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...because you were searching. You might be wanting to further your knowledge about spiritual awakening and the development of your consciousness. You might be looking to find a supportive and loving network to help empower you to be the best version of yourself through personal counselling and/or group therapy.

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5 customer reviews

14 March 2024

Honestly the words are not enough to express the gratitude I feel about few of the programmes I made with Andreea..from Love Circle to shamanic rituals to Wonder Women and now a one to one session for a deeper understanding of my feminine power and energy.

In Love Circle I discovered like minded people, a beautiful community and so much love and support, a beautiful way of starting my weeks.

With the Wonder Women I felt like home, I felt the unconditional love from other women and an amazing feeling that I belong and that we are all ONE...and my pain is their pain and reverse.

With the shamanic rituals the healing was even deeper..I felt that I discovered parts of myself I didn't even knew I had.

With the one to one session..I couldn't choose another person than Andreea to be my guide..she is making you feel so comfortable and safe..I released traumas stored in my body since I was a little girl..and I just started this program.

As I said, the words are not enough to explain the transformation I had since 1 year ago when I started to work with Andreea. My perspective of life changed..the way I am thinking and reacting to my day to day life situations, changed.

Thank you so so much foe the work you do! You are an angel ❤️🙏

Namaste! 🙏

7 March 2024

The Feminine Freedom method applied by Andreea was the direct connection to my inner child that led me to an extraordinary liberation from emotional pain. She safely guided me to get in touch and make peace with the little me.
The method itself is straightforward and simple, it takes you in a journey of healing and liberation from past events that caused the pain manifested in the present.
I am deeply grateful for the sessions that I had together with Andreea ♥️🙏 I have worked with her in the past and I can confirm that she is an exceptional guide owning precisely the ability to hold space for others in their healing journey. 🙏

5 March 2024

Profound sessions in a safe space where you feel heard, seen and listened. The Circle of Love is an intimate space where you can share your feelings without being judged and meet like minded people that now starts to build up into a community.
Andreea is leading the sessions with devotion and professionalism and is a true bliss to be around her.

Thank you everyone for this experiences

5 March 2024

I am grateful because the universe put you in my path to start the healing process. thank you for what you do for me, you are a wonderful warm and positive person. take care of us and support me in the darkest corners to bring the light to the surface. and you always find a way to continue your journey and ours. thank you beautiful and gentle soul More...

25 September 2023

I started going at Circle of Love since day 1. And what I can tell is that is beyond just a meditation session. Andreea is guiding us trought different ways to release the negative energy and traumas that are stored in our body. When I started I didn't even knew how to meditate, how to quite my mind, but being there in a circle help me focus more and I found so much support from all of the members, it is like a little community where people loves you and accept you just the way you are. So if you ever feel the need to discover yourself or you want to rise your vibration, COME and try it at least 1 time, you will not regret it! Sending love! More...


I can cultivate meaningful relationships by helping people connect with their true selves, expressing love and compassion towards humanity. I aspire to serve others in the realms of love, truth, healing, and evolution. This passion stems from my personal experience of desperately seeking help and finding someone who guided me to discover that within myself lie the best answers. It's a journey of coming home to my true self, heart, and the Divine within.

My own traumatic childhood and the willingness to brake free from social and past pains

Because I have personally embarked on a journey of healing, self love, confidence
I have done my inner work and I'm keen doing it

Yes, Im happy to create powerful, transformation online via Zoom.
I've been working for the last 2 years online and the results are amazing


Begin your week with an in person guided group meditation. Focusing on the power of "Being Love," Andreea offers a supportive, loving and confidential space for the circle to come together, share and grow.

The love that is created and the support that is offered is truly powerful and no matter what else you may feel or think before arriving, when you are here you will have come home.

For all new clients I offer a free personal 20min consultation.

This allows for a way to understand your needs and what treatment plan, session, workshop or group activity might support you in your journey of growth and wellbeing.

I also offer 60min personal counselling and therapy sessions. These sessions are a private space for you to get support, explore challenges and nurture your wellness.

We will be able to talk about anything you want either in person or online. It is a safe, confidential place for you where you can begin to experience the power of Love.

Couples come to therapy at different stages in their relationship and it can be incredibly beneficial in many different ways.

Some couples start therapy because they notice unhelpful themes or patterns in their relationship and find themselves stuck having the same argument over and over again. Other couples come to therapy because they are approaching a significant life event – like getting married, becoming parents or the children leaving home – and want to navigate that change in the best possible way.

Many couples don’t make it to therapy until they reach “breaking point”. And although it can be helpful in these situations too, ideally it’s best to come as soon as possible. This will enable you to understand how you’re both feeling and make meaningful changes before things get to a more challenging place.

This program combines physical training with personal development and spirituality to develop all aspects of life. We all have the potential of a powerful, beautiful body, and also, we all have inside a place full of love, peace, freedom, and power that connects us with the Infinite Universe. I'm dedicated to helping women with healthy daily habits and empowerment practices. To discover the wonder that you are. We have practices 5 times a week in a women's group and also one to one for guidance, support, and motivation. I believe strongly that we all came into this world with great potential! I'm here to trust in this potential and make it shine together! So let's shine into the power of knowing the wonders that we are! STAND UP FOR YOUR POWERS & JOIN US!
Deep soul connection
Vulnerability and authenticity
Community belonging

This is a program of physical discipline and exercise, meditative practices and nutritional improvement. It is designed to enable you to find balance in both body and mind. For a more complete understanding, please take a moment to read my blog post describing the 4 basic principles of Esoteric Martial Arts by clicking HERE

The price of this course will be dependant on a initial free consultation to determine what you want to achieve and to tailor a program that fits your needs. Once you have booked, we will contact you for your free consultation. Please include both your email and phone number when completing your booking.

A selection of retreats focusing on all aspects of health and wellness. Personal one-to-one retreats, group retreats and holidays with like minded people in locations across the UK and beyond. These retreats will serve anyone looking to retreat for a health issue, at one of life's crossroads, to rest and recuperate, taking a break from overwhelm or just to be.

Contact us for a personal consultation. Prices are representative and will vary depending on the type of retreat. Book a Free Consultation on our website

When it comes to shamanic healing, the Shaman essentially works in tandem with spirits, often called 'helper spirits', in the spiritual realms. They will 'summon' these spirits to repair a soul, who may then experience real, physical healing in the earth realm. In order to contact these spirits, the shaman will have to go on a journey by entering a trance state. The more practice and training a shaman has, the easier it will be for them to enter this powerful state.

The shaman might ask their helper spirits to invoke shamanic healing by pulling 'power' from the sufferer’s oversoul as well as retrieving lost spirit guides and animals.

People who have been through a life-altering trauma, whether mental or physical, may have lost a part of their soul or damaged their 'spiritual force field'. This makes them vulnerable to illness, bad luck, and depression. These are the kinds of people who would most benefit from a shamanic healing session. A shaman will go into the spirit world and heal their soul, either through their own efforts or by talking to spirit guides/animals.

Is Shamanic Healing Right For Me?

If you feel a little 'lost' in life, have gone through a big trauma or are looking for some clarity on what to do about a difficult situation, a shamanic healing session could be hugely beneficial. A shaman will simply act as the connection between you and your guides in the other realms, and make sure your soul is protected throughout the process. Some physical sensations may be felt but it’s all in the interest of healing your soul.

Some people opt to learn shamanic healing for themselves, as opposed to consulting a shaman. The truth is…anyone can take a shamanic healing journey, it’s all a matter of training yourself to get into the right state and knowing what to do once you are in the other worlds. Thousands of people are able to 'astral project' into the spirit world, but it takes a shaman to go into these worlds with intention and knowledge on how to heal.

Reiki energy can help release anxiety, stress, and tension in the body. This release can lead to better sleep as well as mental clarity, thus enabling better focus. For this reason, enhanced harmony and natural balance between the mind, body, and spirit are promoted.

Five powerful benefits of Reiki therapy:
1. Promotes emotional healing and spiritual growth.
2. Relieves symptoms.
3. Supports relaxation and stress relief.
4. Provides relief from chronic pain, anxiety, and depression.
5. Heals inflammation and infections.

This is a 60min session