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I have worked in China and Vietnam and fully understand that all nationalities have cultural differences. I returned to Australia several years ago and decided to remain here and commenced teaching English as a Second Language, IELTS preparation, Business English, Conversation, Emergency English and have developed a highly-successful course teaching candidates how to “Speak English Like a Native Speaker”.

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I really love the fact that everything I give my students is life-changing for them ... in the best possible way.

It meant I could research thoroughly and then create exceptional and totally effective courses.

1. I am an excellent communicator.
2. I have long experience with English
3. I am a business owner.
4. I am very patient.
5. I am totally non-judgemental ... mistakes are good. They are a learning experience.
6. I understand the effects of cultural differences.
7. Most important! I am very successful with most students achieving the results they want ... even after many previously unsuccessful attempts either by trying to prepare alone or going to aschool where everyone is taught in a class..

Yes. All classes are conducted online. I use zoom because of the quality of audio and video and the constant growth in its features.

Covid-19 was not a good time for any of us. I made all the changes necessary to keep both my students and myself safe. Initially, these measures were separation, sanitising and rapid antigen tests. However, zoom brought about very significant changes because all of the above became unnecessary. It did mean that teaching methods and materials had to be adapted to suit the new environment. Over the past four years, since adopting online teaching exclusively, I have kept careful records which show that the results are exactly the same as face-to-face classes.


I have been teaching ESL for 15 years. Although, I have been a consistent user of English throughout my entire working life ... writing books, television scripts, commercials, magazine article, proposals and research documents to name just a few.
I constantly review the available resources on the market to ensure I use the most effective learning materials. For several years I have been using the Cambridge Interchange courses. and add cultural, historical, colloquial and geographical information. After much research, I found that Cambridge Interchange is the clear winner .... up-to-date, current everyday language, flexible enough to make required changes, add cultural aspects and to provide remedial teaching. Soon, you will be understanding and speaking English like a native speaker. All of your course material is supplied free.

The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS™, is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It was established in 1989. IELTS is the major English-language test in the world. The test is available in 2 modules: "Academic" and "General training".

There are four skills tested in the IELTS test: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Students must sit all four of these tests. While all students take the same Listening and Speaking tests, they sit different Reading and Writing tests, depending on whether they have selected the Academic Module or the General Training Module.

If you have done IELTS before, then I allocate time according to your results. Methodology: given that IELTS is a measurement, not a traditional exam where you work to a syllabus, I teach you what is expected of you, what happens when you present for each exam including procedure in the exam room, what the examiner's requirements are and how to approach the actual tests. All examples used in class and all homework material uses actual, recent exam material. Review and homework is important. Most of it you will do at home, send to me, I will assess and we will discuss at our next class. Where you have basic problems with your English we will work on fixing them. During the whole process I will give you many tips on how to get the best possible result. If you haven't presented for IELTS before then we will do a full assessment and, together, plan our approach.

The majority of my IELTS students have enroled with me because they have been unable to achieve the band levels they are required to get. We work together to identify and fix their problems. Each year there are many who require band level 8 (out of 9 band levels) and, after my course, they achieve their target.

The ultimate aim is always to develop the ability and the confidence to communicate clearly.
Several years ago, I realised that, when teaching English as a Second Language, no school or teacher anywhere in the world actually teaches their English learners how English is spoken.
In the absence of knowing how English is spoken, all speakers of English as a Second Language speak using the speech patterns, word and syllable stresses and at the speed of their native language ... after all, that is all they know.
In fact, no other language is spoken
the way English is spoken.
Consequently, I commenced an extensive, world-wide research project which resulted in the development of a course to teach speakers of English as a Second Language exactly how English is spoken. This course has been extensively test over two years and proved to do exactly what we intended ... hence the name!
My course explains the 'why' and 'how' so that students understand what the differences are and why they have difficulty understanding native English speakers and, conversely, why native English speakers often have difficulty understand the speaker of English as a Second Language. This is always the case with thode people who have learned English as a Second Language in their home country.
Students will receive a series of lessons including specially-designed guided exercises, along their learning path, which will lead them to sound like a native speaker. They will also learn the most effective practice methods which can be used in their own time. All students will receive many supplementary resources and practice materials which are specially designed and graded.
Many languages do not contain sounds that exist in English (such as the th~ and the ~r~ sounds), or their sounds are different to the same phonics in English. A part of my course involves identifying those sounds and guiding the student through fast and effective remedial action.
Your confidence will quickly improve and, if you also want to master conversation skills, you can have those modules added to the Speak English course.

I will also show you how to build your vocabulary in a way that is convenient and sustainable.

You can decide if you want to do one or two hour classes. If you wish, you can even mix them up.

The art of conversation is a necessary skill for almost everything in life. Conversations introduce you to people, important people who could be your mentors, employers, employees, partners or friends. Without conversations as the foundation for those relationships, you’ll have a hard time building a social circle, starting a business or advancing your career.
To master conversation, you need to understand, not just the "how", but also the "why". It’s fine to be merely good at conversation. But you can do much more than that and enjoy the benefits across all parts of your life, forever.

You can access a level of skill, and art, that makes you stand out in a special way. People who meet you will instantly like you, trust you and want to engage with you. They quickly realize that you’re one of those they want around. This is especially the case if they are great at conversation and social skills too.

Socially skilled people have an easier time trusting and being trusted and befriending those who are at the same level as they are. And you can definitely reach that level of conversation skill with my course.

The course covers many aspects of the art of conversation:

Starting a conversation

Maintaining a conversation (no more awkward silences)

Ending a conversation elegantly

Active listening

Key vocabulary and sentence patterns

Introducing more people into the conversation

Body Language

The no-go topics

Managing conflict

The conversation course can be expanded to include:

* Negotiation techniques and strategies. We all negotiate frequently and in many different ways in both our private, social and business lives.

* If you find you have been having difficulty understanding native speakers and, often, they have problems understanding you, you can add the "Speak English Like a Native Speaker"course.

With these courses you can choose each lesson to be 1 hour, 1½ hours or 2 hours. You can even mix-and-match class times to suit your schedule.

What is Business English?
My Methodology
What can you learn?
Why My-IPE is Best for You
There is no formal Business English syllabus for people whose second language is English. When teaching Business English I have found that everyone has some area of business that they want to learn or to strengthen. Consequently, all Business English courses are specifically designed to meet your requirements.
As always, I use technology to deliver the classes, the student receives printed copies of all class material.

Every Business English course is carefully tailored to your requirements. The first step is to analyse your job to identify where your Business English needs strengthening. We will also decide, together, what specific skills will assist you in your current position as well as equip you for advancement.
I will then design a course that meets your needs and ambitions and you will be given the opportunity to approve or modify as you see fit. As always, the focus is wholly on you ... the student.

When we have agreement, I will prepare and deliver the classes, set home review tasks and, where appropriate ask you to complete related projects.

You will learn the vocabulary and customs related to networking and socialising. You will be taught conversational techniques and listening strategies. The goal is to enable you to communicate effectively with business associates and colleagues.

I will teach you the language and procedures for taking part in meetings and to call and chair a meeting

Planning & Negotiating
Important skills for anyone working in business or government. You will learn language, strategies and techniques, such as body language, to ensure successful outcomes.

Preparing and delivering presentations using various media including Powerpoint and video.

... and ...
company structures, cultural differences, body language, Business Travel, Customer Service, sales and marketing, impromptu speaking, start-ups and many more.

Forty years experience

Thousands of successful students

All classes are face-to-face. No videos. No webinars

Strictly one-to-one. Multiple students just doesn't work!

All classes designed specially for you

All teaching materialsa supplied ... including reference materials

Total communication ... everything is fully explained and you are encouraged to ask questions

Flexible class times

Online classes use latest meeting technology and can be recorded for unlimited review

Clients include General Motors, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, Rio Tinto, Johnson & Johnson, Dow Chemical

Questions after classes? Ask them any time!

Essays, Theses, Dissertations, Research, Reports

Everything written can be improved with great editing

You write it, then I'll make sure the vocabulary, syntax and grammar are correct. Between us we will create a work that is exactly what you want to say.

If you are stuck trying to express what is in your mind, talk to me and together we will get it into the right words on paper.

If you are having problems with the structure of your work ... I can help. I have been writing professionally for most of my working life including film scripts, advertising copy, magazine articles and two successful books. So, I know how to do it!

If you are finding difficulty with your English when researching, I can help. You tell me what you want and I will locate it for you.

There are two main benefits to using my services ...

1. You will learn the correct language

2. You will have a work that you have written in correct English