relationship problems listed relate to your situation, you can simply click ‘other’. 

If you’re a counsellor and would like to join, click here.

Stranger Spins – Celebrate the new Stranger Things Season with a Chopper spin class!

We are proud to present to you Stranger Spins, the world’s first Chopper spin class to celebrate our return to Hawkins, Indiana.

The sessions will run on Friday the 26th July from 10am to 3pm in London. To make the class as immersive as possible, the room will be decorated like Joyce Byer’s living room, complete with the iconic Christmas lights!

Each spin class will run for one hour, led by one of our qualified spin instructors, AKA Chief Jim Hopper, as soon as he’s finished with his morning ‘coffee and contemplation’. Stranger Spins has the capacity for 9 participants per session and will work on a first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure you register your interest now to ensure you don’t miss out!

Should you stay or should you go now? Fill in your details below. 

Expect to be put through your paces to hit tracks from the show, like Scorpion’s Rock You Like a Hurricane and Duran Duran’s Girls on Film. We encourage everyone attending to dress up as their favourite Stranger Things character or in retro 80s fitness gear, but of course that’s completely up to you.

This class is free – all you need to bring with you is a towel and water. When numbers are confirmed we will email you with the location address, however if you don’t hear from us, assume you didn’t make the entry list. Don’t worry though, if demand is high we plan to run a few more classes!

Kai Feller, co-founder of said,

“Stranger Things is one of Netflix’s most successful shows, with millions of fans across the world tuning in to the nostalgic sci-fi drama. We wanted to inject some of that TV magic into an activity that could otherwise be unappealing to some. Our ultimate goal is to help people get a good workout whilst having some serious 80’s inspired fun. 

“We expect demand to be high, so I encourage any Stranger Things fans to register their interest now, this world exclusive class is going to be strangely enjoyable!”

The weird and wonderful jobs & their salaries

It’s no secret that with the advancement of technology, there are more weird and wonderful ways for people to make money, and as people’s disposable income rises, so does the demand for the more unconventional services. So, we decided to conduct some research on which weird and wonderful jobs come with the best salaries, comparing the data with similarly-paid conventional jobs, and the results were pretty impressive.

Here are the top ten most unique yet highly paid jobs in the UK:

  1.   Feng Shui consultant £72,000
  2.   Period conservation practitioner £69,400
  3.   Canine psychiatric therapist £63,900
  4.   Upholsterer £57,200
  5.   Hypnotherapist £57,000
  6.   Qigong therapist £55,900
  7.   Homestager £49,600
  8.   Scuba diving instructor £45,000
  9.   Shiatsu therapist £41,250
  10.   Harpist £41,075

So, the average salary for the above jobs is £55,232, which is interestingly 16.3% more than a Lawyers average salary in the UK at £47,500*, and 9.4% more than a Dentist’s at £50,466**.

It’s also surprising to think that surgeons earn an average salary of £77,000***, which is close to a Feng Shui consultant’s salary of £72,000, despite Feng Shui consultants only having to take a part-time 12 month training course costing £3,400 to practice in the profession. A stark contrast to what surgeons need to do, who spend around 14 years in medical school, and end up owing £63,400**** in student debt on average – a huge difference, especially considering the disparity in the seriousness of the professions.

Kai Feller, co-founder, said,

‘It’s interesting to see how well these unique and wonderful jobs pay, especially when you compare the salaries to those of conventional well-paid jobs. At we are proud to be able to connect people to the right professionals through our online platform, whether that be for interior design services or help with a troublesome pet!’





Father needs football coach for daughter & is willing to pay £2,000 a month

Sometimes our customers need some more support in finding the right professional. Over the weekend we received a request from a Father who desperately wants to find a football coach for his 14-year-old daughter, who has dreams of becoming a professional herself after witnessing the success of the Lionesses.

He’s willing to pay £2,000 a month for the right candidate – who must have either professional or semi-professional experience in football coaching or playing. This is the only real requirement. The family are based near Windsor in London, and are open to travelling in and around London for the one-to-one sessions.

If this sounds like something you can help with, please read his request in full below:

Hi Bark

I’m looking for a football coach for my 14 year old daughter, who since the start of this year has become completely footy mad, a big change from her previous obsession of dance. 

Steph Houghton is her idol, and I have to say she is showing a lot of promise, even in the short six months she’s been playing. Her big dream is to play for the Lionesses.

I’d like to hire a football coach to work with her at least once a week, however they must have either semi-professional or professional playing or coaching experience. It’s important to me that, alongside specific football techniques and helping her with a weekly training schedule, she receives guidance and support on professional sport given that’s what she really wants to pursue, and you can only really offer that if you’ve lived and breathed it yourself.

We’re happy to pay up to £2,000 a month for the right person, but must stress I don’t want any time-wasters. We’re based near Windsor but my wife I are happy to drive our daughter to the sessions. She currently plays for her school and an under 15s side so is already playing in regular matches and taking part in training sessions, but it’s not quite the same as having one-on-one coaching!

I think it’s worth mentioning now that we’re using her University fund to pay for this, so expect to see results.

I would be very grateful if you could contact your network of football coaches to see if anyone fits the bill, I’ve tried reaching out via our local football network but haven’t found anyone I’m 100% comfortable with.  

I look forward to hearing from you.


(name removed on request)

Do you think you can help this family out? If you answered yes and you’re an experienced football coach, then register your services here.

Here’s what our co-founder, Kai Feller had to say about it:

“This Father’s email is proof just how popular women’s football is becoming, and it’s no surprise considering how well the Lionesses are doing at the moment. Some might think it’s mad spending £2,000 a month on one-to-one football tuition, but any professional athlete will tell you how much time, money and energy goes into nurturing sporting talent. 

“I encourage any football coaches with the relevant experience to get in touch, you could be coaching the next Stephanie Houghton, and of course good luck to the Lionesses in tonight’s match!”

Confessions of a personal trainer

It turns out that personal trainers have to deal with a lot more than tired or time-poor clients! 

We recently asked 2,342 of our personal trainers about the strangest requests they’ve received from clients – and the results are certainly interesting, to say the least!

In addition to the weirdest requests they’ve received, personal trainers were also asked about any inappropriate behaviour they’ve experienced from clients, the weirdest goals clients have wanted to achieve, and the most unusual locations clients have asked to have a PT session.

The top ten weirdest requests personal trainers have received from clients are:

  1. Nude training sessions
  2. Oiled up, bare chested wrestling
  3. Sex with the client
  4. Message a man on Tinder on behalf of the client
  5. Glute massages after every session
  6. To not sweat during the workout
  7. To implement a safe word 
  8. To not make any eye contact during the session
  9. Hold the client’s face while doing exercises
  10. Scream offensive language at the client during the session

Some of the most inappropriate behaviour personal trainers experienced:

  1. Coming to the session high on drugs
  2. Getting naked before a workout whilst they changed
  3. Smoking in the gym
  4. Requesting sex
  5. Texting nude photos
  6. Discussing their affair
  7. Spanking the trainer’s bum
  8. Calling and texting through the night
  9. Passing gas in the PT’s face during an exercise
  10. Sexual moaning during the session

Personal trainers also revealed some of the weirdest goals clients have wanted to achieve through their PT sessions: 

  1. Better endurance for their job in the porn industry
  2. To get a six-pack two weeks before their holiday
  3. To look like a Chip’N’Dale dancer
  4. To get ‘Michelle Obama arms’
  5. To get a bum like a Kardashian
  6. To lose weight without changing their lifestyle/eating habits
  7. To become good at ‘twerking’
  8. To make an ex-boyfriend jealous at his wedding
  9. To enter a hotdog eating competition
  10. To change their shoe size

A handful of respondents were also asked to host personal training sessions in some very odd places:

  1. A client’s bedroom
  2. A client’s car
  3. On a helipad
  4. At the top of a mountain
  5. An office cubicle
  6. A swimming pool
  7. On a coach
  8. A racquet court at 6am (where no one could see them working out)
  9. Back office of the gym
  10. A hot attic

Kai Feller, co-founder, commented,

“There’s no doubt personal trainers see the best and worst in people when putting them through their paces, but after hearing from our fitness experts, it sounds like tired or time-poor clients are the least of their worries.

“It’s interesting – and slightly disturbing – to see just how much inappropriate and down-right odd behaviour personal trainers have to put up with, and I hope members of the public will have a newfound respect for personal trainers after seeing the results of our survey – I certainly do!”