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Downtown, Ottawa, ON

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Every individual is unique, and your fitness plan should reflect that uniqueness. At Kcal.ca, We are committed to delivering a highly personalized training experience that adapts to your specific needs and goals. Fitness is a holistic journey—it encompasses not just your workouts, but also your nutrition, mental health, sleep patterns, and overall lifestyle.

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5 customer reviews

11 May 2024

The level of quality and professionalism put into this work is very nice, providing realistic results through nutrition and workouts depending on my goal. This is something serious and if you put your efforts into it, It'll happen. More...

10 May 2024

I started going to the gym and following advice and recommendations, I began using sports supplements based on Habib's advice. After just six months, I noticed obvious results. In endeavors like weight loss or muscle gain, it's easy to falter without sufficient support from a trainer, friend, or mentor. You also need to know how to do exercises correctly, how to warm up before training to reduce the risk of injury. In short, if you're not willing to spend years to lose weight or gain muscle mass, then you definitely need someone like Habib. He's a very good person himself, which is easy to understand if you talk to him or learn information from his other clients. His approach to clients is universal, adjusting to you. He can, but for results, you must want it yourself, and the person who will help you with that is Habib. More...

10 May 2024

Kcal will 100% change your life in the best way possible. I had the pleasure of working with Habib and his patience and passion for his work is honestly very admirable. After years of working with different personal trainers and not seeing any results, I was starting to give up on my weight loss journey. When a friend of mine recommended Kcal to me, I was a little skeptical at first because I was scared of getting disappointed again. However, I was able to lose 10 POUNDS in just ONE WEEK of starting my journey with Kcal. I received a personalized nutritional and workout plan which I truly enjoyed and still receive endless support from Kcal to this day. I wouldn’t recommend any other fitness team if you’re really looking to see positive results. More...

10 May 2024

Habib's influence extended beyond just dietary changes; he also provided invaluable advice on incorporating exercise into my routine. With his guidance, I discovered the joy of movement and the benefits of regular workouts. Together, his motivation, nutritional insights, and exercise tips have propelled me towards a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. More...

10 May 2024

It was an absolute pleasure working with Habib from kcal

I was very impressed as from the moment we started working together, he made me feel motivated provided everything I needed to win, and answered all my questions in the app chat

Habib always took the time to listen to my goals and tailored a workout plan to fit my needs perfectly. I appreciated his attention to detail when it came to dieting and answering questions

I highly recommend the personal trainers at kcal.ca to anyone looking for a friendly, knowledgeable, and effective trainer. They truly go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals


Nutrient Supply: Provides essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for the body to function optimally, supporting everything from energy production to immune defense.

Disease Prevention: Reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers by maintaining balanced levels of nutrients and promoting healthy body weight.

Mental Health: Influences brain function and mood, contributing to better mental health and reducing the risk of conditions like depression and anxiety.

Energy Levels: Fuels the body efficiently, improving energy levels and stamina, which enhances daily performance and overall productivity.

Weight Management: Helps in maintaining a healthy weight, which is crucial for reducing the strain on the body’s systems and preventing obesity-related health issues.

Longevity and Quality of Life: Contributes to a longer, healthier life by supporting bodily functions and reducing the wear and tear on organs and tissues.

Digestive Health: Supports a healthy digestive system, which is essential for nutrient absorption and overall gut health.

Immune Function: Strengthens the immune system, helping the body to fend off illnesses and recover more quickly.

Bone and Muscle Health: Provides necessary nutrients like calcium and protein, vital for maintaining strong bones and muscles, especially important as we age.

Skin Health: Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails by providing necessary vitamins and antioxidants that support skin health and repair.

In essence, a healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy life, influencing virtually every aspect of physical and mental wellbeing.

Personalized Fitness Plans:
Tailored Workouts: I create workout routines based on each client’s goals, fitness level, preferences, and any physical limitations.

Variety and Progression: I ensure the routines are varied and progressively challenging to keep clients engaged and continuously improving.

Customized Nutrition Plans:
Balanced Meals: I design meal plans that align with clients’ dietary preferences, restrictions, and fitness goals, ensuring they get the right balance of macronutrients.

Flexible Options: I offer multiple meal choices to prevent monotony and make it easier to stick to the plan.

Ongoing Support and Accountability:
Regular Check-ins: I maintain frequent contact through instant messaging and video calls to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Motivational Coaching: I provide continuous motivation and encouragement to keep clients focused and inspired.

Technology Integration:
Advanced App: My app syncs with health devices to track workouts, nutrition, and progress, providing clients with real-time feedback and analytics.

Progress Tracking: Clients can track their progress through weekly photos, weight, and body composition metrics.

Educational Resources:
Fitness Education: I educate clients on proper exercise techniques, the importance of rest, and effective workout strategies.

Nutrition Guidance: I teach clients how to make healthier food choices and understand the impact of nutrition on their fitness goals.

Holistic Approach:
Lifestyle Adjustments: I consider clients’ overall lifestyle, including sleep patterns, stress levels, and daily activity, to create a well-rounded fitness plan.

Sustainable Practices: I focus on building habits that promote long-term health and fitness rather than quick fixes.

Flexible Plans: I adjust fitness and nutrition plans based on clients’ progress, feedback, and any changes in their circumstances.

Custom Solutions: Whether clients are at home, traveling, or in the gym, I provide adaptable workout and nutrition solutions to fit their situation.

Community and Support Network:
Engaging Community: I foster a supportive community where clients can share their experiences, challenges, and successes.

Expert Access: Clients have access to my expertise and can ask questions or seek advice anytime.

Consistent Effort:
Regular Exercise: Consistency in your workout routine is crucial. Aim for a balanced mix of strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises.
Steady Progress: Focus on gradual improvements rather than quick fixes. Consistency over time yields the best results.

Balanced Nutrition:
Healthy Diet: Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid overeating, even with healthy foods.

Personalized Approach:
Tailored Plans: Customize your fitness and nutrition plans to fit your unique needs, preferences, and goals.
Adaptability: Be willing to adjust your plans as needed based on progress and any changes in your lifestyle or goals.

Patience and Persistence:
Long-term Commitment: Understand that transforming your body takes time and sustained effort.
Resilience: Stay committed even when progress seems slow or you face challenges.

Proper Rest and Recovery:
Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough restful sleep to support muscle recovery and overall health.
Rest Days: Incorporate rest days into your routine to allow your body to heal and prevent burnout.

Mindset and Motivation:
Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive and proactive mindset toward your fitness journey.
Goal Setting: Set clear, achievable goals and celebrate your milestones along the way.

Accountability and Support:
Coaching: Consider working with a fitness coach or trainer for guidance, motivation, and expertise.
Community: Engage with a supportive community or workout partner to stay motivated and accountable.

Focus on Overall Health:
Holistic Approach: Pay attention to all aspects of your health, including mental wellbeing, stress management, and hydration.
Balanced Lifestyle: Aim for a balanced lifestyle that includes relaxation and activities you enjoy.

Education and Knowledge:
Learn Continuously: Stay informed about fitness and nutrition to make educated choices that benefit your goals.
Avoid Fads: Be wary of fad diets and quick fixes that promise unrealistic results.

Tracking and Adjustments:
Monitor Progress: Regularly track your workouts, nutrition, and progress to identify what works best for you.
Make Adjustments: Be open to tweaking your approach based on your progress and feedback.

Transforming Lives:
Physical Changes: Seeing clients achieve their fitness goals, whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or improving their health, is incredibly rewarding.
Boosting Confidence: Watching clients grow more confident and happy with their bodies is truly fulfilling.

Personal Connection:
Building Relationships: I enjoy getting to know my clients personally and building strong, supportive relationships.
Tailored Guidance: Crafting personalized plans that align with each client’s unique needs and preferences is both a challenge and a joy.

Empowering Others:
Education: I love educating clients about fitness and nutrition, empowering them with knowledge to make healthier choices.
Inspiring Change: Motivating clients to push their limits and realize their potential is incredibly inspiring.

Continuous Learning:
Staying Informed: The fitness and nutrition field is always evolving, and I enjoy learning new techniques, strategies, and information to better serve my clients.
Personal Growth: Every client presents a new challenge and learning opportunity, contributing to my own growth as a coach.

Flexibility and Creativity:
Designing Programs: I enjoy the creative aspect of designing diverse and effective workout and nutrition plans.
Problem Solving: Finding solutions to unique challenges each client faces keeps the job dynamic and interesting.

Positive Impact on Wellbeing:
Holistic Health: Helping clients improve not just their physical fitness, but their overall wellbeing, including mental and emotional health.
Lifestyle Changes: Assisting clients in making lasting, positive lifestyle changes is deeply satisfying.

Achieving Goals Together:
Shared Success: Celebrating clients’ successes, no matter how big or small, feels like a shared victory.
Support System: Being a part of their journey and supporting them through ups and downs is a privilege.

Community Building:
Creating a Supportive Environment: Building a community where clients can share their experiences, motivate each other, and feel supported.
Networking: Connecting with other professionals in the field and learning from each other.

Seeing Real Results:
Tangible Outcomes: Witnessing the tangible results of my clients’ hard work and my guidance is incredibly gratifying.
Client Feedback: Hearing positive feedback and success stories from clients is extremely rewarding.

Inspiring Myself:
Personal Motivation: My clients’ dedication and progress continually inspire me to stay committed to my own fitness and health goals.
Renewed Passion: Each success story renews my passion for fitness and helping others.

Personal Transformation:
Overcoming Challenges: My journey through significant personal health challenges, including a major shoulder injury and substantial weight gain, taught me the power of determination and the right guidance in achieving fitness goals.
Discovering a System: After extensive research and experimentation, I developed a system that transformed my health and fitness, inspiring me to help others achieve similar success.

Passion for Helping Others:
Changing Lives: I have a deep passion for helping people improve their health, confidence, and overall quality of life.
Empowerment: I wanted to empower others with the knowledge and tools that had such a positive impact on my own life.

Desire for Personal Freedom:
Control Over My Work: I wanted the freedom to create and implement my own ideas, strategies, and programs without the constraints of working for someone else.
Flexible Lifestyle: Owning my own business allows me to balance my professional and personal life in a way that suits my values and goals.

Filling a Market Gap:
Addressing Overpriced Services: I saw a gap in the market for affordable, comprehensive fitness coaching that included both training and nutritional guidance, unlike the overpriced, limited services often available.
Holistic Approach: I wanted to offer a more holistic approach that considers all aspects of an individual’s lifestyle and health.

Innovation and Technology:
Modern Solutions: The opportunity to integrate modern technology, like a user-friendly app, to enhance the fitness coaching experience was a significant motivator.
Efficiency and Accessibility: I aimed to make fitness coaching more accessible and efficient through innovative solutions.

Pursuit of Excellence:
High Standards: I aspired to create a business that reflects my high standards for quality, professionalism, and client satisfaction.
Continuous Improvement: Owning my business allows me to continually improve and adapt my services based on client feedback and new industry developments.

Inspiration from Clients:
Positive Feedback: The positive results and feedback from the clients I trained motivated me to expand my reach and help more people.
Success Stories: Witnessing clients achieve their goals inspired me to create a platform that could support many more success stories.

Legacy and Impact:
Building a Legacy: I wanted to build something meaningful and lasting that could make a positive impact on many lives.
Community Contribution: I sought to contribute positively to the community by promoting health and wellness.

Professional Growth:
Challenge and Growth: Starting my own business presented a new challenge that would push me to grow professionally and personally.
Leadership Opportunity: It provided the opportunity to lead, innovate, and inspire others in the field of fitness and nutrition.

Vision for the Future:
Long-term Goals: I had a clear vision of creating a comprehensive, client-focused fitness coaching service that could adapt and grow with changing needs and technologies.
Creating Value: I wanted to create significant value for my clients, helping them achieve lasting health and fitness success.

Personalized Approach:
Tailored Plans: Each fitness and nutrition plan is customized to fit the client’s unique goals, preferences, and lifestyle.
Comprehensive Assessment: We consider all aspects of your health, including dietary restrictions, fitness level, and personal preferences, to create a truly personalized plan.

Proven Results:
Client Success Stories: We have a track record of transforming lives, with clients achieving significant weight loss, muscle gain, and overall health improvements.
Expertise and Experience: As a certified fitness trainer and nutritionist, I bring extensive knowledge and practical experience to help clients reach their goals.

Holistic Health Focus:
Balanced Wellness: Our approach goes beyond workouts to include nutrition, mental well-being, and lifestyle adjustments, ensuring a well-rounded path to health.
Long-term Sustainability: We focus on creating sustainable habits that promote long-term health and fitness, rather than quick fixes.

Innovative Technology:
Advanced App: Our app integrates with health devices and provides real-time tracking, personalized plans, and seamless communication.
User-Friendly Features: Clients enjoy features like progress tracking, weekly check-ins, and 24/7 chat support, all within one convenient platform.

Continuous Support and Motivation:
Regular Check-ins: We offer ongoing support through instant messaging, video calls, and regular updates to keep clients motivated and on track.
Accountability: Clients are held accountable through consistent monitoring and feedback, ensuring they stay committed to their goals.

Expert Guidance:
Certified Professional: As a certified trainer and nutritionist, I provide expert guidance backed by industry knowledge and experience.
Educational Resources: We empower clients with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and fitness.

Flexibility and Adaptability:
Adaptable Plans: Whether clients are at home, traveling, or in the gym, our plans are designed to be flexible and adaptable to any situation.
Responsive Adjustments: We quickly adjust plans based on client feedback, progress, and changing needs.

Cost-Effective Solutions: We offer comprehensive services at a fraction of the cost of traditional in-person coaching, making top-tier fitness and nutrition guidance accessible to more people.
Value for Money: Clients receive a full spectrum of services, including personalized plans, nutritional guidance, and continuous support, all included in our pricing.

Client-Centered Approach:
Focus on You: We prioritize client satisfaction and results, ensuring that each client feels valued and supported throughout their journey.
Community and Support: Clients become part of a supportive community that encourages shared experiences and collective motivation.

Commitment to Excellence:
High Standards: We maintain the highest standards of quality, professionalism, and client care.
Passion for Fitness: Our passion for fitness and health drives us to continuously improve our services and help clients achieve their best selves.

Yes, I provide my fitness and nutrition coaching services online and remotely. Here are the details:

Personalized Fitness Plans
Customized Workouts: Tailored exercise routines based on your goals, fitness level, and available equipment.
Flexible Scheduling: Workout plans that fit into your personal schedule, whether you’re at home, traveling, or in the gym.

Comprehensive Nutrition Plans
Individualized Meal Plans: Diet plans that cater to your dietary preferences, restrictions, and nutritional needs.
Easy-to-Follow Recipes: Simple and delicious recipes to help you stay on track with your nutrition goals.

Advanced Progress Tracking
Real-Time Analytics: Track your workouts, nutrition, and progress through our user-friendly app.
Weekly Check-ins: Submit progress photos, weight, and body measurements for regular feedback and adjustments.

24/7 Support and Communication
Instant Messaging: Stay connected with me for any questions, advice, or motivation through the app’s messaging feature.
Video Calls: Regular video consultations to review progress, adjust plans, and provide guidance on form and technique.

Integration with Health Devices
Device Compatibility: Sync your Apple Health, Samsung Health, Fitbit, and smart scales with our app for seamless tracking.
Comprehensive Data: Automatic syncing of steps, calories burned, and body composition data to monitor your progress accurately.
Educational Resources

Fitness Tips and Tricks: Access to a library of articles, videos, and tutorials on exercise techniques and nutrition advice.
Webinars and Workshops: Participate in online sessions covering various aspects of fitness, health, and wellness.

Holistic Wellness Approach
Lifestyle Coaching: Advice on sleep, stress management, and overall wellness to complement your fitness and nutrition plan.
Goal Setting and Motivation: Regular goal-setting sessions and motivational support to keep you focused and driven.

Community and Support Network
Engaging Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals for shared experiences, tips, and encouragement.
Challenge Participation: Engage in fitness challenges and group activities to boost motivation and accountability.

Adaptive Program Adjustments
Dynamic Updates: Plans are regularly updated based on your progress and feedback to ensure continuous improvement.
Responsive Changes: Quick adjustments to workout and nutrition plans if your circumstances or goals change.

Accessibility and Convenience
Global Reach: No matter where you are in the world, you can access our services and receive top-quality coaching.
Anytime, Anywhere: Enjoy the convenience of accessing your fitness and nutrition plans from your smartphone or tablet.

To ensure the safety and well-being of my customers during the Covid-19 pandemic, I have implemented several key changes and safety measures:

Fully Remote Coaching
Virtual Consultations: All consultations, progress reviews, and coaching sessions are conducted online via video calls.
Digital Fitness Plans: Workout plans and nutrition guidance are provided through our app, eliminating the need for in-person interactions.

Online Progress Tracking
App Integration: Clients can track their workouts, nutrition, and progress through our app, reducing the need for physical check-ins.
Automated Data Syncing: Integration with health devices ensures accurate progress tracking without in-person assessments.

Contactless Communication
Instant Messaging: Clients can communicate with me through the app’s messaging feature, allowing for real-time support and guidance without physical contact.
Video Demonstrations: Exercise techniques and nutrition advice are shared through video tutorials to avoid the need for face-to-face instruction.

Sanitation and Safety Protocols

Enhanced Hygiene Practices
Equipment Sanitation: If clients use shared gym equipment, I provide guidelines on proper cleaning and sanitization before and after use.
Hand Hygiene: Emphasis on regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers before and after workouts.

Health Monitoring
Symptom Checks: Encouragement for clients to monitor their health and report any Covid-19 symptoms before participating in any physical activity.
Wellness Assessments: Regular wellness checks to ensure clients are healthy and fit to continue their fitness programs.

Adapted Training Options

Home Workout Plans
No-Equipment Routines: Development of effective workout routines that can be done at home without any equipment.
Minimal Equipment Plans: Plans that utilize minimal equipment like resistance bands or dumbbells, reducing the need for shared gym equipment.

Outdoor Training Guidance
Open-Air Workouts: Encouraging outdoor exercises, which allow for better ventilation and reduced risk of virus transmission.
Social Distancing: Guidelines on maintaining proper distance from others while exercising outdoors.

Client Education and Resources

Covid-19 Safety Education
Informational Resources: Providing clients with up-to-date information on Covid-19 safety measures and guidelines.
Health and Safety Webinars: Hosting webinars to educate clients on maintaining their health and fitness safely during the pandemic.

Mental Health Support
Stress Management Techniques: Offering resources and advice on managing stress and anxiety related to Covid-19.
Mindfulness Practices: Incorporating mindfulness and relaxation exercises into fitness plans to support overall well-being.

Flexible Scheduling and Policies

Flexible Booking
Rescheduling Options: Easy rescheduling of consultations and sessions if clients feel unwell or have been exposed to Covid-19.
No-Cancellation Fees: Waiving cancellation fees for clients affected by Covid-19 to encourage them to prioritize their health.

Enhanced Support
24/7 Availability: Increased availability for virtual support and guidance to accommodate clients’ needs during this challenging time.
Regular Updates: Keeping clients informed with regular updates on any changes in services or safety protocols.


One on one coaching

Bi-Weekly 1-1 video calls

Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalised meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support