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Weight Loss for Health

GL5, Stroud

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⭐ MIDLIFE LADIES! Lose 1 - 2lbs every week in a healthy and sustainable way (No pills, deprivation or calorie counting)
⭐ Award-winning Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and BWRT Therapist.
⭐ Find out more copy and paste www.nourishedthriving.

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24 customer reviews

30 April 2024

Nutritionists & Dietitians

I am in my 60’s and following childhood trauma, have spent each decade trying to find effective counselling.
Talking (in my experience) changed nothing.
Time spent with Anna, being taken through BWRT changed everything.

Anna is so patient, so down to earth, kindly and calmly responding to my negative behaviour and whatever I chose to talk about.
She is professional and generous with time.

It would be wonderful if Anna could be prescribed on the NHS but sadly she isn’t (yet). We sometimes struggle to spend money on ourselves but this, for me, has been money very well spent and I would encourage anyone to take that next step with Anna Brooker.

Weight Loss for Health

Reply from Weight Loss for Health

Thank you Sarah for your kind words, and I'm so glad that you found the right thing that worked for you.

2 April 2024

I’ve been working with Anna for a few months now and have found her help invaluable in changing my diet and making me feel so much better . .my cholesterol levels have come down to below 5 and my body shape has changed .. she’s also made me feel more confident in myself . So glad I found Anna More...

17 March 2024

Before working with Anna I was in a stressful job, overweight and unable to motivate myself to exercise. Even though I thought I was eating relatively healthily I was exhausted and had started to feel ill. As soon as I spoke with Anna I could feel my mindset shifting. It has been transformational. I’ve lost over 11kg so far, have gone from no exercise to running 5k three times a week and have a much deeper understanding of nutrition and health. Anna works from the inside out. She has incredible judgement about how to support and challenge you and provides you with very practical and usable tools. This is not an out-of-the-box experience. It’s completely tailored to support you with your vision and goals. With Anna’s help and her warm non-judgmental approach I’ve astonished myself by how quickly I’m making changes. I was astonished by how effective BWRT is too. I wasn’t expecting for us to use it, but when we did it completely changed how I felt about something. I cannot recommend Anna highly enough. It’s been one of the most important investments I’ve ever made. More...

1 February 2024

Nutritionists & Dietitians

I’ve found someone who hopefully can help me with in hours

Weight Loss for Health

Reply from Weight Loss for Health

Hi Linda - thanks for your review. I look forward to working with you and supporting you.

30 January 2024

Personal Trainers

Took the time to listen which has given me confidence

Weight Loss for Health

Reply from Weight Loss for Health

Thanks Maia - I'm looking forward to working with you and helping you find your happy, healthy and confident self :-)

17 November 2023

Nutritionists & Dietitians

Anna and I have been working together on a 12 week journey. When I initially approached Anna I was feeling pretty unhappy. I was over weight, my diet and energy levels were poor. I was also struggling with high levels of stress and just couldn't see a way forward.
As I started the journey with Anna I looked forward to the weekly calls with her, my weight seemed to stay level but I could feel the difference in my clothes and how they fitted. I was initially loosing inches which spurred me on. The advice on diet, relaxation and reducing stress was invaluable - I could really feel the difference after just a few weeks. It was tough at times but Anna is so supportive without being judgemental. Keeping a food diary is invaluable and gave me a better understanding of my diet along with Anna's great advice. I have lost 1.5 stone and several inches all over in the last 4 months and I feel amazing!!
All the problems I had when I started are gone and Anna has given me the tools to bring my challenges under control and I really feel like the person I want to be who can do anything I want including my dream to paddle board.
Thank you Anna I am so grateful to you for your support and advice and helping me through some big bumps during our time together 🙏

15 July 2023

Personal Trainers

Anna has been a huge inspiration to my journey; she is patient, informative and really takes the time to get into the core of the "what" and "why" to the issues I had.
This is not just a journey about losing weight, not at all, it’s a full circle of self-care and awareness of how to peel away negative triggers and habits that impact your mind and body.
I am really grateful for the positive outcomes I have taken away from our sessions, as well as the life changing actions I have been able to unlock under Anna’s guidance.
My ongoing journey has been made easier with the tools Anna has gifted me, and I am very thankful to have met her and to have had this opportunity to find “me” again.

25 May 2023

Nutritionists & Dietitians

When I sought out Anna, I was suffering from pain, fatigue and menopausal weight gain. In just 3 months, she has helped me transform my diet, get moving more and build a stronger routine of self care and stress management. Not to mention I am already down over two stone! Anna is patient and caring in her approach and loves to celebrate all successes with you as she also helps explore (with kindness) any barriers. I have valued my time with Anna and look forward to a few more monthly online session follow ups to help stay on track and continuemy momentum! I would highly recommend her to any woman in her 40s or 50s who is looking to lose weight and increase energy! It is possible. More...

26 April 2023

Anna has nurtured me back to a balanced understanding of what my body needs to thrive. I was misinformed, sluggish, overweight and full of self-doubt about my body. 12 weeks in I have gained a new, positive, healthy way of being, released 30+ pounds in weight, decreased in size my 45+ inches. I have a new way of being, it makes sense to me. I am happier in my body than I have ever been. I cannot thank you enough for being such a listening, intellegent and nuturing professional. I wish I had addressed this years ago. Tucked my shirt into my trousers and felt good...I haven't done that since I was in my early twenties...another goal achieved. Thank you so much, Anna. Cate More...

12 January 2023

I had a very sudden and huge splurge of menopausal weight which I just couldn't shift using all my usual go to methods. Anna very patiently helped me revisit my diet and guided me towards healthier nutrition with the net result of a 9lb weight loss in 12 weeks. We explored breathing techniques, goal setting and I finished the course feeling so much more positive than when I started and that unexpectedly increased my energy levels too and a number of long overdue tasks also got completed. I can't recommend Anna enough. More...

Weight Loss for Health

Reply from Weight Loss for Health

Thank you Alison, it's been fabulous working with you and I'm looking forward to finding out what 2023 has in store for you!

23 December 2022

Personal Trainers

I started working with Anna in May 2022 and I was really sceptical at first. She asked me to visualise a different me and I couldn't think of anything. But over the weeks she gently showed me easy ways to change my eating habits and think about life's problems in a more positive way.
I have now lost over 10 kilos and feel fitter and so much more positive about my life. I have enjoyed the exercises and suggestions to change daily routines.
Anna doesn't judge and is never critical but manages to find ways to get you to think about solutions to your problems. I feel a different person!

6 December 2022

Nutritionists & Dietitians

I contacted Anna in July 2022 when I was at a really low point. I had just been diagnosed as Diabetic and had got the kick that I so desperately needed to do something about my unhealthy lifestyle. Anna was so approachable and understanding. I started on a 3-month programme with her and gave it my all. Anna gave me the understanding to what was actually going on with my body. For years I felt like I was the failure and here I was finding out for the first time in my life, that it wasn't me. There were underlying factors why I was finding it so difficult to lose weight. Being menopausal was a big factor too! I made the necessary changes and low and behold for the first time in months, I started to see a change in the scales. I've since lost 2 stone, in less than 4 months and I couldn't be more delighted. I can't thank Anna enough for her help and encouragement and I'm looking forward to getting to know "Future Kate"! More...

21 August 2022

Nutritionists & Dietitians

For over 6 months I had been trying to stop my evening binge on chocolate/sweetstuff & lose weight. I was frustrated as I would do it for a few days then revert back to old habits. At the end of the first week working with Anna I said 'You've blown my mind!' . I had no cravings & hadn't eaten any sweetstuff. During the 12 week course I did have some cravings but Anna was available at any time to help me through them. These cravings only occurred if I hadn't followed Anna's advice on eating. Anna uses an holistic approach with the result that I am 1.5 stones lighter & still losing, am alot less stressed/anxious & don't turn to food as a comfort. I would highly recommend her. Thank you Anna :D More...

20 July 2022

Nutritionists & Dietitians

My search statrted out looking for a dietician, someone who could help me loose the weight I had gained that stubbonly would not go, not matter what I tried. Anna quickly and prompty got in touch, although I wasnt looking for a health and lifestyle coach during our first consultation she put me at ease, and with her knowledge and experience, helped me realise that I was actually looking for a solution to much bigger issues than just a quick diet fix. I have just finished our 12 week course and can honestly say this has been the best thing I have done for myself ever. No only have I lost an incredible 18Lbs and over 50 cm !! I have become a better version of myself, I am happier, healthier, my sleep, anxiety and enery levels have improved greatly. Anna has given me all the tools I need to make these changes and for them to become habitual. More...

29 June 2022

Health coaching is a relatively new field, which brings together the most modern thinking about weight loss with up to date coaching techniques. It represents a substantial investment of time, effort and money. But is it worth it?
I've now been working with Anna for around 9 weeks and have now consistently lost around 1kg a week. The object of it all is to avoid the behaviours which make you get in your own way and to stop surges of the hormones which increase sugar absorption and fat formation. As a result you lose weight. Simples!
What is also really helpful is the accountability which Anna brings. She's full of helpful suggestions and is very on the ball with answering questions and worries between the weekly sessions, which I've always looked forward to. In effect, she's taught me a whole new and much healthier way to eat and live which is sustainable over a lifetime and which has now become pretty habitual and so feels normal.
But you also get so much more than just health coaching - health is seen by Anna in the round and includes the health of your relationships, your life goals and involves working through the blocks which previously kept you fat.
Above and beyond all this, Anna is an extremely intelligent, flexible, imaginative and gifted coach whose programme I heartily recommend. And yes, it has been worth every penny of the investment!

Dr Nick Smith BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCPsych MBA

26 May 2022

I’ve been working with Anna for over 2 months to address health and lifestyle issues. She has steadily introduced me to simple techniques to manage my diet and mental outlook. This was underpinned by Anna’s extensive knowledge of nutrition and well being.
My progress over the last 2 months has surpassed my expectations. I’m confident that the changes will permanently increase my quality of life.
Anna has coached me in a professional and friendly manner, giving me the tools for a happier life.

19 May 2022

Nutritionists & Dietitians

I have been working with Anba for a few months now and have found her to ve very helpful and supportive. She gently encourages me to dig deeper to find the answers within me to help me on my chosen path.
I found Anna to have loads of helpful easy to use methods and have found it very inspiring.
Anna is very knowledgeable when it comes to diet, exercise and helpful tweaks to move me in the right direction for me. Small simple ideas like swapping potatoes for lentels, barley or buckwheat has been very helpful, as well as sunflower seeds in my salads for crunch.
She has an amazing way off give tips that you think "why did I not think off that".
I am sure she has a box of tricks for most things.
Happy to recommend.
Working with Anna has changed how I look at myself and given me loads of easy to follow options.

27 April 2022

Personal Trainers

I've been working with Anna to make changes to my diet and lifestyle for over 8 weeks now. During this time I've seen my energy levels increase significantly and I feel much more alert. I'm consistently losing weight and I have noticed that I am now sleeping much better. Now - when I look at myself I feel much more like the real me, I'm less anxious and I'm not so hard on myself and I feel much lighter and happier for it. I know that I've still got a little way to go to reach my goals but with every day I'm a little bit lighter, more energetic and feeling more relaxed and positive about my future. More...

4 March 2022

Nutritionists & Dietitians

The first thing I need to say is that having met and worked with Anna, she has changed my life for the better.
I was at rock bottom, I honestly didn’t know what to do, where to turn and where I needed to go to next, I was sick of the weight, sick of not getting anywhere even though I had worked so hard to try and get rid of it, I knew it wasn’t normal, but my Dr didn’t listen. The only person who did was my son, and he tried bless him, and he then said that I needed professional help, so he set to looking for someone who might help me in my quest….and he found Anna. I checked several profiles, and I was just drawn to hers again and again and so I contacted Anna, to find out more about the service she provided and how she goes about ‘helping’.
I took the plunge and booked in with her and she has so enlightened me on so many different things to do with the whole person, she doesn’t just treat the ‘issue’ of losing weight, it’s the psychology behind it, the physiological aspects i.e., how you react mentally to your day to day life, how stress plays its part, how adjusting your diet helps to keep your gut healthy. It’s a transition to something that works for the individual, she focuses on you, its all about you the client.
Anna is very professional, has a happy and kind demeanour, she is extremely articulate with her language and rarely uses jargon, and explains everything in simple terms and assists you to make sense of it all. All the while ‘arming’ you with all the tools you need to go solo, because eventually you must and have to. What she does is, kindly introduces you to the new you, through careful adjustments in your diet, your thoughts, the care you take of yourself and where you stand with yourself. Where you place yourself when thinking about what the important things are in your life, because, you too are important, after all its your life, and you want to make the best of your life, and it begins with yourself, and there is nothing whatsoever wrong with putting yourself wrong.
Needless to say, although I will still say it, it’s the best thing I have done for me for a very, very, long time, and I can wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is struggling, alone, afraid and embarrassed, honestly do yourself the biggest favour and reach out to Anna if any of what I have said resonates with you, it did with me and I am running the right road and enjoying every moment………be kind to yourself and do it for you. :)

1 February 2022

Nutritionists & Dietitians

Anna has been instrumental in aiding me to make changes in my life that have improved my physical health and mental well-being. With her help, we began to unravel areas of concern with no judgment and worked on a long-term success strategy. As a result, I've learned about my body's nutritional needs, found new healthy food options, and discovered the importance of wellness and prioritizing self-care. I came to her looking for a quick fix weight loss program, and instead, I got something far more valuable! More...

17 January 2022

Before I started working with Anna I was looking for help with my binge eating, secret eating, pre-diabetes and insatiable sweet tooth.

From my first session with Anna I felt we clicked and would be able to have a great working relationship. Her calm, warm demeanour meant I able to confide in her the challenges I faced on a daily basis and her insight, skills and kindness have meant that she has helped me to address the challenges and the emotions behind the struggles I have.

The BWRT sessions have been very effective, I don't know they work but they just do! Anna has helped me to identify my triggers but has also looked at my life in a holistic way, encouraging me to exercise, look at my personal relationships, and explore my creativity.

I cannot recommend Anna highly enough, she really has changed my life. Thank you!

20 November 2021

Nutritionists & Dietitians

Before I spoke to Anna I was feeling down and reflecting about my past and future, but after having a chat with her and then Anna talking to me online I felt better but most if all empowered to look at my needs she was a great help and very easy to talk to. Thx

4 November 2021

My time with Anna was a revelation to me.  The 12 week program we did together was fantastic - eye opening, surprising, habit changing - and has had a sustained impact on my life that positively affects me and my loved ones. It's like the gift that keeps on giving! More...

3 November 2021

Anna is a superb coach, I was really nervous to begin with but she totally put me at ease and it really kind and patient. She absolutely knows her stuff and has helped me make some really positive changes in my life . I know I couldn't have done it without her! More...


I believe that finding and eating the right diet FOR YOU is really important. We are all different, and what is healthy for one person may be entirely wrong for another. There are so many conflicting dietary theories out there, but the most recent evidence points towards the importance of eating a balanced plate of real food and avoiding overly processed foods. Whatever my clients' dietary preferences, I'm skilled at supporting and enabling them to discover the right foods for them.

I love that my clients get far more than what they though they would! Helping clients to make changes that have a hugely profound effect on their enjoyment of life is my absolute passion.

I left a corporate job because I felt I lacked a real sense of purpose. So much has changed over the last 10 years due to research in the links between our emotional health, physical health, gut health and nutrition. I retrained as a health coach to help people better understand and adopt often small tweaks to their diet and lifestyle that can often have a profound effect on their enjoyment and expectancy of life.

As a certified Health Coach, the clients who choose me usually are trying to lose weight alongside managing a health condition or need to lose weight for medical reasons. Helping clients with their confidence, diet and stress level is extremely important in this situation, as is communicating with the clients GP. Many personal trainers and/or nutritionists are not qualified, insured or experienced to work in this way.

Yes - this is the only way I work. I normally use Zoom or Google Meet but can provided coaching services over the telephone if that is preferred.

All my services are delivered online or over the phone so this is not applicable to me.


Work with me and you get 3 professionals with one hire - Nutritionist, Psychotherapist and Personal Trainer!

‘BWRT’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It’s a totally confidential method that doesn’t require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets and is carried out in a completely conscious state. It doesn’t use hypnosis or any mystical concepts - it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and only needs you to know what you want to change in your life for it be completely successful. Only bona fide BWRT practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT and we all have to adhere to a strict ethical code – find out more at https://www.bwrt-professionals.com

Imagine getting nutrition advice that's like a customized roadmap for your body – it takes into account your genetics, lifestyle, and health goals.
I'll help you make healthy choices that suit your unique self, making the journey to wellness tasty, energising and easy to follow,

I work with one of the leading blood testing laboratories in the UK and routinely test for vitamin deficiencies and hormonal imbalances that often contribute to challenges with weight, sleep, fatigue and anxiety in midlife women.