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Michelle Lee - Human Potential Coach


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Hello I am Michelle Lee.

I have been a human potential coach for over 13 years, specialising in helping my clients reduce stress, set and achieve goals that align with their values, move through challenging times with more ease, release relationships that are unhealthy and as a result feel like they matter, are heard and are empowered with life tools to create a better life.

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10 customer reviews

9 July 2021

Michelle’s Empty Nester Mums Empowerment group is a wonderful way to meet other moms who are feeling the anxiety of being an empty nester.
I was feeling alone in my empty nest however after attending the program I realised that other moms were in the same boat and that there were ways to create a more exciting future for myself.

Anyone from any continent can come and learn new ways to bring peace and renewed vision to an exciting future. - Venessa Vandayburg

9 July 2021

I have just completed our three day empowerment program.

What Michelle has given me is beyond words how I feel at the moment, blessed for sure.

Michelle you have woken me up out of my.... limiting fears, COVID-19 restriction confusion. I felt I had no direction and yes some depression I felt numb over the last year. Especially as my boys grow up and away from me I felt scared and lonely too.

You have given me my vision back with more clarity and precision... your truly an architect of the mind. Showing me in such a short time hope, love and excitement.

What an amazing building block, this short 3 hour course is. It's more than just a draft scaled plan for the future.

It's a very powerful, emotional and initiative program helping us Mum's and Dad's move forward with love and hope.
Showing and giving us the tools to help accomplish our hidden dreams and make plans for an exciting future.

Thankyou Michelle it's been a pleasure.

1 July 2021

Michelle Lee gets to know you and cuts to the chase all at the same time. She helps you meditate in short time frames to get straight to the heart of the issue and the solutions. Her descriptions and understanding of situations are impeccable. Her preparation is evident, her compassion is almost tangible. She shares and helps you to feel comfortable sharing. Most of all, Michelle gets you thinking, feeling, expressing and communicating. She helps you take that first step out of your comfort zone and into empowerment. I highly recommend her 3 day program and will be signing up for her 6 week Empty Nester Rites of Passage program as soon as I'm able! Don't hesitate, just do it! More...

27 June 2021

"When I started the Mums Empowerment program with Michelle, I was in a very dark place especially with feeling the loss of loved ones and feeling disconnected from my relationships. I learned many different ways to cope with everyday struggles. However, the biggest one for me which had me in tears, was how to let go of the heaviness I was carrying around. I have often found it so hard to move forward in life. I realised why. Not only was my life backpack heavy, it was overflowing with so much stuff I did not need or even want. I am so grateful for Michelle's coaching, and continued support. Thank you so much Michelle." - R.M. More...

3 June 2021

I am an Empty Nester and on my own.
I just finished Michelle’s Woman Empowerment Program and the information I learnt from that made me realise that I don’t have to do things on my own . There are people I can reach out to for resources and I’m certainly not the only one going through what I’m going through although sometimes it feels like a lonely journey.
I particularly like the powerful meditations that Michelle lead us through, it made me feel lighter and brighter.
Filling my own cup up first is the key to life!
Michelle delivers her content in a genuine caring, compassionate and loving way.
If you are an Empty Nester looking for new ways and new connections, I would recommend you do this course with Michelle ❤️

3 June 2021

UI heard about Empty Nesters Mums Empowerment through Juice radio station. I was immediately interested as a light bulb moment happened where I said “this is me, this is where I am in my life. The biggest challenges were probably being open and honest to strangers, but it didn’t take long to feel comfortable.
I have tried some counselling but I don’t think it actually occurred to me why I felt so lost and empty. My breakthrough was the awareness that I don’t tend to seek help I just keep to myself and feel very alone. The biggest thing I learnt is to reach out for help and also to realise that it normal to feel this way. The biggest thing I learnt was I am ok, I am not alone and I have done a good job to raise a child into an independent confident adult. It has made me feel proud and not so sad. Michelle’s coaching is amazing. She is very warm open and honest and I believe the fact that she is an empty nester, means she is coming from the same place as anyone participating in the course. I would highly recommend this course. I loved it. It was easy and enjoyable.
Jullie Teuben

26 May 2021

Hi, my name is Jan. I live in Northwest NSW, Australia.

I have been searching for quite some time for what my purpose in life is, and how to get out of my low self-esteem. I needed support, direction, motivation and strength to move ahead to achieve my dreams and that is exactly what I received from Michelle & Mark.

I have undergone personal development before, however the program from Michelle & Mark is unique and achievable. Mark and Michelle’s experience, passion and motivation provided down to earth and practical modes to help and support me.

Tapping into my feelings, my beliefs, along with the recognition of my anxieties, uncertainties and the importance of forgiveness is important to enable growth.

25 May 2021

Hi, my name is Naisse. I completed three courses (My Dream Matters, My Body Matters and The ECG expedition). I knew what I wanted and I knew a solution existed but for some reason I was unsure how to get what I wanted out of life.

For me success was like a puzzle. With focused help from Michelle, we successfully pieced together the puzzle so I could take actions to fulfill my dream. She has helped shine the light in the direction of the path I needed to travel whilst we built a vision and I expanded my awareness of what an opulent life would be like.

The 3 pillars taught, opened my eyes to what I can achieve. I was able to tap into my hidden potential and the impossible is now possible.The expedition was just phenomenal. It took me out of my comfort zone and I was able to conquer a fear head on! There is so much fun, joy, growth and appreciation from taking part in the expeditions. You have nothing to lose but so much to gain. I dare you to give Michelle a go to find the missing pieces to living your ideal life. Love and Peace,
GroundLevel Money Essentials

P.S My new book "The Deliberate Climb" due to be released soon was also another inspiration by Michelle.

25 May 2021

I have been blessed to work with Michelle, witnessing how she has guided and coached clients over the years. Michelle truly wants her client's transformation, sometimes more than they do, which inspires her clients to keep going when things get tough.
If you are looking for results, if you are tired of the same old same old, and want genuine support and encouragement, tried and tested life strategies, and someone to cheer you on as you take one step at at time, then Michelle is your guide.

24 May 2021

Michelle is passionate about what she does and she loves to empower empty nester mums. She is inspiring with her own journey which has not been easy .
Through her own experiences she brings forward her strength and encouragement to help others to release their heavy backpacks to transform their lives . Highly recommend a session with Michelle


I absolutely love seeing my client's faces light up, when they get a breakthrough or when they tell me how their life has transformed as a result of them taking action. Being able to share the life tools and strategies that I have learned through my own life learnings, especially through the tough times, is a blessing.

I have always pushed the edge so to speak. My family all have jobs working for other people. However, I have always wanted to work for myself and carve out my own legacy. When I was in my mid-twenties, as a physiotherapist, I owned two physiotherapy clinics, and despite the hard work, I loved the autonomy I had. Despite the external confidence, I lacked in self-belief and in self-worth, which led to a series of life challenges.
Following a very trying time in my life, in the early 2000's, I was inspired to become a life coach when I experienced the magic of life strategies and resources, that I had never been taught at school. I re-invented myself in many ways, and transformed from a depressed,introverted, naive person with poor self -esteem, to no longer being afraid of my own light. This propelled and inspired me to write a book, become a speaker, and to own my own life coaching businesses, so I could share the same tools I used for my personal transformation. I have been in the life coaching business now for over 13 years.

My top value is truth.
By that I mean that I live and speak my truth, and act in integrity at all times. I also know that my truth may not be your truth, and therefore will not judge you.

I work with each client, seeing you as a unique individual who has had the courage to ask for help. I honour that, and do my utmost to help you to feel empowered following each session. I believe that within each of us is an inner wisdom that we must learn to tap into.
My coaching style is warm, supportive yet firm and truthful. I want you to want and achieve results, so I may at times push you out of your comfort zone, as there is where your growth happens. I know it can be scary at times, so I am always there to actively listen, empathise and encourage.
After many years of coaching and counselling, I am able to detect when a client is running on self-sabotaging programs and can gently call them out, to draw their awareness to them.
I genuinely care and want the best for my clients, as anything less is a waste of both of our times.

I sure can. Most of my services are provided online via Zoom.
I am also available for phone sessions.
And if you happen to live within 10 km of where I live, we can even have a session over a coffee.

As the majority of my work is online, this has not been an issue.

For face to face consultations, it would be a joint agreement, that we were both in good health before meeting.


If you are feeling overwhelmed, and don't quite know where to turn, what to do, without feeling more overwhelmed, then this session will help you to feel calmer, more relaxed, and more focused, so you can approach each day with more joy than dread.

Have you been feeling unsettled, not quite knowing what choices to make? Is your decision-making slow and uncertain? If you are ready to get clear and decisive on your big goals and on the small ones, then this session is what you need. 3-2-1 pick this one!

Do you wish you could speak up, say what you really mean? Do you get anxiety meeting new people, and expanding your social network? Do you feel judged, all the time??
You are not alone.
Learn in this session how to overcome your fear, how to stop saying yes when you mean no, how to tap into the bold and brilliant you, and one step at a time, emerge as a new empowered and confident person.

Are there times when you feel captive to your heart racing, the pounding in your head, your inability to slow your breathing down, and the shaking of your body?
Do you get triggered easily and find it hard to concentrate for hours after?
Are you continually exhausted and are not sure why?
Anxiety and fear are feelings that can hold us prisoner, only if we are not fully aware of how they work.
In this session, learn how your emotions and body work together, find a strategy to break the circuit, and understand more deeply, how you are triggered.
You have a unique and different way of seeing the world, so it is important that you empower yourself with a strategy that works for you.

The same old same old is bugging you. You know you're in this cycle, and every fibre of your being wants more, yet you remain stuck. You have dreams but you've put them aside for less important things. You are even aware that you self-sabotage and create valid sounding excuses for why you are not whee you want to be.
You are tired, bored and feel unfulfilled with life.
At the end of this strategy session, you will feel inspired and on purpose, even if you are not quite sure what your ultimate purpose is!

Have you ever thought about all the goals that you have set over the years, that you had no desire to really achieve?
Do you have long lists of things you feel you "should be doing" or ""should have completed" by now?
Why is it that the traditional goal setting doesn't work?
Explore why you might have been treading water all these years, not really getting anywhere.
This session will introduce you to a new more purposeful and exciting way to set your goals, a way that will keep you inspired every single day.

Many empty nesters these days are feeling insignificant, irrelevant and almost invisible.
Unlike the rites of passage that teens to adults have, or the working to retirement stage, there is no recognition for the decades of parenting that a mum or dad have given. As well as that, many empty nesters feel lost in this transition, not quite sure who they are, after having identified as a mum or dad for so long.
Dreams are full of cobwebs, and too scared of uncovering their dreams, many fall into the web of same old same old, ending up feeling unfulfilled, uninspired and making unhealthy choices along the way.
If you are an empty nester, or are about to become one, then jump into this session, where Michelle will guide you to creating a strong fulfilling foundation for your decades of living to come.

This session would be great,
If you need help to get clear on what you lights you up in a job or career,
If you are feeling unfulfilled, bored and are unsure of whether to leave your job/career, stay or start looking for something else,
If you have made the decision to change job/career and have been gripped by the "OMG, have I done the right thing?!",
or if you are in the start of a new job/career, and you need help with the transition.

Your career choice is one of the most important decisions you can make, especially if you intend to spend nearly half your life years, and 5 of the 7 days of each week working!