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based on 13,850 reviews

Been thrice to the treatment till yet, and the I have been seeing results since the first week. Doctor has heard me and reciprocated well and his directions helped me instantly when followed religiously. I have had issues related to concentration, and family, which were successfully tackled with and least medication was required. I'm grateful for it and his experience is evident.

17 Sep 2024

The experience of 5 months of therapy was very good. Mam listens to your problems carefully and work on it effectively. I had many issues like anxiety, OCD since many years. With Mam's efforts and mine, I am able to overcome those issues successfully. I would definitely recommend him.

13 Sep 2024

Nidhi maam is truly one of the best pyscologist and a genuine person I have ever met. She listens to all your problems patiently without any hurry. She goes an extra mile to help you and offers you the best remedy to your problems. Thank you so much maam for helping me in every possible manner. Thank you so much Zenuphealth and his entire team.

10 Sep 2024

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