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How much does an Interior Designer cost?

Average Price
£50 per hour

What can I expect to pay for an Interior Design service?

Is your space in need of a refresh but not sure how much an Interior Designer will cost? Here’s everything you need to know about how your expert will charge based on how many rooms you have, their experience, your location and more.

What is an Interior Designer? 

Your home is your sanctuary from a hectic world, so it's important that it’s a comfortable and enjoyable place to spend your downtime. If you’re not sure how to make the most out of your living space, that's where an interior designer comes in. 

Your interior designer can bring your home to life by choosing the right decor, furniture and colour schemes - bringing them all together to create a stylish and cosy space. Your interior designer will have an eye for visual aesthetics and will be able to bring your home vision to life, no matter how big or small the space you’re working with is. 

How much does an Interior Designer cost? 

You might be wondering how much an interior designer charges for their services. The price can vary depending on a range of factors, but a ballpark figure based on local UK professionals is given below: 

Average cost (per hour) £50
Minimum cost (per hour) £30
Maximum cost (per hour) £75

What changes the cost of an Interior Designer? 

The cost of an interior designer can vary depending on a range of factors: 

  • Project size

  • Materials 

  • Experience

  • Location 

  • Part service vs. full service

Project size

The more rooms you want to renovate, the longer the project will take, and the bigger the spend. But this can be an investment - interior design can add significantly more value to your home, so you’ll be thanking yourself for putting in the effort with an interior designer if you want to sell your property later down the line. Find an Interior designer near me.


Materials come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s no surprise that they’re all priced differently. If you want to makeover your home on a budget, the best person to ask about which materials to use will be your interior designer, who can offer expert advice based on your budget and taste. 


When it comes to hiring an interior designer, a bit of professional experience can go a long way. After all, you’re trusting your professional to completely transform your living space, so don’t scrimp when it comes to hiring someone who is experienced. 

The best way to check this is by asking to see their portfolio of past projects. This will also help you to get a taste of whether you like their design approach. 

Here’s a rough estimate of how much you can expect to pay for an interior designer based on their experience:

Experience levelAverage cost (per hour)
Junior - medium level £30 - £60
Experienced£60 - £75
Highly senior £76 - £150


If you live in a big city, you will pay more for an Interior Designer in London than other parts of the UK simply because of the higher cost of living. 

 Part service vs. full service 

 Most interior designers offer the option between a part service and a full service.

  • A part service may include a proposed layout, but it will be the responsibility of the client to purchase and implement the materials. 

  • Full service means that the designer will be involved in all aspects of the project’s life cycle, from design and planning to liaising with contractors and assisting with installation. 

 As expected, a full service will cost significantly more than a part service.  

 Other price factors to consider: 

  • Consultation fees - Your professional will normally charge for a consultation at the beginning to find out what you’re looking for based on your budget and preferences. 

  • Travel fees -  Your expert will likely factor in travel fees into the overall cost, so it's best to hire someone local if you can. 

  • Fixed fee - Not all interior designers charge by the hour. Some may charge a ‘fixed fee’ where they assess the scope of the project and provide a lump sum price at the beginning. 

How to save money on Interior Design costs: 

It’s possible to renovate your home on a shoestring, here are some handy tips on how to do so: 

  • Revamp old furniture - your sofa or table might be looking a bit worse for wear but that doesn’t mean you have to spend lots of money replacing it with something brand new. Sometimes all it takes is a lick of paint on some wooden furniture or some new covers to spruce up your sofa. If you can’t visualise this, ask your interior designer for some style inspiration. 

  • Shop smart - If you’re willing to shop around and do some digging, you can get some beautiful interior items in charity shops or websites selling second-hand items like Gumtree or Facebook marketplace. 

  • Choose your colours wisely - While it may seem tempting to opt for vibrant, out-there colours, you could quickly tire of having them in your home every day and could end up spending more money on repainting in a few months time. If you want to stick with current colour trends, remember these go out of fashion pretty quickly too, so it's best going for a timeless, classic colour you won’t get bored of. 

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