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AARCHI Infotech Solutions

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Aarchi Infotech Solutions is in the technology space since last 5 years. We provide One Stop Technology solution for Web, Software, CRM, ERP, Cloud, Digital and Email solutions. We bring innovation for everything we do. We are team of expert developers , designers, digtial marketers who like to take challanges and make complex projects simple and easy to understand for our clients.

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A great website is characterized by several key elements that contribute to a positive user experience, effective communication, and overall success. Here are some essential factors that make a website great:

User-Friendly Design:
- Intuitive navigation: Users should be able to easily find what they're looking for without confusion.
- Responsive design: The site should work well on various devices and screen sizes.

Clear Purpose and Message:

- Clearly defined goals: The purpose of the website should be evident, whether it's to inform, sell products, or provide a service.
- Concise messaging: Communicate your message in a clear and straightforward manner.

Quality Content:

- Relevant and engaging: Content should be tailored to the target audience and provide value.
- Regularly updated: Keep information current to maintain relevance and authority.

Fast Loading Speed:

- Optimize images and files: Ensure that the website loads quickly to prevent user frustration.
- Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute content across servers for faster access.

Mobile Optimization:

- Design for mobile devices: With a growing number of users accessing the internet via mobile, a mobile-friendly design is crucial.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

- Use relevant keywords: Optimize content for search engines to improve visibility.
- Proper meta tags: Title tags, meta descriptions, and other meta tags should be optimized.


- SSL certificate: Encrypt data transmission to protect user information.
- Regular updates: Keep software, plugins, and themes up-to-date to patch security vulnerabilities.

Effective Call-to-Action (CTA):

- Clearly visible: Make sure users know what action to take next.
- Persuasive: Encourage users to engage with your site through compelling language.

Social Media Integration:

- Shareable content: Enable users to easily share content on social media.
- Social media presence: Connect the website to relevant social media profiles for cross-promotion.

Analytics and Data Tracking:

- Implement tools like Google Analytics to understand user behavior.
- Use data to make informed decisions for improvements.


- Ensure the website is accessible to users with disabilities.
- Follow web accessibility standards, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

Professional Visual Design:

- Consistent branding: Use a cohesive design that aligns with your brand identity.
- High-quality images and graphics: Visually appealing content enhances the overall user experience.

Feedback and Support:

- Provide easy-to-find contact information.
- Include customer support options and encourage user feedback.

By combining these elements, a website can create a positive impression, engage visitors, and achieve its intended goals. It's important to regularly assess and update your website to stay current with industry trends and user expectations. We would make sure at AIS that your website can be a first tool to impress for your end customers.

When starting a new project with a client, asking the right questions is crucial for understanding their goals, expectations, and requirements. Here are some key questions you might ask to gather essential information:

Project Overview:
- What is the main goal or objective of this project?
- Can you provide a brief overview of your business or organization?

Target Audience:
- Who is your target audience or ideal customer?
- What are the key demographics and characteristics of your audience?

Project Scope:
-What specific features and functionalities do you envision for the project?
-Are there any specific technical requirements or constraints?

Brand and Design Preferences:
-Can you describe your brand identity and values?
-Are there any specific design elements or styles you prefer?

Competitor Analysis:
-Who are your main competitors, and what do you admire about their online presence?
-Are there any websites or designs in your industry that you find appealing?

Content and Messaging:
-What type of content will be included on the website or in the project?
-Do you have existing content, or will new content need to be created?

Timeline and Dead-lines:
-What is your preferred timeline for completing the project?
-Are there any specific deadlines or milestones we should be aware of?


-Do you have a budget range in mind for this project?
-Are there any budget constraints or considerations we should be aware of?

Maintenance and Updates:
-How frequently do you anticipate needing updates or changes to the project?
-Will there be ongoing maintenance requirements?

Measurement of Success:

-How will you measure the success of this project?
-Are there specific key performance indicators (KPIs) you have in mind?

Collaboration and Communication:
-What is your preferred method of communication throughout the project?
-Who will be the main point of contact on your team?

Previous Experiences:
-Have you worked on a similar project in the past? What worked well and what didn't?
-Are there any specific challenges or pain points from previous experiences that we should be aware of?

Legal and Compliance:
-Are there any legal or compliance considerations we should take into account?
-Do you have specific privacy or security requirements?

Future Scalability:
-Are there plans for future expansion or scalability of the project?
-Do you anticipate any changes in technology or business requirements in the near future?

These questions provide a comprehensive starting point for understanding the client's needs and expectations and the specific nature of the project and industry. Regular communication and collaboration with the client throughout the project are also essential to ensure that the final deliverables meet their satisfaction from AIS.

The creative process for handling a website, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, or mobile app project involves several key stages. Each stage contributes to the development of a successful and user-friendly product. Here's a generalized overview of the creative process:

1. Discovery Phase:
• Client Meeting: Initiate a meeting with the client to understand their business, goals, and requirements.
• Market Research: Conduct research on the industry, target audience, and competitors.
• Define Objectives: Clearly define the project's objectives, scope, and deliverables.
• Identify Stakeholders: Determine key stakeholders and their roles in the project.

2. Planning Phase:
• Create a Project Plan: Develop a detailed project plan outlining tasks, timelines, and milestones.
• Allocate Resources: Identify and allocate necessary resources, including team members, tools, and technologies.
• Define Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring project success.

3. User Research and Persona Development:
• Conduct User Interviews: Gather insights from potential users to understand their needs and preferences.
• Create User Personas: Develop detailed user personas based on demographics, behaviors, and goals.

4. Information Architecture:
• Site Mapping: Create a visual representation of the website's structure or app's flow.
• Wireframing: Develop low-fidelity wireframes to outline the basic structure and layout.

5. Design Phase:
• Visual Design: Create high-fidelity designs that incorporate branding, color schemes, and visual elements.
• Prototyping: Develop interactive prototypes to demonstrate the user flow and functionality.

6. Development Phase:
• Front-end Development: Implement the visual design into a functional user interface.
• Back-end Development: Build the server-side logic, databases, and other essential components.
• Integrate Functionality: Integrate features such as CRM systems, databases, or third-party APIs.

7. Testing and Quality Assurance:
• Functional Testing: Ensure that all features and functionalities work as intended.
• Usability Testing: Gather feedback from users to identify any usability issues.
• Performance Testing: Evaluate the website or app's performance under various conditions.

8. Deployment:
• Launch Plan: Develop a strategy for deploying the website, CRM, or mobile app.
• Monitor Launch: Monitor for any issues or bugs post-launch and address them promptly.

9. Training and Documentation:
• User Training: Provide training sessions for end-users, administrators, or support staff.
• Documentation: Create user manuals and technical documentation for future reference.

10. Post-Launch Support and Maintenance:
• Support Plan: Establish a plan for addressing user inquiries and providing ongoing support.
• Maintenance: Schedule regular updates and maintenance to address bugs and security vulnerabilities.

11. Performance Analysis:
• Analytics Review: Analyze analytics data to measure the success of the project against predefined KPIs.
• User Feedback: Gather feedback from users to identify areas for improvement.

12. Iterative Improvements:
• Continuous Improvement: Based on performance analysis and user feedback, iterate on the design and functionality to improve the website, CRM, or mobile app continually.

Throughout the entire process, effective communication and collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and clients are essential. Regular checkpoints and feedback loops help ensure that the project stays on track and meets the client's expectations. Flexibility is also crucial to adapt to any changes or challenges that may arise during the project lifecycle.

Before starting work on a project, gathering comprehensive information from the client is crucial to ensure a clear understanding of their requirements, goals, and expectations. The specific information needed may vary depending on the type of project, but here is a general checklist of information you might require:

1. Project Overview:
• Brief description of the project.
• Objectives and goals of the project.

2. Business Information:
• Overview of the client's business or organization.
• Key products or services offered.

3. Target Audience:
• Demographics of the target audience.
• User behaviors and preferences.

4. Competitor Information:
• Main competitors and their strengths/weaknesses.
• Competitive advantages the client wants to leverage.

5. Scope of Work:
• Detailed description of the project scope.
• Features and functionalities required.

6. Design Preferences:
• Branding guidelines.
• Design preferences and inspirations.

7. Content Details:
• Existing content (if any).
• Content creation needs and responsibilities.

8. Technical Requirements:
• Any specific technologies or platforms required.
• Integration needs (e.g., third-party APIs, CRM systems).

9. Timeline and Deadlines:
• Preferred timeline for project completion.
• Any specific deadlines or milestones.

10. Budget Information:
• Budget constraints or considerations.
• Breakdown of budget allocation (if available).

11. Stakeholder Information:
• Key stakeholders involved in the project.
• Roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder.

12. Legal and Compliance Requirements:
• Any legal considerations or compliance requirements.
• Privacy and security considerations.

13. Preferred Communication Channels:
• Preferred mode of communication (email, meetings, collaboration tools).
• Contact information for key project contacts.

14. Previous Experiences and Learnings:
• Previous experiences with similar projects.
• Lessons learned or pain points from past projects.

15. Future Scaling Plans:
• Any plans for future expansion or scalability.
• Anticipated changes in technology or business requirements.

16. Training and Support Needs:
• Training requirements for end-users or administrators.
• Post-launch support expectations.

17. Measurement of Success:
• Key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring project success.
• Criteria for evaluating the project's effectiveness.

18. Access and Permissions:
• Access to necessary systems, servers, or platforms.
• Permissions for collaboration tools and resources.

This comprehensive information helps establish a solid foundation for the project, aligning the team's understanding with the client's expectations. Regular communication and clarification throughout the project ensure that any uncertainties are addressed promptly, leading to a smoother project workflow and a successful outcome.

Yes we have hybrid work arrangements and we can provide services online or remotely or face2face as needed from the client with respective rate cards. We are here to assist you further.

The choice of the job delivery is depends on what time of the job is and when its required to be delivered.

As we are a business ormation on measures to keep customers safe from COVID-19, you may consider implementing guidelines and recommendations from health authorities and local governments. This might include:
1. Following Health Guidelines: Adhering to guidelines provided by health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
2. Sanitization Protocols: Implementing enhanced cleaning and sanitization practices in your physical space.
3. Social Distancing: Arranging spaces to allow for proper social distancing, such as setting up seating or standing areas at safe distances.
4. Communication: Clearly communicating safety measures to customers through signage, websites, or other channels.
5. Remote Services: Offering remote services or online options to reduce in-person interactions.
6. Employee Training: Providing training to staff on COVID-19 safety protocols and ensuring they have the necessary resources to maintain a safe environment.

We stay informed about the latest developments and guidance related to COVID-19 from authoritative sources.


- CMS development
- WordPress Design & Development
- Custom PSD to HTML , HTML to WordPress development
- Framework Web Development like Laravel , Symfony, Node JS, Vue JS, Dot Net

- Custom Software using PHP , Laravel, Symfony or Dot Net
- Web App

- iOS and Android Native Apps
- Flutter based Apps

- SuiteCRM
- SugarCRM
- VTiger
- Zoho
- Bitrix24
- Custom CRM Development

- ERPNext
- Odoo

- Digital Ocean
- Vultre
- Azure
- Google Cloud

Full server deployment and custom apps installation services on any of the above cloud providers.

- Google Workspace
- Microsoft 365
- Zoho Emails
- IceWarp
