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The cost of cleaning a driveway in 2024

The average cost of pressure washing a driveway is

with variations depending on the size and condition of your driveway.

Does your driveway need a new lease on life? Find out how much professionals charge to clean your driveway and find your local expert here.

Brick, concrete, 'crazy paving' - you name it, if it's tough enough for your car, it can be pressure washed. Keeping your driveway clean not only boosts your home's kerb appeal (which is great for property value), but also help to prevent damage over time. In the UK, where weather patterns can often be unpredictable, a well-maintained driveway is your first line of defense against the elements, and pressure washing is the most popular method for achieving that pristine look.

In this comprehensive price guide, we explore the significance of driveway cleaning, the procedure involved in pressure washing, how costs vary across the UK, the factors that can influence these prices, and whether you should tackle the pressure washing yourself.

Remember, these price estimates are national averages. The exact cost of your job will depend on your location and the size and condition of your driveway, plus any considerations you have. To find out how much cleaning your driveway will cost, get free pressure washing quotes from trusted local tradespeople with Bark.

Why invest in driveway cleaning?

driveway clean

A clean driveway is more than just an aesthetically pleasing sight. It reduces the risk of slip-and-fall accidents, prevents the growth of algae and moss, and can even help you save money in the long run by avoiding costly replacement and repairs. As with any aspect of home maintenance, a proactive approach with regular driveway cleaning can add years to its life.

How your driveway will be cleaned with a pressure washer

Driveway cleaning is a meticulous task that involves deep-cleaning the surface to remove dirt, grime, oil stains, and environmental pollutants. The most efficient method for this is pressure washing (sometimes referred to as power washing or jet cleaning). Here’s a look at the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Prep the area

Before any water is sprayed, the driveway must be cleared of all items including vehicles, toys, and debris. Any large deposits of soil or mud should be manually removed, allowing for an even clean.

Step 2: Apply a cleaning solution (optional)

A cleaning solution, which can vary from detergent to a mix of household items, may be applied to the driveway surface to help break down tough stains. Environmentally friendly options are often available.

Step 3: Pressure washing

The pressure washing begins at this stage, with the professional starting from one end and working their way to the other in a consistent pattern to ensure uniform cleaning.

Step 4: Final check

After the driveway has been pressure washed, a final rinse is usually done to remove any residual cleaning solution and any areas that may need a spot treatment are noted for further attention.

How long will that take?

The amount of time it takes to clean your driveway with pressure washing depends mainly on one thing - how big your driveway is. This table shows the average amount of time your professional pressure washer will need to get your driveway looking as good as new.

Time taken to pressure wash a driveway
Driveway sizeHow long it takesAverage UK cost
Small (1-2 cars)3-5 hours£210
Medium (3-5 cars)5-7 hours£300
Large (5-8+ cars)7-9+ hours£420+

So, how much does pressure washing a driveway cost in 2024?

driveway clean

The average cost to power wash a driveway in the UK is between £1.50 to £3 per square metre. However, this doesn't necessarily include things like your cleaner's minimum charge. the time and resources spent prepping the driveway, material costs, and other additions such as 'sealing' the driveway afterwards. Once all of those costs are factored in, for an medium-sized driveway at 50 square metres, you can expect to pay between £180 and £350 with an average of £300.

Remember, the price can vary depending on the professional company, the region, and the specific requirements of your driveway. You might also be able to bundle your driveway cleaning with other pressure washing tasks, such as pressure washing the exterior of your home, in order to save time and money.

Pressure washing prices by region

The cost of pressure washing a driveway can fluctuate significantly from region to region, as the price is often reflective of local demand, business overhead, and the average income of that area.

Keep in mind that the cost of pressure washing your driveway can vary depending on where you live. For example, if you're pressure washing your driveway in London, it will be £30-£40 more expensive compared to more northerly locations.

  • London and the Southeast

    The most expensive area to have your driveway cleaned, with costs ranging from £2.50 to £4 per square metre.

  • The Midlands and North England

    Prices are slightly more affordable, averaging between £1.80 and £3.

  • Scotland and Northern Ireland

    On the lower end of the price scale, the average cost falls between £1.50 and £2.50 per square metre.

Factors that influence your driveway cleaning quote

driveway clean

Understanding the factors influencing power wash pricing can help you budget for your driveway cleaning and manage your expectations.

Driveway size

Naturally, the larger the driveway, the more time and resources are required, which in turn increases the cost. Your professional driveway cleaner will probably use this to decide how much your project will cost.

Current condition

If your driveway is heavily soiled, covered in moss, or has stubborn oil stains, it will require more time and sometimes special treatments, resulting in a higher cost.

Additional features

Driveways with intricate designs, multiple levels, or those with surrounding terrain that hinders access can escalate the price due to the additional labour involved.


Large urban areas such as London, those with fewer professionals and therefore less competition, or places with a higher cost of living, will have higher costs in general. Expect to see this in the price of your driveway clean.

Additional costs to factor in

The initial price isn't always the final price. There are additional costs that may apply, such as the cost of any cleaning solutions used, the need for sealing or repairs, or any extras like applying weed killer. These can add anywhere from £20 up to £100 to the total bill.

If you're thinking of bundling your packages and pressure washing multiple items, our comprehensive guide to the different costs of pressure washing can help.

Can you clean your driveway yourself... and should you?

driveway clean

The DIY approach seems cost-effective, but it comes with its own set of drawbacks. Renting a pressure washer can cost around £40 to £100 per day, not including the cost of detergents or any repairs if the equipment is damaged or not used correctly. There's also a matter of expertise—professionals know how to handle the powerful equipment safely and effectively.

How to find a professional driveway cleaner near you

To connect with professional driveway pressure washing services within your vicinity, you can use platforms like Bark. By using Bark, you can quickly and conveniently receive quotes from multiple local pressure washing professionals, allowing you to compare services and prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I pressure wash my driveway multiple times a year?

Yes, you can. In fact, doing so can prolong the life of your driveway and maintain its cleanliness over time, especially if your driveway experiences heavy traffic or is prone to staining. But be aware that over-aggressive washing can also harm it, depending on its surface; for this reason, it's best to seek the advice of a pressure washing professional.

Q: Will pressure washing harm my driveway surface?

When done correctly, pressure washing should not harm your driveway. However, if the pressure is too high or if the professional is inexperienced, it is possible to damage the surface, which is why it is important to hire a reputable service.

Q: How often should I get my driveway pressure washed?

This depends on factors such as your location, the weather, and how much use your driveway gets. Generally, a bi-annual cleaning should be sufficient, but some driveways may require more frequent cleaning.

Q: Does the weather affect the pressure washing schedule?

Ideally, pressure washing should not be done in extreme heat or cold, as this can affect the cleaning effectiveness and possibly damage the surface. A mild, sunny day is the best option.

The lowdown on driveway cleaning

driveway clean

Driveway cleaning is not just about appearances; it's about the health and longevity of your property. By understanding the costs and processes involved, you can make an informed decision that will keep your driveway—and by extension, your home—in top condition for years to come. Whether you opt for professional services or decide to take on the cleaning yourself, a well-kept driveway is a sound investment in your home’s future.

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