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Tackling addiction is tough, and finding the right help for you or the sufferer is a hard task that can get in the way of finding treatment. Thankfully Bark understand, and have made it so easy to reach an addiction specialist. Just tell us what you need from your therapist and we will find and contact all suitable providers in your area, completely free. Therapists who feel they can help you will contact you through Bark, and explain how they can help you. You just need to choose who you want to talk to.



based on 1,568 reviews

Gary is an exceptional addiction therapist. He has a unique way of working through issues and the past. It really has been working for me. He has a wealth of experience and I feel like he really understood what I’m going through. He knows the pain involved in addiction. He has taught me useful tools that I use on a day to day basis.

13 Sep 2024

Gary is simply brilliant . He listens well, provides a safe space to have thought provoking conversations and provides meaningful insights. from his knowledgeable expertise/experience and patience. He is truly passionate about helping people and a great inspiration. Thanks to him I’ve made incredible progress in such a short time. I used to say to myself “i can’t” but now slowly learning “i can” thank you Gary. I am turkey grateful for our meetings and can’t wait to see where this adventure leads. If I can, you can too!

10 Sep 2024

Patrick is a highly gifted skilled intuitive healer of trauma who guides You through a process of letting go of the emotions and thoughts that together form traumas in a very gentle manner, so that you can experience real emotional healing. He is very skilled at accessing and seeing Your traumas and thoughts so that they can be understood and released. I make the utmost statement that Patrick made a huge difference in my healing journey and it was a blessing from beyond that I met him and worked with him. Thank You Maestro

05 Sep 2024

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