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Rochelle Gates - Counsellor & Couple's Therapist


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I am a Counsellor & Couple's Therapist, informed by over two decades of work and training in the healing fields. I bring my deep learnings both personally and professionally in Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, Relationship Coaching and Aware Parenting to my work.

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I love working with people to connect with what truly matters to them and helping to facilitate bringing this into fruition in their lives.

I love supporting people through the difficult times, as often in life people are not able to seek or receive the help they need.

Truth and holding space for it, is my life's work.

My formal training started at Massey University in Palmerston North where I began a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology. I became very interested in Neuro Linguistic Programming during this time and completed the training when I was 21. This led me into change methods that were not mainstream and I became passionate about working with teenagers and alternatives to medication. I worked with youth at the Odyssey House Rehabilitation Centre and became involved with not for profit youth programmes, with Discovery here in New Zealand and Youth Insearch in Australia, I trained in Wilderness Therapy and its particular application also for youth.

Whilst in Australia I studied in various natural healing methods and started a private practice seeing clients there, before returning to my formal training and completing my degree in Health Science. I went on to do my Honours year where I completed my dissertation on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. From there I became interested in the multi dimensional approach to health, which had been the main takeaway from my research into Chronic Fatigue. I started seeing clients with this as the underlying focus, addressing presenting issues taking into account physical, emotional, spiritual and lifestyle factors. I became interested in relationships both intimate and interpersonal and studied non-violent communication and became a certified relationship coach which I brought to my work with clients.

After the birth of my daughter I delved into parenting and became passionate about Aware Parenting and it's principles and eventually became an Aware Parenting instructor. One of the main principles of Aware Parenting is that in order to be the best parent you can be, you need to 'do your own work', this inspired me to continue to develop this aspect of my work and I completed the foundational year of Psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology, I also began supervision with a Jungian Analyst at this time and have continued with this work. I worked and trained as a Neuro Physics therapist which works with people to reset their nervous system through specific physical movements.

I discovered Psychodrama mid 2017 and fell in love. It is one of the most potent methods I have worked with and this method greatly influences my work with clients. I am currently continuing this training in Psychodrama working with individuals, couples and inter-personally.

I provide a safe, confidential and affirming space. Drawing from over two decades of work and training in the healing fields, I work with clients to:
* explore their emotional landscape
*notice life giving and life diminishing situations and dynamics and make adjustments accordingly
*connect with their own integrity and build the ability to sustain this connection
*discover and come to know their core desires
*give themselves permission to feel and listen to their feelings
*bring consciousness into their relationships and relating
*create and maintain a more nourishing and nurturing relationship with themselves and others
*understand their actions and reactions to situations
*heal from the hurts of the past
*tend to their life story and move towards that which they would like to create.


You are in the right place if:
You are experiencing painful feelings that you are struggling to come to terms with.
You are feeling overwhelmed and/or alone in your life right now.
You are stuck in a relationship dynamic that is getting you down.
You are generally feeling ‘out of sorts’.
You feel like you need or want to develop more self love and understanding.
You feel disconnected from a resource that is life-giving and supportive.
You are feeling lost, confused or uncertain about the direction of your life.

You are in the right place if:
The emotional intimacy in your relationship has started to dwindle and you don’t know what to do.
The issues in your relationship seem to be overtaking your connection with each other.
The conflict in your relationship has become unbearable and one or both of you want out (and you may not have admitted this to them (or yourself)).
You are experiencing trust issues within your relationship, perhaps due to betrayal
You can’t seem to ‘get anywhere’ with talking to each other.