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Weight Loss Hypnosis

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You can't be made to something you don't want to do or simply against your will! Hypnosis is a relaxing, safe and pleasant experience.

This program is based on advanced hypnosis and is 100% completely safe, you're aware and in control at all times and you can easily terminate the session at any moment.

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39 customer reviews

23 February 2022


Had success. Very happy communication and good listener

31 December 2021

I was open to the ideal of hypnotherapy but certainly did not expect that it would make something which seemed so challenging before so easy and instantly rewarding.
I feel refreshed and cleansed from all that emotional baggage that was holding me back from reaching my ideal weight. I use to make so many excuses but now I feel free and excited about moving forward.

31 December 2021

I have literally tried every diet only to put all the weight back on and more. This time I tried hypnosis to change my old habits. I feel amazing, refreshed and feeling young again. So much more energy. More...

31 December 2021

Hypnosis to help with weight loss makes it so much easier. No more constant thinking about sugar. I feel so much more confident and happy now.

31 December 2021

I'm the person that makes the excuses has no ime wants that quick fix and has tried all the diet pills on the market. I saw a Facebook post of weightloss hypnotherapy.
With only 5 sessions not only have I lost weight but feel stronger. Though out this period I have not done any other exercise or diet. But after seeing today's results it has only motivated me to try that little bit hard.
Excited to see the full results in 2 to 3 mths. Thanks Lynda for everything and highly recommend.

31 December 2021

I have had 5 sessions with now for weight loss. I have lost 6.5 kg! I am sleeping better, I'm more focused and back at the gym.
I already have a better relationship with food, feel fantastic already, I have had a lifestyle change and am getting so many comments from family and friends at how much better I seem.
Only 3mths ago I was tired, exhausted, making bad food choices and in constant pain. Thank you for helping me, you're amazing!

31 December 2021

I have made it 8 months with no chocolate, not craving thank you so much our session is really great and helped me.

31 December 2021

I just wanted to share this with you. I have just gotten through Easter without a single bit of chocolate. In fact I haven't had any since January 18th.
To say I'm amazed at how much your therapy worked is an understatement. Over Easter I usually have to buy the kids Easter eggs a couple of times over because I kept eating them 😏.
But the fact I haven't touched even a single bit and there is plenty in the house I am actually proud of myself for once. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

31 December 2021

It’s been 2 weeks since my appointment with you and I’m happy to say that I’ve only had chocolate 3 times 😃.
To say I’m happy is an understatement, the thought hasn’t gone away but I’ve been able to stop myself from having it. THANK YOU so much, this is the first time I can see a future without 🍫. More...

31 December 2021

That's the truth. 15 kg dropped after our session in 2021 and kept off for over a year.
The hypno seems to have reset my 'hunger gene' so that I no longer think about or seek food constantly - just as research has shown happens when people have real lap band surgery.
Now I get hunger signals andI eat when I'm hungry and don't over eat. I don't think 'emotional issues' was the problem in the first place

31 December 2021

Thank you SO much, I am cured!! The first day
was weird, I kept looking at chocolates, cakes and sweet things, even tried to eat a biscuit but all I could manage was a few little nibbles before I put it down and gave up.
Today I have had some dizzy spells which were fixed by eating a banana as
my blood sugar is obviously not coping without all the sugar I was eating. Anyway no more sugary treats for me which I am sure will get rid of those extra kilos I want to get rid of.
I will come and see you again to see what we can do with my fear of falling. Thank you again,

31 December 2021

Just a quick update for you...
My eating is going well I know I think to myself 'are you really hungry, do you really need that'.
The other day I needed a pick me up looked in the fridge seen a can of coke thought 'yes that would do it...
oh no it wont it will help for 5 minutes then you will be flat again and regretting that can of coke'. So I left it and went and played with my dogs with my water wow I felt good!
We are eating heaps of fruit and veg now. My fruit and veg bill has gone up on the markets on Saturdays however my normal woolies shop has drastically gone down!

31 December 2021

I am now in a size 14 all the way down from a size 20 I am feeling fantastic .. I have never been able to get below 80kgs and I have now cracked 78 . .
With 75 my goal for the new year..I could not have donr ir without you Lynda ...Thankyou .

31 December 2021

You would be so proud of me .. I didnt eat a thing on the way home . I chewed on a packet of chewing gum. Hows that first time EVER
I will be fine, im in a really good mindset at the moment! I believe I will get through this with the strength you have given me today!! I can take on the world!! (right now anyway!!! LOL ) More...

31 December 2021

Just got below the 100kgs I cant remember being there for a very long time so happy we crossed paths

31 December 2021

Thank you for creating a program that helps to nurture the mind, soothe the soul and has empowered me to make positive changes…
To create a healthier version of myself and for also validating that I am important and that time for myself not only benefits me but the whole family.
You are a wonderful person with so many qualities, I would highly recommend your program to others.

31 December 2021

I lost 4kg and 12cm from around my body and a changed attitude towards food.
I already knew that food was nourishment for the body and thought I had a healthy relationship with food, knowing that when I chose to eat something it would have impact, but doing it anyway.
Working with the time line therapy helped shift some emotional feelings which may or may not have been connected to the way I ate, but I have noticed a huge difference in the way I approach food now.

31 December 2021

Mmy whole relationship with food has changed...
Dieting is no longer tied in with feelings of deprivation and failure and the weight is slowly and steadily coming off. Highly recommend.

31 December 2021

I joined the program because I was sick of yo-yo dieting and not sustaining my results. I knew my emotions affected my eating patterns and felt as though I was sabotaging myself. ..
I wanted to deal with the emotions to move forward and lose the weight for good. I lost 5.1kgs in 4 weeks, lost 14cm across my body, dropped a dress size as well as losing all that emotional baggage I had been carrying for years.
I am now free to continue building on these results and know it will happen!

31 December 2021

My 5 visits have been life changing….
She has helped me to focus on what I need to do in my life to be successful in regaining my health and losing weight.
I have regained my energy and zest for life and I now believe I can successfully continue to lose weight and keep it off. My mind is now working for me not against me in this journey.
Good luck with your journey.

31 December 2021

I had tried everything else and nothing worked…
I was sick of feeling flat and having no energy. I lost over 4 kilos in 4 weeks and gained so much energy. I also am feeling much calmer and positive. I no longer have the battle with food.
I loved that the program combined creating healthy habits with building a positive mindset about food and oneself. The support you get is priceless.
Also by the end of the program you realise you do know how to get to your ideal weight and you are confident in your ability to maintain it forever.
This program will sell itself as it works. Well done and I wish you every success

31 December 2021

9 kg in 10 weeks and I feel confident I will continue to lose weight and reach my goal.
It has been so easy that I have even changed my goal weight to something I never thought I would achieve.
I am motivated to eat smaller portions and exercise. I feel confident and in control and believe that I am making life altering, long term changes to my relationship with food.
Thanks you for helping me on this incredible journey.

31 December 2021

I was at a point where I had tried every type of diet and shake going when I came across virtual gastric banding hypnosis.
I decided to give it a try and it has worked wonders for me. Not only have I lost weight I have also changed my eating habits.
I still have a way to go but I feel so much more confident in being able to continue my weight loss journey and being able to enjoy the changes has helped make in my life.
I know my grandkids will enjoy me being able to do more with them. Life is definitely looking brighter thanks to these changes I have been able to make.

31 December 2021

The Virtual Gastric Banding is working for me. The first time that I’ve Been able to lose weight

31 December 2021

Since doing hypnotherapy I have lost 25kg in my weight loss journey and I feel amazing.
Prior to doing the hypnotherapy I had been trying to lose weight for a long time but just couldn’t do it.
Or I’d lose some and then just gain it all back again. Thank you.

31 December 2021

I’ve lost 25 kg in four and a half months and I feel amazing. I have battled with my weight for years, dieting constantly and failing miserably.
I am a lawyer, I work long hours and spend most of my day sitting at a desk. I had no energy,
I was diagnosed with ‘Metabolic Disorder’ and that made me believe that I had to just accept my plight and remain fat, sick and fatigued.
I now know that ‘Metabolic Disorder’ is merely a set of symptoms resulting from lifestyle choices and it can easily be reversed. I still have some weight to lose but it is happening easily now thanks.

31 December 2021

Thanks for you the kindness and understanding during our sessions together, I have struggled with my weight for so long and never thought I could get passed the initial hurdles. ..
HypnoBand is my saviour... I am so happy. I am down 13 kilos so far and going strong...

31 December 2021

I have lost another 2 kgs this week, thats 9kg down... Thanks again

31 December 2021

Just wanted to Thank You again and check in. Its been 15 weeks now and I have lost 18 kg I am so grateful

31 December 2021

Virtual Gastric Band is the best.. I wish so bad that I did it years ago.
I weighed myself this morning, 7kg in 3 weeks
I will be at my target weight by Christmas More...

31 December 2021

I would personally recommend Virtual Gastric Band,
I have lost 12 kg so far..

31 December 2021

You were the missing link I was looking for, I have a new outlook on life,
I have lost 22kg so far and still going strong. (18 weeks in)
My husband is thrilled with my results, its like we are teenagers in love again :)

31 December 2021

I have lost 16.3kg so far and still going strong.. Thank You

31 December 2021

Just a quick message to say how happy my life is, not only have a lost 26kg I am no longer on my anti depressants, Life is Bliss xx

31 December 2021

I can't believe I only ate a third of my carrot cake when I met a friend for coffee. Losing weight for me has been 'a piece of cake'.

31 December 2021

After years of struggling with eating stemming from emotion. I finally feel like I am in control and able to identify where these behaviours have come from.
It was important that I lost weight, but more important that I felt confident and happy within myself and have gained this by doing hypnosis. I feel confident to draw on these skills as I now move forward in my life.

31 December 2021

I had five sessions over t5e course of 6 weeks and surprisingly I have formed new habits with minimal effort and thought.
Whilst my main reasons for my sessions were weight loss, the therapist identified underlying issues which I am now focusing on maintaining a more positive outlook which has been very beneficial to me.
The sessions created a good foundation for me to use in my everyday life and I will practice and continue to use the audio sessions that you get access to.
Hynotherapy will work if you have an open mind and are willing to commit to change. The environment in which your sessions are conducted is comfortable.

31 December 2021

I went for hypnotherapy for food addiction and the support, understanding and actual sessions were truly great.
It instantly curbed my cravings which allowed me to think and focus more about what I want out of life without the constant battle in my mind.
Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand, instant cure all and if you are not committed to change then I’m not sure what impact it would have.
Highly recommended.

31 December 2021

Had my first session with Trudi and I can honestly say she is amazing, the experience has been amazing. Highly recommend


The power of the human mind.

Hypnosis works so well.

'Those who received hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended’
University of Connecticut, Storrs Allison DB, Faith MS. Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for obesity: a meta-analytic reappraisal. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1996;64(3):513-516.

'Those who received hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss for two after treatment ended.' University of Connecticut
Working with 10 plus clients a week we're experts in helping people easily achieve there ideal weight.

You can even do it from the comfort of your own home (there is no need to go anywhere to do this individually unique tailored program)

Hypnosis is process of relaxation - as long you're in a quite comfortable location where you can easily hear the therapists, the same result will be achieve as it would in person


Before your Hypnosis sessions, first we'll uncover your habits in your quick-start call.

This is what allows us to guarantee you'll achieve your ideal weight with our 3 stage process.

Gastric band hypnotherapy is a technique used to help you lose weight. Using this technique, a hypnotherapist suggests to your subconscious that you have had a gastric band fitted around your stomach. Considered to be a non-invasive alternative to weight loss surgery, a hypnotic gastric band can have many of the positive effects without the potential side-effects.

This is 5 week program where people lose on average .5 to 1kg a week.

Using proven Hypnosis mindset techniques we’re able to examine your thought process and create change.

Literally changing the way you think and feel about food. This means looking forward and staying easily motivated with new healthier habits.

'Those who received hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended’